Noel Addy

Associate Professor

office: Room 301-C, McCool Hall

office phone: 662.325.1644

department phone: 662.325.3710

fax number: 662.325.1646

School of Accountancy

Drawer EF

Mississippi State, MS 39762


web page: http//

Academic History


1985 Ph.D. Accounting University of Florida

1976 MS Accounting University of Arizona

1974 BS Accounting University of Arizona

Courses taught:

ACC 2023 Principles of Managerial Accounting

ACC 3023 Intermediate Accounting I

ACC 3033 Intermediate Accounting II

ACC 8112 Financial Statement & Management Accounting Report Analysis for Decision Making (entirely an online course)

ACC 9013 Seminar in Accounting Research

ACC 9023 Managerial Accounting Seminar

ACC 9033 Seminar in Financial Accounting Research

Teaching affiliations;

1991 to present Mississippi State University, Associate Professor

1984 to 1991 Texas A&M University, Assistant Professor

Work in process

“The effect of revenue recognition standards on the association between revenue accruals and cash flows,” with Charles Pryor. The paper uses the example of SAB No. 101 to evaluate and reconcile conflicting conclusions in the literature regarding the impact of imposing conservative revenue recognition standards. This paper has been presented at two workshops and is under revision as a result of the feedback.

“An assessment of the relationship between accounting internships and first-time permanent accounting jobs,” with Danny Hollingsworth, Clyde Herring, and Donna Polledo. This paper is an assessment of internship programs, using a look-back survey given to staff at offices of three of the big four, plus a major regional accounting firm. Concurrent session presentation at the 2005 AAA national meeting. Best paper award in the teaching and curriculum section of the Southeast AAA meeting in 2006. This paper is under review at Accounting Educator’s Journal.

“A program assessment of internships,” with Kathleen Thomas, Clyde Herring, Donna Polledo, and Mark Wilder. This paper is a longitudinal study, across two universities of the impact of internships. The first survey will be conducted in fall, 2007.

Journal Articles

Add, N. & Swanson, E. "Were Lobbyists on Income Tax Accounting Influenced by Income Strategy." Contemporary Accounting Research, 1994 497-514.

Addy, N. & Herring, C. "Grade Inflation Effects of Administrative Policies." 1998 Issues in Accounting Education.

Addy, N., Friedberg, A., & Mayper, A. "The Distribution of Management Advisory Services: The Case of Actuarial Services." Research in Accounting Regulation, Volume 7, 1993, 95-113.

Addy, N. & Mayper, A. "The Reliability of the Disclosure of Auditor Changes by the Public Accounting Report." Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 1991 136-144.

Addy, N., Rigsby, J. & Svihla, W. "Convertible Debt and the Occurrence of Leverage and Dividend Covenants." The Southern Business and Economic Journal, 1996

Addy, N. "Accounting for Derivatives and Financial Instruments Under FASB No. 133," Mississippi State Society of CPAs Newsletter, December, 1998.

1993 Addy, N. & Friedberg, A. "ISO 9000: It Just May Become Important to You." Boca Raton Business Journal.

1993 Addy, N. & Friedberg, A. "ISO 9000 Impacts Business with European Community." Boca Raton Business Journal.

1993 Addy, N. & Friedberg, A. "Governmental Assistance Available for ISO 9000." Boca Raton Business Journal.

1990 Addy, N., Corbin, D. & Reed, S. "How to use Inventories to the Best Tax Advantage." Tax Ideas, 6301-6330.

1990 Addy, N., Corbin, D. & Reed, S. "Understanding the LIFO Inventory Method." Tax Ideas, 6203-6231.

1987 Addy, N. McKeown, J., ed. "Pensions Obligations and the Bond Credit Market: An Empirical Analysis of Accounting Numbers - A Comment." Accounting for Pensions and Other Post-Employment Benefits, 41-50.

1986 Addy, N., Mosk, M., Putnam, K, & Smith, L. M. "Proposed Disclosure for State and Local Governmental Pension Plans." Journal of Pension Planning and Compliance, 107-118.


1996 Addy, N. & Herring, C. Abdelkhalik, A. R., ed. "Accounting for Business Combinations." Entry in the Encyclopedia of Accounting out of the larger set Encyclopedia of Management.

Presentations, Proceedings, and Other Publications

2006 “An assessment of the relationship between accounting internships and first-time permanent accounting jobs,” with Danny Hollingsworth, Clyde Herring, and Donna Polledo. Southeast AAA meeting.

2005 “An assessment of the relationship between accounting internships and first-time permanent accounting jobs,” with Danny Hollingsworth, Clyde Herring, and Donna Polledo. AAA national meeting.

1995 "The Requirement of a Minimum Grade for Graduation May Induce Grade Inflation for Less Capable Students," Forum: AAA National Meeting with Clyde Herring.

1995 "The Fallacy of Viewing Corporate Management and Shareholders as Contracted Parties," Southeast Region AAA meeting with Paul Allen.

1994 "The Accountants Role in the North American Free Trade Agreement," Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues with Gilda Agacer.

1994 "Extending the Attest Function to ISO Registration Audits," Midsouth Institute of Accountants with Alan Friedberg.

1994 "Accounting based leverage constraints are less frequent, while dividend covenants are more frequent in Convertible debt," Southeast AAA regional meeting with John Rigsby and William Svihla

1994 "ISO 9000: Opportunities for Internal and External Auditors," Southeast AAA regional meeting with Alan Friedberg

1993 "Change of Control Covenants in Debt," presented at Louisiana State University Accounting Workshop, working paper.

1992 "The Distribution of Management Advisory Services: The Case of Actuarial Services," (abstract) with Alan Mayper and Alan Friedberg.

Florida Atlantic University Accounting Workshop, Southeast AAA regional meeting, and AAA National meeting.

1991 "The Relationship Between Income Strategy and Lobbying Positions on Accounting for Income Taxes," (abstract), with Edward Swanson. Southeast AAA regional meeting and Research Forum: AAA National meeting.

1991 "Actuarial Services and Auditing Firm Tenure," with Alan Mayper and Barbara Morris. Research Forum: AAA National meeting.

Grants, Contracts, and Funded Research

2003 $25,000Review of Quality Assurance process for the National Data Buoy Center

Professional Activities

American Accounting Association

Institute of Management Accountants, Golden Triangle Chapter

1995-97 MSU School of Accountancy liaison to the College of Business and Industry, Strategic Planning and Policies Committee

2006 Reviewer and Discussant for the AAA National meeting.

2006 Occasional Reviewer for Journal of Accounting and Public Policy

1996 Occasional Reviewer for Southern Business and Economic Review

1996 Occasional Reviewer for Issues in Accounting Education

1992-96 MSU School of Accountancy Scholarship and Awards Committee

1995 Reviewer and Discussant for Southwest AAA regional meeting

1995 Moderator for Southwest AAA regional meeting

1994-95 MSU School of Accountancy Doctoral Committee

1992-95 MSU School of Accountancy liaison to the College of Business and Industry, Undergraduate Curriculum and Policies Committee

2006 MSU Search Committee for Dean of the College of Business and Industry

2007 MSU Search Committee for Dean of the Meridian campus for MSU

1993 MSU Search Committee for Director of School of Accountancy

1993 MSU College of Business Faculty Awards Committee

1991 MSU College of Business and Industry Search Committee for Computer Services Director

1990,1991 Occasional Reviewer for the Accounting Review

1990 Member of the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Libraries (Texas A&M University)

1988 Moderator for Research related to audit quality, AAA National Convention

1985 Discussant for Pension obligations and the bond credit market: an empirical analysis of accounting numbers, Accounting for Pensions and Other Post-employment Benefits Conference

Other Activities

2007 Sloan-C online teaching program.

2004 Ethics after Enron, presented for CPE for Professional Engineers and Surveyors. MSU campus

1996 Accounting for not-for-profit organizations, sponsored by MAPA, joint presentation with Clyde Herring.

1995 Financial Accounting for Banks, presentation to bankers from Kazakhstan/Kyrgystan, sponsored by Mississippi Conortium for Economic Development, joint presentation with Pierre Titard, Frances McNair, Mark Lehman, Clyde Herring, and Gilda Agacer.

1995 Accounting Standards Update, sponsored by Mississippi Society of CPAs.

1995 Presentation on accounting software to agribusiness educators from Bulgaria.

1993 "Consequences of the FASB Adding Debt to the Balance Sheet," at the Community College Roundtable for Accounting Educators.

1992 Accounting and Auditing Annual Standards Refresher, sponsored by Mississippi Society of CPAs, joint presentation with John Rigsby in which I presented the accounting portion.


2003-2004 Outstanding Service Award, College of Business and Industry
1997-98 John Grisham Master Teaching Award, Mississippi State University

1996-97 Thomas W. Hinckle Undergraduate Teaching Award, College of Business and Industry

Professional Certifications

State of Mississippi Certified Public Accountant

ISO Lead Assessor Examination Certification