August 11, 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 8th grade Science at Hillcrest Middle School. This year will be full of exciting, fun, challenging and enjoyable adventures. I welcome both you and your child to an amazing year of science!

To briefly introduce myself, this year will be my 15th year of teaching and my 13thyear teaching of teaching science. I am looking forward to another great year at Hillcrest! I was born in California and raised in Arizona. I graduated from ASU West in May of 2000 after serving in the Marines. I earned my Master’s Degree in Science and Teaching from Northern Arizona University.

In this class, students will be involved in many inquiry-based activities and discussions. The course will follow the National Science Education Standards and the Arizona State Science Standards. Throughout the year in this class we will be learning about the fascinating world of science and will be covering the following topics: Matter and Energy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Ecology. We will be doing labs, which will provide hands-on activities and an emphasis on cooperative learning skills.

As part of this welcome letter, I would like to introduce the classroom rules, procedures and expectations that I have for each student in order for them to be successful this year. Attached to this letter you will find a copy of the 8th Grade Science Course Expectations, which will help guide you throughout the year.

As 8thgrade parents/ guardians, please know that you are welcome to call, e-mail, or visit at any time during the year. It is my belief that providing a successful education for our students is truly a partnership between home and school.

As 8th grade students, you are expected to always be respectful, responsible, and active participants in classroom activities. I expect you to follow all classroom and school rules along with putting forth your best effort and your best attitude. You are to come to class on time and be prepared every day with an outlook that you are ready to learn and do your best.

As an 8th grade teacher, I am expected to help you succeed in your educational encounters. I am expected to put forth my best effort to help you reach your academic goals. I am expected to come to class on time and be prepared everyday to teach your child science in a fun and interactive way.

This is teamwork approach. It is imperative that we have good and positive communication. Together we will have a successful year. I look forward to meeting you and to a fun and exciting year.


Dennis Meyers, M.Ed.

8th grade science teacherTeam 8-2

8th Grade Science 2015-2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 8th grade Science at Hillcrest Middle School. This year will be full of exciting, fun, challenging and enjoyable adventures. I welcome both you and your child to an amazing year of science!As middle school students, we will integrate the use of many scientific processes, such as the following multi-step procedures, analyzing data, summarizing textual information, explaining scientific language, demonstrating scientific inquiry, and evaluating using claim, evidence, and reasoning (CER).


  • Students should come to class ready to work. Participation is highly encouraged. Off-task behavior will not be permitted.
  • Talking during a test is not accepted. If a student has a question or a concern, it must be directed to me
  • Honesty is expected both in and out of the classroom. Copying or allowing others to copy will result in disciplinary action. This includes plagiarism. Please cite the words and ideas of others!
  • A long-term assignment is defined as any task due 5 or more days after it is assigned. All students are required to deliver the task on the assigned due date. Any extenuating circumstances must be discussed with individual instructors ON or BEFORE the due date.
  • It is the student's responsibility to make up all work missed. If a student is absent, he/she will have one day PLUS one more day to make up the assignments. Example: Two days absence equals three days to make up all work. A student must contact the teacher to obtain missed assignments upon return to school. Students absent three (3) or more consecutive days may contact the attendance office to arrange to get assignments. Academic grades may suffer as a result of excessive absences.
  • Respect others’ right to learn! Be polite to the other students as well as the teacher. Rude behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Keep your hands off of other students and their property. Ask permission from the teacher or student before you use the property of another.
  • Remain in your seat unless given permission. Students must remain in their seats in order to be dismissed from class.
  • Students will sign in and out of the classroom during the class period.
  • Misuse of lab or classroom equipment is not tolerated. Students are responsible for proper maintenance of all classroom materials. Students who break materials through inappropriate usage or carelessness are responsible for replacement of the item, or cost in a timely manner.

Grading Policy:

The following WEIGHTED grades are mandated by the entire science department at HMS:

Classwork 20%, Homework 5%, Projects 10%, Labs 25%, Tests 40%, Midterm and Final Exams 20%(2nd and 4th quarter only) 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D 59-below=F

Homework assignments are those given at the end of the period for independent practice. Classwork that students do not finish in school with an appropriate amount of allotted time will NOT fall into the homework category. Time in class is expected to be used appropriately. Homework is rarely collected early.

It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work missed the day the student returns from an absence. The student is allowed the number of days absent, PLUS one day to return absent work. For example, if a student is absent Monday and Tuesday, the absent work is then due on Friday.

In order to maintain consistency and fairness, a long-term assignment is defined as any task due 5 or more days after it is assigned. All students are required to deliver the task on the assigned due date. Any extenuating circumstances must be discussed with individual instructors ON or BEFORE the due date.

A 90% must be earned each quarter in General Science, and a 75% in Advanced Science to be recommended for Honors Biology per Sandra Day O’Connor and Mountain Ridge registration guidelines.


We will be using a variety of textbooks this year. A copy of each textbook will be assigned through the year if needed. Textbooks that will be used this year are: Matter and Energy, Chemical Interactions, Motion and Forces, Cells and Heredity, Diversity of Life, Life Over Time, and Ecology.

Lab Safety:

In order to provide a safe learning environment, each child must follow instructions during investigations. At times, substances may be used that could be harmful if misused. It is important that all directions are followed carefully. To ensure safety in the classroom, any student that does not adhere to lab directions will be removed from the experiment and asked to complete an alternative assignment at reduced credit, or no credit at all (depending on the situation). The parent will be contacted should this occur. Multiple offenses will result in loss of lab privileges.



(The HMS School-Wide Prevention Program)

Our progressive discipline is based on the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Behavior(B) program.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. Specific guidelines are outlined in the DVUSD Student Rights and Responsibility (SR & R) Handbook. The school rules apply coming to school, going home from school, and at all school-sponsored events. General misbehavior is handled by the classroom teacher in the following manner:


Step 1: Universal Interventions (Warning/Redirection)

Step 2: 1st Minor Incident Report with Interventions

Step 3: 2nd Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Email

Step 4: 3rd Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Phone Call

Step 5: Major Behavior Referral

Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be given according to the DVUSD discipline guidelines as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibility (SR & R) Handbook.

Suggested Materials:

Materials that will be used throughout the year include pens (Blue or Black Ink), pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, dry erase markers, metric ruler, index cards, and a composition book college rule.

**Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This is a list of suggested materials represents optional, supplementary items, which you may supply, at your discretion. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.


I am available to help your student after school and before school on most days. Please make arrangements with me prior to coming. I also invite parents who have questions or concerns to contact me before or after school.

Mr. Dennis Meyers, Room E-6

Classroom Phone Number: 623-376-3354

Email Address:


Arizona Dept. of Education

Common Core State Standards:

(Cut here and RETURN THIS FORM BY Thursday, AUGUST 20, 2015)



I acknowledge that I have read the Science Course Syllabus, Class Guidelines and Lab Safety procedures for 8th grade Science, Mr. Meyers’ class.

Student Name (print)______

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Name (print)______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Parent Phone #: Home ______Cell ______

Parent Email: ______

Please check which is the best way to contact you (you may check both if you are

accessible either way):Phone______Email______

We perform many labs and hands-on activities in class. If your child has any significant

allergies, please let me know here.


I am interested, but understand I am not obligated, in helping out with the following:

Field Trips ____Guest Speaker ____Donate Class/Lab Supplies____