YEAR STARTED: February 2014
This individual education plan will be implemented within the school year based on measurable data obtained from the child’s performance in the classroom.
Child’s Name:
ERN Enrolment No:
Date of Birth:
Parents’/Guardian Information
Phone No:
Status of IEP
Initial IEP
Annual Review
Other than Annual Review
Funding Support Information
Primary Diagnosis: IN2 Intellectual Disability
Secondary Diagnosis (If applicable):Pervasive Developmental Disorder and ADHD
IEP Start Date: February 2014
IEP Conclusion/Review Date: December 2014
Additional Information:
????? is currently funded at $?????? per term for assistance with School Learning Support Officers.
Special Instruction effecting IEP
Does the student display behaviour which impedes his/her learning? YES NO
Does the student require ESL support? YES NO
Does the student have a medical concern impacting on their learning? YES NO
Does the student have communication needs (hearing impaired) YES NO
Student Profile
????? has a moderate intellectual disability, speech delay and both receptive and expressive language difficulties. he / she has been diagnosed with ADHD and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. ????? displays extreme difficulty with understanding and following oral instructions and is unable to read written instructions. ???? is unable to maintain concentration for periods of time longer than 10 minutes and during this time ???? needs to be constantly reminded of what he / she is to be doing. ????? requires one on one instructions and constant supervision and monitoring to complete the simplest of tasks. He /she has fine motor difficulties, behavioural difficulties and a tendency to become withdrawn, exhausted and discouraged easily. ????? social skills are limited and his /her interactions/conversations with his/her peers are almost non-existent. Due to his / her exceptionally limited attention span, ????? is unable to complete tasks unaided. In the classroom, he / she is non-compliant and displays hyperactive behaviour. He / she is unable to regulate his /her behaviour, sit still, remain settled and quiet. ????? is currently working at an early Stage One level.
Outside Influences effecting the students IEP
Has the School Counsellor’s Report been considered prior to starting this IEP? YES NO
Have outside agencies/ medical reports been considered? YES NO
Has diagnostic assessment been completed? YES NO
Have the results of NAPLAN testing if applicable been considered? YES NO N/A
Have results of grade based testing been considered? YES NO
????? was cognitively assessed on the WPPSI-III by the School Counsellor on 6 / 2 / 12. ????? overall ‘General Language Composite’ (GLC) score was well down into the extremely low range, above only 1 in 100 children his age (GLC test age = 3:7 i.e. approx. 2 ¾ years delay). This represents an unusually large drop of 17 points since his previous assessment 12 months earlier. On this occasion ?????? ‘Full Scale’ IQ was found to lie in the ‘ Extremely Low ’range, and above only about 1 out of 1000 children his age. Thus ????? would appear to be functioning in the ‘Moderate (rather than Mild) Intellectual Disability’ (or ‘IO’) range.
SLSO Support
Teacher’s Aide: John Smith
Hours/Per Week: 14
Area of Focus: Class work
Specialised Programs: English & Mathematics
Daily Classroom Practice
Grade Appropriate Grade Appropriate with Accommodation Modified
Literacy (English) / Numeracy (Mathematics)Strand / Initial (Assess) / Final (Assess) / Strand / Initial (Assess) / Final (Assess)
Talking & Listening / Number /
Reading / Patterns & Algebra
Writing / Measurement & Data
Spelling / Space & Geometry
Literacy Priorities/Targets / Numeracy Priorities/Targets
· To read instructional Level 3 while pointing to words
· To identify and write single sounds
· To dictate a simple sentence, copy and illustrate / · To read, write, sequence and count numbers to 30
· Groups and shares collections of objects equally
· Combines groups to model addition.
· Names days of the week
Social/Emotional/Behavioural Priorities/Targets
· Increase attentive listening and time on task
· To play sensibly in the playground and not hurt others
Student completes the grade based testing. YES YES (With Acc) NO
Student completed NAPLAN testing (if Applicable) YES YES (With Acc) NO
Student requires individualised report. YES NO
Child’s Name:
Specific Learning Outcome / Focus Area Linked to the Curriculum / Intervention plan, curriculum adaptations, teaching strategies, resources, personnel / Assessment, Monitoring & evaluation strategies / Time FrameIdentify images that begin with the same sound
Identify single sounds with visual aides
Identify and pronounce high frequency words
Read level 2 text with fingers pointing to each words
Respond verbally to comprehension questions relating to text read
Identify given words in text read
To dictate a simple sentence, copy and illustrate / RES1.6
Demonstrates developing reading skills and strategies for reading books, dealing with print and comprehending texts.
Begins to use letters to represent known words when spelling
Engages in writing texts with the intention of conveying an idea or message / · Individual guided reading program - one to one instruction with School Learning Support Officer
· Daily reading with teacher’s aide to increase fluency and phrasing – 3 book drop.
· Daily sight word vocabulary instruction and revision with School Learning Support Officer
· Daily rotational flash cards showing days of the week, months and seasons.
· Using flash cards, ?????? is to identify other images in the groups that start with the same sound advancing to being able to identify words that start with the same sound.
· Improve knowledge of single sounds and letters through LIPI 1 lessons with teacher’s aide using pictures and handwriting activities.
· Complete guided picture sorts using images from text read during 3 book drop.
· Teacher’s aide to read one Premiers Reading Challenge book per week to ??????. Discuss images/text. ????? dictates a sentence to teacher’s aide who scribes and ????? copies and illustrates.
· Cut and sequence words to reconstruct sentences with School Learning Support Officer
· Complete guided picture sorts of weekly spelling words with School Learning Support Officer / Observations
Running records
Anecdotal Records
Work Samples
Anecdotal Records
Work Samples / Term 2 Week 9
Term 4 Week 10
Term 4 Week 10
Child’s Name:
Specific Learning Outcome / Focus Area Linked to the Curriculum / Intervention plan, curriculum adaptations, teaching strategies, resources, personnel / Assessment, Monitoring & evaluation strategies / Time FrameNES1.1
Counts to 30, and orders, reads and represents numbers in the range 0 to 20
Combines, separates and compares collections of objects,
describes using everyday language and records using informal
Groups, shares and counts collections of objects, describes
using everyday language and records using informal methods
Sequences events and uses everyday language to describe the
duration of activities / · To read, write, sequence and count numbers to 20
· counting forwards to 30, from a given number
· counting backwards from a given number, in the range 0 to 20
· identifying the number before and after a given number
· counting with one-to-one correspondence
· reading and writing numbers to at least 20, including zero
· recognising a dot pattern instantly for numbers up to seven.
· representing numbers to at least 20 using numerals,
· words, symbols and objects (including fingers)
• combining two or more groups of objects to model
• separating and taking part of a group of objects away to
model subtraction
• comparing two groups of objects to determine ‘how many more’
• creating combinations for numbers to at least 10
eg ‘How many more make ten?’
• Groups and shares collections of objects equally
• using the term ‘group’ to describe a collection of objects
• using the term ‘sharing’ to describe the distribution of a collection of objects
• grouping and sharing using concrete materials
• modelling equal groups or equal rows
• recognising unequal groups or unequal rows
· Names days of the week
· recalling that there are seven days in a week
· naming and ordering the days of the week
· relating events to a particular day or time of day
· eg ‘Assembly is on Tuesday’, ‘We come to school in the morning.’
· classifying week-days and weekend days / · Daily counting forwards to 20, back from 10 using chart to follow with School Learning Support Officer
· Sequence numerals in order using cards in the form of games with School Learning Support Officer
· Identify numerals and before and after numbers with School Learning Support Officer
· Use interactive counting games on computer with School Learning Support Officer
· Working with School Learning Support Officer to sort and identify play money.
· Play interactive games involving money.
· Working with School Learning Support Officer, create a daily calendar displaying the day of the week, the month, season and weather.
· Recite days of the week and seasons with School Learning Support Officer
· Play time interactive games. / Observation
Anecdotal records
Work samples
SENA Assessment
Anecdotal records
Anecdotal records
Work Samples / Term 2 Week 10
Term 2 Week 10
Term 2 Week 10
Child’s Name:
Specific Learning Outcome / Focus Area Linked to the Curriculum / Intervention plan, curriculum adaptations, teaching strategies, resources, personnel / Assessment, Monitoring & evaluation strategies / Time FrameIncrease attentive listening and time on task / TES1.2
Demonstrates basic skills of classroom and group interaction, makes brief oral presentations and listens with reasonable attentiveness.
COES1.1 Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways
DMES1.2 Identifies some options available when making simple decisions / · Participate in simple listening activities following instructions with School Learning Support Officer
· Integrate a reward system to provide ????? with achievable steps to ensure more on task behaviour –????? has a sticker chart. He is given a sticker for effort shown. He is also allowed to have 5 minutes of quiet free play if he completes a set task.
· Sit away from known disruptive students on the floor. / Observation / Term 4 Week 10
A Behaviour Plan is required and attached. YES NO
A Risk Assessment is required and attached. YES NO
A Health Care Plan, Schedule of Events and Emergency Response YES NO
is required and attached.
Position / Name / SignatureParent
Classroom Teacher
LST Co-ordinator
School Counsellor
DET School Co-ordinator
Other Agency Representatives
Parents/Caregivers participated in the annual funding review meeting. YES NO
I understand & consent to my child’s “Individualised Learning Plan”. YES NO
I wish for my child to receive an individualised report after negotiation with the YES NO
DEC Annual Funding Review forms are completed and signed. YES NO
Forms are sent to outside agencies if required (e.g. Care South etc) YES NO
Parent Signature: ______