Feminist Theories
- Tong,Feminist Theories
- Mill and Mill, Rossi, ed.,Essays on Sex Equality
- Mill,The Subjection of Women(Links to an external site.),(Links to an external site.)1869
- Mill,Enfranchisement of Women, 1851
- hooks,Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center
- additional texts as assigned
- You might find helpful:Resources for Readers
Learning Goals: Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
- summarize the major characteristics of several feminist theories,
- explain the historical context for each of these theories, and
- apply the theories studied to issues, events, and artifacts.
Activities in support of learning
- Two Oral Presentations on primary texts (10 points each).
- Presentation should include:
- a handout to be distributed to class members (summary statements, citations of sources)
- a 5 minute oral presentation
- responses to questions
- One Oral Presentation applying a feminist theory to:
- the news
- fairy tales
- literature
- advertisements
- YouTube, orfilm.(10 points each)
- Presentation should include:
- include a handout to be distributed to class members (summary statements, citations of sources)
- a 5 minute oral presentation
- responses to questions
Oral Presentation Evaluation
- Clarity of presentation ( including handout summarizing text(s) and providing relevant information to class members)
- Delivery: Was the speaker natural, enthusiastic; did they speak clearly; were appropriate gestures, posture, expressions used?
- Discussion: Were questions answered accurately
- One 4-page paper (20 points) - in response toEssays on Sex Equality
- Two 4-page papers (20 points each) -- in response to questions about each of two feminist theories.
Formal Paper Evaluation
An “A” paper will contain at least the following elements:
- demonstration of clear understanding of the course material covered in the paper
- a clearly articulated thesis statement that directly addresses the specific question you are answering
- convincing supporting arguments, including textual support
- demonstration of independent/original thought
- effective organization
- near-perfect mechanics, including spelling and punctuation
Sources may be cited using the in-text, or parenthetical citation style, e.g. (Tong, p.112). A bibliography is not necessary unless you utilize material not assigned in the syllabus
- Classparticipation statement(20 points) --Please note that classparticipationrequires not only attending class, but attending class prepared to participate in discussions on the material assigned for each day and then actually participating in those discussions. Feminist theory, as we shall see throughout the semester, is participatory. Students will assess their participation this semester in short written statement--which includes description of their work in class and outside of class about feminist theories.
Grading scale:
93 - 100% = A; 90 - 92% = A-
87 - 89% = B+; 83 - 86% = B; 80 - 82% = B-
77 - 79% = C+; 73 - 76% = C; 70 - 72% = C-
67 - 69% = D+; 63 - 66% = D; 60 - 62% = D-
0 - 59% = E