F-1 Weekly Letter
Dear Parents, August 30, 2013
Hello! This is the first Weekly Letter of the year! Your child’s homework over the weekend is to have you read this letter to find out about what we did over the week and upcoming events. Also, it is a way for me to communicate with you about your child’s academic and social behavior on a weekly basis. Not to mention, it is a great conversation piece to ensure your child talks to you about what she/he learned in school that week.
Your child must return this letter onMonday as is (with ticket attached) and with your signature and their signature showing me you both read the letter and talked about it. When they bring the letter back insigned, they get to put their pink ticket in a jar for a raffle to possibly get a reward for making good choices. If they have a Consequence Ticket attached instead of a pink ticket, please sign and have your child discuss that incident with you.
Looking Ahead:
Back to School Nightis Tuesday, September 3rd (Adults only please)
Community Meeting in the MPR room: 7:00-7:30
Grades 3-5: 7:30-8:00
Please talk with your child about:
Rules/Consequences and routines in F-2 and Kolb Elementary
New friends in F-2
Friendly Letter Format
Read Aloud: First Day Jitters, First Year Letters,I Think, I am
“What kind of teacher do I want” and “What makes a good student”
Comic ART: Self Portrait
Family Meetings
PE & Music
Third Grade and First Day Jitters Schema
Positive Affirmations
All About Me writing activity
GREEN / YELLOW / BLUE / RED / WHITE(Our goals have been identified and color coded). The goals and their respective colors are:
Follow directions with a positive attitude………………………………. green
Keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves………………………. yellow
Listen when others are speaking………………………………………. blue***PINK TICKET: GREAT WEEK!
Use good manners and appropriate language……………………….. red
Incomplete work………………………………………………………... White
** (After a warning, it they are not following our Kolb rules/goals, they will receive a consequence ticket.)
Please discuss, sign and return this sheet on Monday.
______Mrs. Gabbani______
Parent’s signatureStudent’s signatureTeacher’s signature
What did you enjoy most about the first week?