HCTP Topic Group – 13 March 2009Item 3
13 MARCH 2009
Report of the Director of Children, Schools and Families
Author:Andrew Wellington
Head of Children’s Trust Arrangements
Telephone 01992 555744
1.Purpose of the report
To present for information and comment a progress update since the report presented to HCC Cabinet on 20 October 2008 on:
- the new Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership (HCTP) arrangements for stakeholder engagement, set out in section 3
- therevised HCTP governance and accountability arrangements, (outlined in section 4 and attached at Appendix 1)
- the proposed new statutory arrangements for Children's Trusts included in the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, introduced in the House of Commons on 4 February 2009 (set out in section 5)
2.1The Children Act 2004 requires Children’s services authorities (CSAs - top-tier local authorities in counties) and their ‘relevant partners’ to co-operate to improve children’s wellbeing. The establishment of a framework for governance and accountability to do this is one of the statutory requirements arising from the Act. The HCTP governance and accountability arrangements were originally agreed by HCC Cabinet in November 2005, and revised arrangements were approved on 20 October 2008. This report provides an update on progress since October. The Cabinet report has been presented as evidence to this Scrutiny Topic group and this report should be read in conjunction with it. The revised HCTP governance and accountability arrangements as agreed in October are attached as an appendix to that report.
3.Stakeholder Engagement
3.1The October 2008 Cabinet report included information about the new HCTP arrangements for stakeholder engagement. Following this, the new HCTP Strategic Stakeholder Group held its first all-day event on 6 November 2008. This event looked at the role and responsibilities of the Strategic Stakeholder Group (SSG) and explored how all partners could champion better outcomes for Children and Young People. There was a discussion about the CYPP (Children and Young People’s Plan) priorities for 2009-11, and a facilitated session on the “golden thread” that should run from the CYPP through to all partner agencies’ plans for children and young people. Finally, focussed workshops looked at three particular priorities in the CYPP.
3.2The inaugural SSG eventwas very successful. However, some members felt that it was difficult to cover the whole agenda in one day, and also that there was a very long gap before the next meeting of the Strategic Stakeholder Group, which we had originally planned for Summer 2009. Consequently, it was decided to hold an additional SSG event in February 2009, to focus on the consultation draft of the CYPP for 2009-11. Workshops were held on nearly all the CYPP priorities and SSG members were able to opt for three workshops each, depending on their interests. At this event it was agreed that SSG would be held three times a year in future:
- A Summer event (June or July) to look at the end of year performance report for 2008-09, and do early “blue-sky” thinking about priorities for 2010-11
- An Autumn event (October or November) to look at the half-year performance report for 2009-10
- A Winter event (January or February) to look at the consultation draft of the CYPP “refresh” for 2010-11
3.3To support the engagement of the voluntary and community sector in the implementation of the Every Child Matters programme and the HCTP agenda, Hertfordshire have been one of the regional pilots for the VCS Engage programme. This programme was commenced at an event held in February 2008, with a follow-up event in November. Both these events were very successful and it was agreed that one will be held every year, with the next one provisionally planned for October 2009.Similarly, the Partnership Conference held in June 2008 engaged headteachers from right across the county, and another conference is planned for Summer 2009.
3.4The HCTP Youth Board which was launched in Autumn 2007 continues to go from strength to strength. They had extensive input into the design and launch of “channelmogo”, the web-based youth portal that was launched in Autumn 2008. Representatives from the Youth Board attended the first SSG meeting in November and gave very valuable input, including a contribution to the summing up. Youth Board members also attended the SSG event in February and opted to have their own workshop at the event, looking at the CYPP as a whole.
3.5HCTP parent and carer engagement is less well-developed. There are a number of parent support networks across the county and we are currently exploring the possibility of bringing representatives together in a countywide forum. This could work in a similar way to the Youth Board, which brings together youth advocate representatives from across the county. More detailed proposals are being developed to be considered by the HCTP Executive in the Spring. Currently, SSG only has two parent representatives but it has been agreed in principle that there could be six representatives, to be chosen by the proposed countywide forum. This would give parents and carers the same level of representation as the young people, and the voluntary and community sector.
3.6SSG members also fed back that Children’s Centres and the Early Years provider sector were not represented. Initial discussions have been held and it transpires that this sector already has a countywide umbrella forum, so they will be formally approached to nominate representatives to SSG in time for the next event.
4.HCTP Governance and Accountability Arrangements
4.1The October 2008 Cabinet report explained that accountability functions previously held by HCTP Board had been taken on by the HCTP Executive, and that the Lead Member for Children’s Services had joined the Executive, to enable her to continue to exercise her statutory accountabilities.
4.2Since then there have been a few further changes to the HCTP Governance and Accountability Arrangements. These changes are shown in italics in the document “HCTP Governance and Accountability Arrangements 2009”, attached as Appendix 1 to this report.
4.3The main changeis to section 8 on District Children’s Trust Partnerships (DCTPs). Previously DCTPs had a joint accountability to HCTP and to their District Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). As part of the process of streamlining HCTP processes, it was agreed that DCTPs will have a single line of accountability to their LSP, for delivery of the children’s part of each District’s Sustainable Community Plan, having regard to the Hertfordshire CYPP and the Local Area Agreement (LAA). Accountability for the Integrated Practice agenda and oversight of the district-based Multi-Agency Support Teams (MASTs)has remained with HCTP, with accountability being held on behalf of the HCTP Executive by the Outcome Lead for Integrated Practice, Alan Dinning (CSF Deputy Director – Integrated Children’s Services). However, DCTPs will continue to maintain strong reporting and performance management links with their MASTs. In addition, DCTPs retain their close working links with HCTP through each of the Chairs’ individual membership of the Strategic Stakeholder Group, and through the county-wide DCTP Chairs Group. This group is chaired by the HCTP Outcome Lead for District Partnerships, Steven Halls (Chief Executive, Three Rivers District Council).
5.Statutory Changes
5.1HCTP has a legal basis under section 10 of the Children Act 2004 (the duty to co-operate to promote the wellbeing of children) but it is not currently a legal entity. The October 2008 Cabinet report drew Members’ attention to the fact that, during Summer 2008,DCSF had been consulting on new legislative requirements for children’s trusts, including proposals to put Children’s Trusts on a statutory footing.
5.2The new statutory arrangements for Children's Trusts are included in Part 9 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, which was introduced in the House of Commons on 4 February 2009. As expected, the Bill will strengthen Children’s Trusts by putting Children’s Trusts on a statutory footing. The Bill will also extend the existing duty to cooperate to promote children’s well-being to include all maintained schools, Academies, SixthFormColleges, Further Education colleges and Jobcentre Plus. The chairs of all the Hertfordshire schools forums are already represented on SSG, which also has a Principal representative nominated by the Hertfordshire Federation of Colleges. In addition, the Executive now has two headteacher leads, for secondary and primary schools, whose role is to ensure strong links between HCTP and schools' specific role to improve educational standards and promote pupil well-being. This development is shown in italics at the bottom of section 5 (of the Governance and Accountability Arrangements 2009) in Appendix 1, on Membership.
5.3The Bill will also place a duty on the statutory Children’s Trust to prepare, publish and monitor a strategic Children and Young People’s Plan. Although this responsibility currently lies with the County Council as the Children’s Services Authority, in practice all the preparation and monitoring work has been co-ordinated by HCTP since the CYPP was first inaugurated in 2006.
5.4DCSF have advised us that they will not get Royal Assent on the Bill before Autumn 2009, and the provisions of the Bill will not be commenced until some time after that.Depending upon the progress of the Bill, and any additional requirements which may be added through regulation, any necessary further changes will be madeto the HCTP Governance and Accountability Arrangements before the legislation is implemented.
DRAFT 27.02.09
Changes since October 2008 in italicsAppendix 1
1.Children’s Trust Arrangements
Children’s Trust arrangements provide an interagency framework for the delivery of improved outcomes for children, and not necessarily a single organisation containing some or all children’s services. Children’s Trust arrangements have four essential components:
- strong inter-agency governance arrangements, in which shared ownership is coupled with clear accountability
- a planning and commissioning framework which brings together agencies’ planning supported as appropriate by the pooling of resources, and ensures key priorities are identified and addressed
- common processes which are designed to create and underpin joint working
- professionals enabled and encouraged to work together in more integrated front-line services, built around the needs of children and young people.
2.Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership
2.1 The development of children’s trust arrangements in Hertfordshire is led by the Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership (HCTP) Executive which is responsible for interagency cooperation to deliver children’s trust arrangements in Hertfordshire. The HCTP Executive is supported by a framework of sub-groups which take forward different aspects of the programme. Collectively, the HCTP Executive and its supporting framework are designated as the Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership.
2.2 Although HCTP has a legal basis under section 10 of the Children Act 2004 (the duty to co-operate to promote the wellbeing of children), it is not in itself a legal entity.
3.Purpose of Children’s Trust Partnership
The main purpose of HCTP is to ensure that agencies work together effectively to ensure better outcomes and life experiences for children and young people aged 0 -19 in Hertfordshire.
4.Purpose and Responsibilities of the Children’s Trust Partnership Executive
The purpose of the HCTP Executive is to set the overall strategic direction and priorities for multi-agency children’s services in Hertfordshire, and to drive forward the business of the Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership (HCTP).
In addition, it has the following specific responsibilities:
- To act as the governing board for the Children’s Trust Partnership and interagency cooperation arrangements in Hertfordshire and to approve the governance and accountability arrangements for HCTP.
- In the context of national policy drivers and feedback from external review and inspection, to set the overall strategic policy direction for inter-agency working and planning.
- To act as “children’s champions” by engaging partner organisations and local communities in the promotion of better outcomes and better life experiences for children and young people aged 0 -19 in Hertfordshire (and for transition arrangements up to the age of 25 for care leavers, and young people with learning difficulties).
- To agree the priorities for inter-agency children’s services development and the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) and ensure its implementation.
- To ensure that the executive bodies or governing boards of all partner agencies are aware of their statutory duties under the Children Act for improving outcomes for children and to hold agencies accountable for their contribution to delivering the Children and Young People’s Plan and the Every Child Matters programme
- To ensure the participation, consultation and involvement of children and young people in the work of HCTP through the Youth Board and other HCTP children and youth engagement and governance arrangements
- To ensure the participation, consultation and involvement of parents, families and carers in the work of HCTP
- To co-ordinate the work of the countyChildren’s Trust Partnership and the local District Children’s Trust Partnerships and to ensure that district priorities are considered as part of the overall planning process.
- To ensure that services are delivered according to identified need
- To ensure that services are efficient and effective in achieving better outcomes for children.
- To be the lead commissioning body for the Partnership and to approve and implement commissioning plans and joint financial arrangements across HCTP including the deployment of pooled budgets and jointly commissioned services
- To ensure that all partners adhere to minimum commissioning standards that keep children safe and promote equality and social inclusion
- To monitor performance relating to outcomes for children.
- To ensure the delivery of key interagency priorities through the support for relevant task and finish groups or specific project plans.
- To ensure that services are focussed on those most in need and that services respect diversity and are accessible to all.
- To ensure that the work of HCTP is fully integrated with the work of the Herts Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) and that agencies are taking the required measures to safeguard children and young people and improve their wellbeing
- To lead on the Children and Young People block of the Local Area Agreement and on objectives for children and young people in the Sustainable Community Strategy 2021, on behalf of the countyLocal Strategic Partnership
- To ensure that all partner agencies adhere to minimum workforce standards and the core competencies framework across children’s services
5.Membership of the Children’s Trust Partnership Executive
Chair: The Director of Children’s Services
The group consists of the statutory Lead Member for Children’s Services plus senior officers from across the partnership responsible for driving forward the following outcomes or work strands:
- Being Healthy
- Staying Safe
- Enjoying and Achieving
- Making a Positive Contribution
- Achieving Economic Well-being.
- Business Support/ Service Management
- Integrated Practice
- District Children’s Trust Partnerships
- Herts Safeguarding Children Board
- Links with the Crime and Disorder agenda
The group also has two headteacher leads, for secondary and primary schools, whose role is to ensure strong links between HCTP and schools' specific role to improve educational standards and promote pupil well-being.
6.1Decisions concerning partnership actions should be determined by consensus. Decisions taken by the HCTP Executive will apply to setting the overall strategic direction and integrated policy of HCTP, such as the development of the Children and Young People’s Plan. Decisions to commit resources to those actions rest with the boards and executives of the constituent agencies. Agency and sector representatives on the HCTP Executive should take steps to ensure that they:
- communicate proposals to their own agency and to constituent organisations within their sector (where they are representing agencies from the sector in addition to their own)
- secure a mandate to make decisions about partnership activities on behalf of their agency and sector
- use their best endeavours to ensure that contributions agreed by individual agencies towards partnership actions are implemented
7.Performance Monitoring and Scrutiny
7.1The HCTP Executive will receive regular performance monitoring reports on the implementation of the CYPP and other key children’s services policies and initiatives and will ensure that corrective action is taken when needed.
7.2The HCTP Strategic Stakeholder Group will meet three times a year to assist in the setting of strategic priorities for the Children and Young People’s Plan and to monitor the work of HCTP, challenging performance if necessary.
7.3Scrutiny of children’s trust arrangements, including the work of the Children’s Trust Partnership, will be carried out by the County Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which will receive the HCTP Annual Report.
7.4All partner agency boards will receive minutes of HCTP Executive meetings and will be provided with a copy of the HCTP Annual Report.
8.District Children’s Trust Partnerships
8.1Responsibility for the taking forward priorities for children and young peopleat District level, including the development and implementation of District Children and Young People’s Plans,is exercised through the District Children’s Trust Partnerships (DCTPs). They have their own governance and accountability framework, which corresponds to the HCTP arrangements.
8.2DCTPs are each accountable to the Local Strategic Partnership for their District. They work closely with the Hertfordshire Children’s Trust Partnership and link in to HCTP through the DCTP Chairs’ membership of the HCTP Strategic Stakeholder Group.