N.O.M.A. Meeting Minutes for
August 4, 2016
On the above date at 6:03 PM the New Oxford Municipal Authority met with Chairman John Spalding presiding. Authority Board members present were Vice Chairman Stan Wannop, Secretary Tom Olshanski, and Personnel Guillermo Bosch. Also in attendance were Walter Tilley with Stock & Leader, Bill Hill from Wm. F. Hill & Assoc. Engineering, Tom Beamer, NOMA Facilities Manager, Adam Winters, NOMA Asst. Facilities Manager and Amber Gearhart, Project Asst. /Asst. Secretary. The position of Treasurer is vacant at this time. Visitors present: Burnell Laughman, Lynn & Marjorie Smith, Mike Pieper, Laramie Hughes, Mr. & Mrs. Prozo, Eurith Long-Emerson, all residents of New Oxford, as well as Kevin Moul with United Hook & Ladder, and Teena Curnow with Smith, Elliott, Kearns, and Company.
Eurith Long-Emerson and her husband Brad are Oxford Township resident that was before the Board in regards to the Capacity Agreement that she and her husband entered into with Oxford Township for properties located at 31 and 37 Black Lane. The agreement with Oxford Township was for five years and has since expired in April of 2016. The discussion of capacity fees was discussed and some options were discussed. The Board will further discuss this issue later in the meeting. Tom will send them a letter with the decision.
Mr. & Mrs. Prozo own property in Oxford Township. They also entered into a Capacity Agreement with Oxford Township for the property located at 103 Black Lane. This agreement has expired in April of 2016. After the previous conversation, they have opted to pay the capacity fee. Tom will meet with them to discuss the payment of the capacity fee.
Kevin Moul is representing United Hook & Ladder in regards to renovations of the social hall. They have added a second floor with bedrooms and bathroom with shower. Since the merger of the fire departments, they have eliminated the majority of their fundraisers. Therefore, the water and sewer usage will be decreasing. EDU are based on the peak demand. The Board will further discuss this issue later in the meeting.
Laramie Hughes, Burnell Laughman, Lynn & Marjorie Smith, and Mike Pieper are residents around the Oxen Country Meadows Well that have wells that have wells that have been affected by the use of the OCMW. The SRBC is requiring NOMA to have a mitigation agreement with Burnell Laughman and Lynn & Majorie Smith due to the wells that maybe “adversely impacted” by the use of the OCMW. According to the tests that have been completed, Laramie Hughes and Mike Pieper’s wells did not have significant impact from the well testing. Laramie Hughes has received a letter from NOMA stating that if his well is adversely impact, NOMA would have an obligation to correct the issue to satisfaction of both parties. The Board has agreed to issue the same obligation to Mike Pieper.
The 2015 Financial Audit was presented by Teena Curnow, account, with Smith, Elliott, Kearns, and Company.
On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Bosch, the Board unanimously approved the minutes of the May 24, 2016.
On a motion by Wannop, seconded by Olshanski, the Board ratified payment of the following expenditures: May 16th thru July 15th, in the amount of $578,902.40.
Old Business
Miller Chemical Update – A general update was given by Tom.
Borough Business (MS4) – A general update was given by Adam and Wannop. Oxford Township may be interested in NOMA handling the MS4 for them.
Hamilton Township – There is a lot of information to be discussed and Tom would like to schedule a workshop. Hamilton Township just wants to be released from Berwick Township. A workshop is to schedule a workshop.
EBAJA – EBAJA has withdrawn their bid proposal. After further discussions, Tom asked if NOMA should send an inquiry letter.
Record Retention Resolution – On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Olshanski, the Board unanimously approved to adopt Resolution 2016-3 as presented at this meeting regarding the Record Retention Policy of NOMA.
Consulting Proposal – The topic was discussed. The matter is tabled for future consideration.
New Business
ACH Debit Fees Resolution – On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to adopt Resolution 2016-2 amending Sections 7.2 and 7.3 of the water and sewer service rules and regulations of NOMA in regard to charging an ACH debit fee.
Retirement Plan Resolution – On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to adopt Resolution 2016-4 as presented to the Board amending the 457 Plan and Trust effective January 1, 2016.
USDA Funding – On a motion by Wannop, seconded by Olshanski, the Board unanimously agreed to move forward with the USDA grant funding for the Dam project.
September 27, 2016 Scheduled Board Meeting – Bosch would like to reschedule the meeting until either September 22nd or October 4th @ 6:30 PM. Amber will coordinate rescheduling the meeting.
Vacant Board Position (Treasurer) – On a motion by Wannop, seconded by Bosch, the Board unanimously nominated Jim Eisenhart to the NOMA Board to finish out Al Gallo’s term as Treasurer.
Fire Company – The topic was discussed. On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously agreed to waive the capacity fee and begin to bill the property owners one (1) EDU for water and sewer due to the AREMS operations.
Facilities Manager Report
Reviewed and unanimously approved by the Board on a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, was the report submitted by Tom Beamer, Facilities Manager.
Inspector – Cecil Showers, NOMA inspector, passed away in July. Since then NOMA has been using an inspector from Wm. F. Hill’s Office.
Water Tower Property – The resident that was interested in purchasing property from NOMA, turned down the option to lease the property from NOMA. He is not interested in leasing the property.
Delinquent Accounts – A list of the delinquent accounts was presented.
On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Bosch, the Board unanimously approved to enter into Executive Session at 8:40 PM to discuss staffing issues.
On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to exit Executive Session at 8:46 PM.
Send Out (High Service) Pump Project – The permit has yet to be approved by DEP. NOMA has been waiting approximately 18 months for approval.
Lab Excellence Award – NOMA and Adam received the Lab Excellence Award for the second time. Trent does the majority of the lab work at the sewer plant.
Industrial Pretreatment Program – Moving forward with an EPA approved program with GHD. NOMA will be sending out survey forms to all pertinent customers next week.
Dam Project – The Engineer Agreement submitted by Schnabel was discussed. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously agreed to approve the Engineering Agreement between owner and engineer for services for the Dam project pending solicitors review and approval and pending a call to Schnabel confirming that the changes will be acceptable to the USDA.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Violations – The I&I letter was reviewed and discussed if we should send the letter to DEP. It was decided not to send the letter unless DEP asks for it.
Grit Removal Replacement Project – The design was finalized to install the unit in the Separator Building. There is no permit required for this project.
Morton Building Expansion – This project would increase the size of the current building to accommodate the supplies from the garage so that the garage can be used to house the plant trucks. NOMA received a bid from Morton Building in the amount of approximately $18,300 to complete the addition (30’ x 24”). On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Bosch, the Board unanimously approved to accept the bid from Morton Building in the amount of $18,873 to complete the expansion.
WWTP Building Expansion – Adam received some bids from local contractors, however, the project must be bid out in accordance with the state wage scale. There are currently only two contractors interested in the project and the pricing is not realistic. NOMA is currently looking for alternatives. The bid opening is scheduled for August 25th.
Plainville Farms – The water line extension on Orange Street is currently on hold until the permit is approved by DEP. The sewer line improvements are still in the process. Plainville Farms has all the water and sewer agreements and is pending approval and acceptance of the agreements. Currently there is an issue at the sewer plant were the DO (dissolved oxygen) is flat lining. This issue is caused by the dumping of the cooler water. Tom stated that there has been some difficulty with the WWTP and asked Adam if all the lab results were within the parameters and Adam stated there were no violations. Extra sampling is being completed to work on resolving the situation. Peter Ruth is working on researching the issue of Plainville Farms hauling sewer waste from the facility. Peter is reviewing the Rules and Regulations on how to handle the situation for the new agreements. TimBar is hauling septic waste as well and are on verbal notice to stop.
Sokolovich – The letter was included for the Board’s information as to the response to the issue. NOMA has not received a response from the customer.
Easy Procurement Card – NOMA received a $2,492.35 rebate check for 2016.
Vacant Board Position – Letter received for future consideration if necessary.
Muni-Link Program – An example was presented were the program is not being utilized properly. This is an example of where an alarm could be set to prevent this from happening.
William F. Hill & Assoc. Report
Act 57 Fees – These were adopted on May 24, 2016. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to adopt Resolution 2016-5 outlining the Act 57 fees as presented by the engineer.
Screening Project – This can be acquired through CoStar for $94,325 and installed by PSI for $9,950. On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved to proceed with the screening project pending solicitor review and approval.
Oxford Glen – The deed of dedication was sent back to JA Myers with correction.
OCMW – The permit is set to expire on February 24, 2017. NOMA may need to get a permit extension.
Rules & Regulations – On a motion by Wannop, seconded by Olshanski, the Board unanimously approved the changes to the Rules & Regulations as presented by the Engineer in the memo dated August 2, 2016.
Misty Creek – PSI has not submitted an invoice yet for the Route 30 improvements and some of the pricing is still in negotiation. On a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the payment pending the solicitor’s approval.
Water Line Replacement (North Side) – Bid opening was July 19, 2016. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously accepted the bid from Delaware Valley Utilities Contractors in the amount of $72,497 for the Route 30 water line replacement on the North Side.
Rt. 30 (North side) Easement – Nine easements were filed today at the Adams County Court house costing $486.
Rt. 30 Boring – Final payment for $18,075.47 for the 5% retainage is due. On a motion by Bosch, seconded by Wannop, the Board unanimously approved the final payment to L&N Zimmerman Excavating in the amount of $18,075.47 for the Route 30 boring.
Solicitor’s Report
There is no other information to present or discuss that wasn’t already discussed during the meeting.
Other Business
No other information to present.
With no further business to be brought before the Board, on a motion by Olshanski, seconded by Bosch, the Board unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 9:27 PM.
Reminder of the next Authority meeting will be scheduled.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amber K. Gearhart
Asst. Secretary/Project Assistant