Course Scheduling Workbook Control
Course Scheduling Workbook Control
There are four types of scheduling workbooks:
- Master template – only one, located in Original Documents library
- Distribution template – only one, located in Original Documents library
- Scheduler workbook – one workbook for each Scheduler and term, located in Course Scheduling Workbooks library
- Composite workbook – only one, located in Course Scheduling Workbooks library
Master Template
Used for:Design of all workbook functions, formatting, help, and instructions
Template from which all other workbooks are generated
Created by:De novo construction
Permissions:Modify: Course Scheduling Owners groupRead:all
Retained:Yes; persistent master template
Master Template WorksheetsType / Name / Contents / Source / Cells† / Columns † / Protected † / Hidden †
Info / Info & Tools / Help for Schedulers / original / y / n / n / n
User / Lecture-Lab Schedule / Scheduling of lecture and lab courses by Scheduler / original / y / n / n / n
Additional Instructors / Entry of additional instructors for lecture and lab courses by Scheduler / original / y / n / n / n
Fld Wk-Ind Study Schedule / Scheduling of field work and independent study by Scheduler / original / y / n / n / n
Control / Control Data / Lists, variables, and constants used by workbook / original / n / n / n / n
Lecture-Lab Courses / List of lecture and lab courses offered by school / Values for courses copied from Academics, Courses in AAIS / n / n / n / n
Fld Wk-Ind Study Courses / List of field work and independent study courses offered by school / Values for courses copied from Academics, Courses in AAIS / n / n / n / n
† Highlighted table cells indicate changes from source.
Key:Cells:y = data entry cells (empty, no fill) are not locked
n = all cells are locked
Columns:y = control columns (marked with “HIDE” or “H” in row 1 are hidden
n = no columns are hidden
Protected:y = worksheet is protected with only unlocked cells selectable
n = worksheet is not protected
Hidden:y = worksheet is hidden
n = worksheet is not hidden
Distribution Template
Used for:Template from which scheduler workbooks are generated for a term
Created by:Procedure:
- Open master template for read only.
- Enable Macros.
- Save As to same library (Original Documents) as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook by clicking on and replacing existing distribution template (which acquires the filename and other properties of the replaced document).
- Click Yes until it stops asking
- In Control Data worksheet, enter Year, Term, and Start and Stop Dates for term to be scheduled.
- On each user worksheet, hide columns so marked and set error checking to OFF.
- Protect (select unlocked cells only) and hide each Info and Control worksheet except Control Data.
- Save and exit the workbook.
- In Properties, revise term and year to match the data entered in step 3, above.
Permissions:Modify:Course Scheduling OwnersRead:SPHIS Readers
Retained:No; overwritten by the next term’s schedule
Distribution Template WorksheetsType / Name / Contents / Source / Cells † / Columns † / Protected † / Hidden †
Info / Info & Tools / Help for Schedulers / Master template / n / n / y / n
User / Lecture-Lab Schedule / Scheduling of lecture and lab courses by Scheduler / Master template / y / y / y / n
Additional Instructors / Entry of additional instructors for lecture and lab courses by Scheduler / Master template / y / y / y / n
Fld Wk-Ind Study Schedule / Scheduling of field work and independent study by Scheduler / Master template / y / y / y / n
Control / Control Data / Lists, variables, and constants used by workbook / Master template / n / n / n / n
Lecture-Lab Courses / List of lecture and lab courses offered by school / Master template / n / n / y / y
Fld Wk-Ind Study Courses / List of field work and independent study courses offered by school / Master template / n / n / y / y
† Highlighted table cells indicate changes from source.
Key:Cells:y = data entry cells (empty, no fill) are not locked
n = all cells are locked
Columns:y = control columns (marked with “HIDE” or “H” in row 1 are hidden
n = no columns are hidden
Protected:y = worksheet is protected with only unlocked cells selectable
n = worksheet is not protected
Hidden:y = worksheet is hidden
n = worksheet is not hidden
Scheduler Workbook
Used for:Entry of course scheduling data by scheduler for a term
Created by:Procedure:
- Open distribution template for read only.
- Enable Macros.
- Save As Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook to Course Scheduling Workbooks library with filename = <Scheduler abbrev> <year>-<term #> <term name>, where term # = 0 if Spring, 1 if Summer, and 2 if Fall.
- In Control Data worksheet, enter Scheduler.
- In each user worksheet, paste Scheduler to each cell in Scheduler column. This must be the abbreviation as literal text. The text mayonly be semi-visible after pasting.
- Protect (select unlocked cells, format rows) each user worksheet.
- Use AutoFit tool to make sure row formatting is on.
- Protect (select unlocked cells only) Info & Tools and Control Data worksheets.
- Hide Control Data control worksheet.
- Maximize horizontal scroll bar.
- Select Info & Tools worksheet.
- Save and exit the workbook.
- In Properties, enter Title, Year, Term, Scheduler, and Status, where Title = <Scheduler abbrev> Course Scheduling Workbook, <term name> <year> and Status = draft.
Permissions:Modify:Scheduler’s Course SchedulersRead:SPHIS Readers
(until workbook is accepted)
Course Scheduling Owners
Retained:Yes; same library for future reference as needed
Scheduler Workbook WorksheetsType / Name / Contents / Source / Cells † / Columns † / Protected † / Hidden †
Info / Info & Tools / Help for Schedulers / Distribution template / n / n / y / n
User / Lecture-Lab Schedule / Scheduling of lecture and lab courses by Scheduler / Distribution template / y / y / y / n
Additional Instructors / Entry of additional instructors for lecture and lab courses by Scheduler / Distribution template / y / y / y / n
Fld Wk-Ind Study Schedule / Scheduling of field work and independent study by Scheduler / Distribution template / y / y / y / n
Control / Control Data / Lists, variables, and constants used by workbook / Distribution template / n / n / y / y
Lecture-Lab Courses / List of lecture and lab courses offered by school / Distribution template / n / n / y / y
Fld Wk-Ind Study Courses / List of field work and independent study courses offered by school / Distribution template / n / n / y / y
† Highlighted table cells indicate changes from source.
Key:Cells:y = data entry cells (empty, no fill) are not locked
n = all cells are locked
Columns:y = control columns (marked with “HIDE” or “H” in row 1 are hidden
n = no columns are hidden
Protected:y = worksheet is protected with only unlocked cells selectable
n = worksheet is not protected
Hidden:y = worksheet is hidden
n = worksheet is not hidden
Version 0, PL Walton, 03/17/11