Department ______
- Name of Journal : ______
- Discipline (e.g. Agriculture:Engineering,Biology: Botany) ______
- Publisher: (Department, Faculty, Society, etc.) ______
- Year of First Issue of the Journal : ______
- Number of Issues per year : (tick √ )
Monthly Quarterly Six-monthly Annual
Others (Please specify) ______
- Is The Journal being published regularly? (tick √ )
Yes No
If No, give reasons: ______
- Please state (if any):
- ISBN (International Standard Book Number) ______
- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) ______
- Circulation (Total Number of copies per issue): ______
Distribution : ______
In-country (number) ______Abroad (number) ______
- What is the composition of Editorial Board? Please provide names, titles and
e-mail addresses of the Editorial Board Members on a separate sheet.
- Is there a permanent panel of Peer Reviewers who are requested for review as and
when required ? (tick √ )
Yes No
If yes, please provide a list of Peer Reviewers with names, titles and e-mail
addresses on a separate sheet.
- Are the articles submitted for publications peer reviwed? (tick √ )
Yes No
If yes, All articles Selected articles
If no, please explain the acceptance procedure: ______
- List the reviewed articles published in the recent most issue of your Journal and
their respective Peer Reviewers alongwith the copies of the comments.
(This information will be kept confidential)
Please attach separate sheet,if needed.
- What were number of manuscripts submitted for publication to your Journal and
how many of them accepted and published ? (Please give data for the past four issues only with date of publication of each issue. Most recent issue’s information in Column 1)
(Most recent issue)
1 2 3 4
Date of Publication ______
Submitted ______
Accepted ______
Published ______
- How much is the processing time from the date of submission of the original
manuscript by the author to the date of acceptance by the Editorial Board of your Journal?
Maximum processing time ______Months
Minimum processing time ______Months
15. Is the Journal abstracted internationally? (tick √ )
Yes No
If yes, Name of the Abstracting Journal (s) ______
Is there any Citation Index (CI) of the articles published in your Journal
Yes No
If yes, please indicate source of C.I ______
If No, is there any effort made to collect information on Citation index?
- Is this Journal on exchange list of any other Journal (s) ? (tick √ )
Yes No Occasional
If yes, number of exchange journals
Within country number Abroad (number)
- What is (are) the mode(s) of distribution (tick √ )
In Exchange Gratis (free of cost)
Subscription Any Other Please indicate ______
If there is a mix of distribution, please indicate in percentages of Journals distributed as
In Exchange %Gratis/complimentary %
Subscription %
- Total cost involved for publication per issue : Last issue Rs. ______
Estimates for the next issue for which grant requested Rs. ______
- Funding source(s) for the Journal (Name of sponsors and committed support in Rs.)
1. ______3. ______
2. ______4. ______
- Price per copy Rs.______(US $)