Please submit names of nominated individuals to Nomination Committee Chair, Tonis Kilp, via e-mail before theprogram meeting day on October 14, 2015. Nominations require thesubmission of a nomination petition signed by at least 10 Regular Members of ASQ and must be members of the Section, and submission of a brief resume of the candidate, justifying the candidacy.
Below is a brief description of each position that is now open for nominations. Each of these positions is for a one year term.
Chair Elect
Performs duties as directed by the Section Chair, in support of the organization’s mission and goals. This position succeeds to the position of Section Chair following the completion of the Chair Elect term.
For details, please see the position description document posted on the section website
Vice Chair
Performs duties as directed by the Chair in support of the organization’s mission and goals and as identified in the Section Quality Management / BusinessPlans for the year.This position does notautomatically succeed to the position of Chair or Chair Elect following the end of this term.
For details, please see the position description document posted on the section website
Documents business and maintain records. Serve as the official correspondent.
For details, please see the position description document posted on the section website.
Oversee funds. Maintain accurate financial records. Report on financial condition at times directed by the bylaws and policies and procedures.
For details, please see the position description document posted on the section website.
Use the attached Nomination form to file your nomination for any of the above positions.
The nomination along with the candidates resume is to reach the Nomination Committee Chair before the monthly program meeting date on October 14, 2015.
For more information, if required, please contact Tonis Kilp, Nominating Committee Chair, at
ASQ Toronto Nomination Petition Form
Nominations from the general membership with the signature of at least 10 regular members of the section should be submitted to the Nomination Committee Chair (Tonis Kilp @ .
Nominations are to reach the Nomination Committee Chair before the monthly program meeting date on October 14th, 2015.
Nominee Member Number:
Position being nominated:
Member Name / Member Number
*Regular Members are voting members of ASQ, and members of the section.
Please attach a brief resume of the candidatebeing nominated showing the special qualifications, and skills that would support the nomination.