Secretary RAFS-AA, OC AFCO Exeter

Tel: (01392) 492766 Mil:94348 Ext: 2754


See Distribution 21 Jun 13


Ctte Present / Apologies
AVM(Retd) P Colley / President / Sqn Ldr P Maskell / Vice Chairman & Diving Officer
Gp Capt (Retd) D Ray / Vice President / FS S Whiteman / Training Officer
Air Cdre R J C Powell / Chairman / Sqn Ldr N King / Exped & Special Projects Officer
Sqn Ldr T Edge / Membership Officer / Sgt M Osgood / Deputy Equipment Officer
Sgt L Forsythe / Deputy Training Officer / Sgt N Badham / Equipment Officer
Flt Lt J Raine / Secretary / Flt Lt M Lovesey / Treasurer
In Attendance
Sqn Ldr K Francis / OC RAF High Wycombe / Sgt M Figge / RAF Leeming
Flt Lt A Kershaw / RAF High Wycombe / Cpl A Dickinson / RAF Marham
SAC M Clements / RAF Waddington / SAC L Allen / RAF Marham
Wg Cdr A Deas / RAF Cranwell / F/Sgt S Porter / RAF Halton
Mr D Ball / RAF Halton / Mr P Lancaster / RAF High Wycombe
Flt Lt F Price / RAF High Wycombe
Agenda Item / Discussion / Decision / Action /
1 – Chairman’s Introductory Remarks / 1. The Chairman welcomed and thanked those attending for making the effort to attend the event and the meeting. The Chairman also stated that the meeting would be kept informal and be conducted as quickly as practical to allow personnel to return to units and others to complete de-kitting and preparation for the long return journey. / All
2 – President’s Introductory Remarks / 1. The President thanked everyone for making the effort in these busy and changing times.
2. The President thanked the Secretary and Deputy Equipment Officer for organising the event.
3. The President thanked the Chairman for the hard work done in keeping the Ascension Island facility going and that he requires continued support from all the cttee.
4. The President also would like to continue the efforts in the 5yr plan to recruit and train the younger generations to keep the activity going for the next generation. / All
3 - Minutes of Last meeting. / 1. The Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed by those present and were considered as a true record. It was noted that actions from the last AGM had either been completed or would be discussed by individual Cttee members as part of the agenda.
Proposer: Wg Cdr T Edge
Seconder: Flt Lt J Raine
The Minutes were accepted as a true record. / All
4 –Chairman’s Report / 1. The Chairman thanked the Secretary for arranging the event and meeting, he also thanked Deputy Training Officer for running the event and Sgt Figge for his support to the event. The Chairman recounted the previous combined AGM/Expedition events and noted that despite the best efforts of the Cttee that attendance was poor. It is still thought that this is a good way of conduction the event and that next year should be co-ordinated with the largest group of attendees and supporting units. The Chairman also thanked the effort made by those attending the event and meeting representing the following units:
High Wycombe,
The Chairman also thanked the High Wycombe & Halton Clubs for fully supporting the event with boats and equipment. The Secretary added his thanks to the club members who had worked hard to get the boats ready and the OICs for there assistance.
2. Stoney Cove Incident – A member of the Marham club (SAC C Robertson) was involved in an incident at Stoney Cove whilst on a private dive. Unfortunately it resulted in his death and is now the subject of a civilian inquest. The Chairman thanked those present from the Marham club for making the effort to go diving and attend the event. A minute silence was held in his SAC Robertson’s memory.
3. JSP917 – The Superintendant of Diving issued the JSP917 with effect from 1 Sep 12. There is continued work being carried out and an amendment is due soon.
a. Civilian Medicals – The Chairman explained that these are mandatory for those civilians
deemed essential to the activity and taking part. The amendment due will look to address the grey areas of ‘Duty Status’ whilst diving. Mr Dave Ball mentioned the following information as to the costs and locations of HSE medicals:
1. Rugby £60 + £20 for bloods
2. LDC £90
3. Southampton £90
Dr C Edge may be approached and is supporting RAFS-AA by giving the HSE medicals for the NIs from BSAC supporting our courses,
b. Life Vests – These are mandatory for boat movement and clubs can order through the supply chain both Life jackets and buoyancy aids. The decision as to which should be based on the type and conditions expected, e.g. due to the servicing, maintenance requirements and the large sea state/conditions Ascension Island uses the buoyancy aids, as does Gibraltar. Club should keep as per regulations the servicing details of the life vests.
c. BSADS – This scheme is still not giving increased numbers of supervisors as planned but
should be given a chance as it has only just been running for 12 months. DLs can apply and part of
the syllabus is the AD lectures, and clubs should encourage DL members to apply. Sgt Forsyth
(member of 2 clubs) raised an issue that she can supervise one at location x but cannot supervise another club at the same location? Mr D Ball suggested that a BSADS should be a member of
RAF Direst to allow covering diving in UK?
d. Bovisand – The OIC Lt Col (Retd) S Cox left at the end of 2012 and was presented a RAFS-AA
plaque along with thanks from the Chairman for his service. Currently Sgt Chad Wilkinson is
managing with Sgt Graham Crouch stepping up as chief instructor.
e. Turnchapel – The RM Logs area is closing and the Bovisand boat storage, and mooring area
will be lost along with this. In addition to this there is also the possibility of the JSSADC relocating from Fort Bovisand to Devonport Dockyard., Plymouth. As soon as any plans or information regarding these become available they
will be appropriately disseminated.
f. ESADS – Numbers are continuing to reduce there are now less than 100 in all three Services.
The Chairman reiterated the need for service personnel who are qualified to be put forward,
especially those with good lengths of service still to go. / All
Chairman to take to next JS meeting
5 – Ascension / 1. The Chairman presented the situation and then the ongoing & future work for the Ascension Island Centre. In addition to clearance to continue operations from the High Risk remote Presentation to the Tri-Service Cttee, the following bullet points explain the current situation:
a.  Buildings – These are not part of the Prime Contract for building maintenance for the South
Atlantic theatre and are currently being maintained on a self-help basis by the RAFS-AA Cttee. Current Stn Cdr is looking at getting them added back on the DIO asset register and supported at public expense.
b.  White Goods – New fridge freezers have been acquired and installed.
c. Other Improvements – A new projector and screen are in place for lectures. A mice
reduction programme has been successful and will continue. New seats and benches have been ordered and new signs have been installed.
c.  Transport – Currently there is no MT available and the vehicles are SIF and rental (Obsidian Hotel) increasing the cost of the expedition. A grant for a twin cab flat bed Landover was secured by RAFS-AA and is currently being sourced.
d.  Boats – A Central Grant of £24k was given and has purchased 2 x new boats and 2 x new engines. This has released the two worst boats for sale to return some funds to RAFS-AA and there is also a new floppy tender with the old one being for sale.
e.  Radio – A new VHF radio has been supplied.
f.  First Aid – A new ‘Pelicase’ for the larger O2 has been provided. Also a new metal/metal
diver recall device has been provided. An AED and ‘Pelicase’ is available from the medical centre
upon request by suitable qualified persons (proof reqd).
g.  Moorings – New temporary moorings are in place and a permanent solution is being
h.  Cylinders – A rolling programme of replacement of steel with aluminium cylinders is on going
to reduce the effects of corrosion and the associated servicing / test costs.
i.  Shots & Buoys – New shot lines and buoys have been supplied.
j.  Compressor – The Nitrox membrane compressor delivers up to 36% and is part of the
mitigation / risk for the continued diving on Ascension. Unfortunately, it is currently not serviceable and the possible solutions which include a potential £5k plus parts bill; or qualifying a volunteer
(SAC M Clements) in 12 months time. Post mtg note: the Nitrox compressor has been serviced and repaired by a Bauer engineer.
2. There was a thank you from Wg Cdr Angus Deas for the hard work and risk taken in keeping Ascension Island going as it is an important Tri-Service AT asset, and that if money was required then a possible 22 Trng Gp under-spend may be available. / All
Chairman / ASI Stn Cdr
Expeditions and Special Projects Officer
Chairman to approach 22 Trng Gp
6 – Equipment Officer’s Report / 1. In addition to the points from Item 5 above, the Equipment Officer’s report can be seen at Enclosure 1 and covers a number of points delivered by the Chairman in Equipment and Deputy Equipment Officers stead.
2. The Chairman thanked both of the Equipment Officers for their hard work and announced to the Cttee that Sgt Nik Badham was looking to stand down.
3. The largest issue is the funding for Ascension Island facility, that it is used by the three Services but only currently funded by the RAF? Also that units should be briefed accordingly that the Centre supports Level # AT and is not a Level 4 (resourced) Centre.
4. The President said that approaching the RAF and other Services need to be careful and we must have prepared our needs for equipment, support and infrastructure. The President also suggested that in addition to the repair required in ASI that we should look to qualify volunteers in servicing and testing of equipment where possible.
5. The Vice President stated that the report from DSOAT for ASI was not balanced or reasonable and that he was not hosted by a Cttee member or a knowledgeable person, who may have been able to explain decisions being made and work being carried out.
6. There was a negative article published in Soldier Magazine referring to Ascension Island facilities. The opportunity to reply had been denied and now passed. There needs to be better communication to incoming units (especially Army) to manage their expectations, and to ensure a hard nose attitude to the work elements required by the participants. / Expedition & Special Projects Officer to update info.
Expedition & Special Projects Officer to update info.
7 – Treasurer’s Report / 1. RAFS-AA accounts for the last period are at Enclosure 2. The statement of balance was quickly covered by the Chairman in the absence of the Treasurer, and a general statement is that the fund is healthy. The grants and the ASI money flow from expeditions were explained.
2. The potential for an additional Nitrox system for ASI was suggested but current funds would not suffice.
3. Wg Cdr A Deas suggested use of the 22 Gp potential under spend?
4. The current expenditure for an expedition is trying to be reduced by the Navy working on the return to duty status for the flights (removal of the £220/person CNPF). / All
Equipment Officer to look into costings
Chairman to take to JS Cttee
8 – Training Officer’s Report / 1. RAFS-AA Training Officer Report was given by the Deputy Training Officer due to unavailability and can be read in full at Enclosure 3.
2. 8 OWI, 8 AED Operators, 2 AED Instructors, 1 BSADS, 1 Boat Handle, were qualified during planned OWI event.
3. Many of the cttee and other club divers are now AED qualified and some as instructors. The intention to train as many as possible in the life saving equipment across the RAF diving community. The Deputy Training Officer remains available and the training equipment (purchased by grant from last cttee mtg) for those that request it.
4. With the RAF having a NI within the Cttee there is a suggestion that the RAF registers (cost TBD) as a ‘Centre of Excellence’. This would give us the freedom to run our own courses and events.
5. The Deputy Training Officer was disappointed at the turn out for the AGM and ‘Dive-in’ despite the hard work and calling and initial promises. It was suggested that next years event be held centred around the clubs that will support the most.
6. Another OWI event will be planned for next year (2014) and the AI event will be the next main effort with communication planned before end May 13 to confirm participation.
7. The Chairman suggested the encouragement of as many as possible to go on the Instructor Trainer 2 day course. This will allow the running of courses and events with the Registration as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ under our own NI. Currently only Wg Cdr Brabon, P Goodwin, Z Ebdy, Vice Chairman and G Crouch (Bovisand) are qualified.
8. The Chairman also mentioned that BSAC will be announcing the roll out of an Instructor Development course aimed in-between the OWI and AI.
9. The President thanked the Deputy Training Officer for her hard work and said that the idea of becoming a ‘Centre of Excellence’ will benefit RAF and other service personnel. / All
9 – Membership Officer’s Report / 1. The Membership Secretary reiterated the declining supervisors but membership numbers remain steady, but ageing.