Taiwan-Japan International Conference on Magnetic Fluids 2017
Dec 14-Dec 16, 2017, Tainan, Taiwan
Preparation of your abstract for TJ-ICMF2017 (Only capitalize the first letter of the first word; Times New Roman, bold, 14 pt, single space , centered)
Chin-Hsiang Cheng1, Tian-Shiang Yang1, and Huei Chu Weng2* (Leave one line space after the title; Underline the presenting author; Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space, centered)
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan (Leave one line space after the authors' names; Times New Roman, Italic, 12 pt, single space, centered)
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan 32023, Taiwan
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-3-2654311; Email: (Times New Roman, Italic, 12 pt, single space, centered)
ABSTRACT A two-page abstract should include three major items: What the authors did, how the authors did it, and the important results the authors obtained, and should be prepared in the following format: (1) Use a sheet of A4 size paper. (2) Start the abstract leaving two line spaces after the corresponding author's contact information. (3) Use 12-point, single-space, Times New Roman font throughout the abstract. (4) Use fully (left and right) justified text. (5) Works cited examples: Good and Stromberg [1] investigated the effect …. Weng et al. [6] further conducted …. (6) Use one-inch (2.5-cm) margins on all four sides of each page.
Keywords: Magnetic nanofluids, particle interaction, particle concentration, Poiseuille flow and heat transfer, finite difference (Leave one line space after the abstract; Provide at least four keywords associated with the submitted paper; Only capitalize the first letter of the first word; Times New Roman, Italic, 12 pt, single space, left-justified)
1. Good, R. J. and Stromberg, R. R., 1979, Surface and colloid science, Plenum, New York. (For books)
2. Neumann, A. W., 1974, “Contact angles and their Temperature dependence: thermodynamic status, measurement interpretation and application,” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 4, 105–191. (For journal papers)
3. Tsai, T. Y., 2011, “Design and analysis of a power recorder,” Huei Chu Weng (Ed.), Thermal-Fluid and Energy Science Laboratory. (For technical reports)
4. Weng, H. C., 2006, Gas transport phenomena in microfluidic systems, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. (For Ph.D. dissertations)
5. Weng, H. C., 2006, Gas transport phenomena in microfluidic systems, M.S. thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. (For M.S. theses)
6. Weng, H. C., Chen, C. L., and Chen, C. K., 2009, “Mixed convection in the entrance region of a vertical microchannel,” the 33rd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Miaoli, Taiwan. (For conference papers)
7. Wang, S. M. and Liao, H. W., 2006, “C-type column structure,” US Utility Patent, No. 7086814. (For patents)
(Leave two line spaces after the keywords; Times New Roman, 12 pt, single space, fully (left and right) justified)
Table 1. Physical properties of magnetic fluids [1, 2]. (Leave at least one line space after the references; Times New Roman, 12 pt or smaller, single space, left-justified).
Parameters / A / B / C / D / EViscosity () () / 1.842 / 1.482 / 1.774 / 1.982 / 2.259
Density () () / 1.185 / 1.784 / 1.131 / 0.164 / 1.634
Figure 1. Possible approximations of the flow rate measurements obtained from the literature [3-5]. (Leave at least one line space after REFERENCES or Table; Times New Roman, 12 pt or smaller, single space, left-justified).