Minutes of adjourned July Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council

held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on

Wednesday, 24th July 2013 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESIDING: Councillor Larry Bannon, Mayor.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors – Gearoid O Bradaigh, John Browne,

Mick Cahill, Micheál Carrigy, Mark Casey,

Paul Connell, John Duffy, Sean Farrell Frank Kilbride, Donncha Mac Gleannáin, Victor Kiernan,

Padraig Loughrey, Luie McEntire, Martin Mulleady,

Colm Murray, Peggy Nolan, P.J Reilly, Mae Sexton,

Barney Steele and Thomas Victory.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager.

Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services.

Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services.

Mr. Maeve Killian, Acting Head of Finance/Director of Services.




On the proposal of Councillor F. Kilbride seconded by Councillor V. Kiernan, the Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on the 19th June 2013 were confirmed and adopted.




The adopted Minutes of Corporate Policy Group Meeting held on 15th May 2013, which had been circulated, were noted.


The summary of County Manager’s Orders for the month of June 2013, which had been circulated, were noted.


Minutes of Transportation, Road Development & Maintenance and Road Safety Policies Strategic Policy Committee Meeting

The minutes of Transportation, Road Development & Maintenance and Road Safety Policies Strategic Policy Committee meeting held on 8th March 2013 were noted.

Minutes of Longford Local Electoral Area Committee Meetings.

The minutes of Longford Local Electoral Area Committee Meetings held on the on the

8th February and 28th May 2013 were noted.

Progress Report on Water Services Investment Programme 2010 - 2013

The Progress Report on Water Services Investment Programme 2010 – 2013, which was circulated with the Agenda, was noted.

5 Village Sewerage Scheme

Councillor J. Duffy referred to the fee of €600 to connect to the Aughnacliffe Sewerage Scheme.

It was proposed by Councillor J. Duffy and seconded by Councillor M. Mulleady that a connection fee of €200 be applied for a period of three months, as an incentive to enable households connect to the Aughnacliffe Sewerage Scheme.

Watermains Works in Drumlish.

Councillor M. Mulleady proposed and Councillor G. Brady seconded that an inspection be carried out on road reinstatement works on the Longford toDrumlish road following the laying of water mains in recent months.

Draft Longford County Council Noise Action Plan 2013.

Mr. J. Kilgallen, Director of Services, informed the meeting that Local Authorities are required to prepare Noise Action Plans in respect of Major Roads, defined as roads carrying more than 3 million vehicles per annum.

The roads to which this threshold applies in Longford are as follows:

·  N4 from the County Boundary with Westmeath to the County Boundary with Leitrim

·  N63 from the County Boundary with Roscommon to its junction with the N4 at Lisnamuck East of Longford Town

·  R198 from its junction with the N63 in Longford Town to Cahanagh Cross.

·  UP-03017 Richmond Street in Longford Town (from Longford Arms to Annaly Park, previously the N5).

The Draft Longford County Council Noise Action Plan 2013, which was circulated with the Agenda, has been submitted to the EPA for their review. On approval by the EPA, a public consultation phase will be commenced. Any submissions received in the public consultation phase will be considered in the context of the Environmental Noise Regulations and may be incorporated into the final Noise Action Plan.

The members referred to various other roads throughout the county which they consider need to be included in the Noise Action Plan.


Public Liability Claims.

It was noted that two public liability claims were received during June 2013.

Borrowing Requirement for Water Services Capital Programme.

Ms. M. Killian, Acting Head of Finance, stated that a formal application will have to be submitted by Longford County Council to the Department of the Environment, Community & Local Government in relation to the borrowing requirement for Water Services Capital Programme before any funding can be drawn down.

It is intended that the loans will be drawn down towards the end of the current year and then transferred to Irish Water on 1st January 2014 together with the related infrastructure. On this basis the funding impact for 2013 will be minimal.

On the proposal of Councillor M. Cahill, seconded by Councillor J. Duffy, it was unanimously agreed to approve the borrowing requirement of €4,675,950 in 2013 to part fund the following projects.

1.  Water meter project

2.  Granard/Ballymahon RWSS Strategic Review Contract 3

3.  5 Villages Sewerage Scheme –DBO Contract 2

4.  LFD Central RWSS Strategic Review Contract 3

Irish Water.

Following a discussion on the establishment of Irish Water, it was agreed that a presentation on the operation of Irish Water will be given at the October meeting of the Council

Disposal of Property at Corrabaun, Drumlish, Co. Longford.

On the proposal of Councillor Martin Mulleady seconded by Councillor Mae Sexton, it was unanimously agreed that approval be given to the disposal of property at Corrabaun, Drumlish, Co. Longford to Aine Brady in accordance with the terms of Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001 issued on the 5th July 2013.

Payment for Driving Licenses.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor M. Casey and seconded by Councillor M. Sexton -

“That this Council gives people the option to use Laser Cards for payment to obtain a Driving License.”

Ms. M. Killian, Acting Head of Finance advised the meeting that in order to facilitate customers this situation has been reviewed and a new procedure is being introduced as an interim measure, while driver licencing is being moved to the Road Safety Authority.

Housing Adaptation Grants Schemes for Older People and People with a Disability

Ms. Killian informed the meeting that the original exchequer allocation for this scheme for 2013 was €550,139. Notification regarding a supplementary allocation of €27,261 was received from the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government on the 19th July. Hence the total allocation is now €721,750 (combined exchequer and Local Authority Funding). The 2012 allocation was €1,243,575. Due to the reduction in funding, the Council can only honour commitments already made.

While the Council will continue to accept new applications, no further commitments can be made to approve new application without further funding.

The members expressed serious concern regarding the reduction in funding.

Councillor D. Glennon proposed that an audit be undertaken of the amount of funding required for the completion of approved applications.

Councillor P.J. Reilly proposed and Councillor M. Carrigy seconded that a reserve fund should be in place for emergency cases.

It was proposed by Councillor M. Mulleady seconded by Councillor D. Glennon that the Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government be requested to receive a deputation from Longford County Council regarding the cutback in funding for Disabled Persons Grants.




Planning Applications

The list of Planning Applications which had been received since the June meeting of the Council was submitted and noted.

Revision of Polling Scheme

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services, referred to the Revision of the County Longford Polling Scheme -arising from the recommendations of the Local Electoral Area Boundary Committee 2013 (as circulated) . It was agreed that the three Area Committees consider the details of the Polling Places in mid-September, as the Scheme, which comes into effect on

1st February, must be adopted by the October meeting.

Part 8 – Manager’s Report - Granard Market House.

On the proposal of Councillor P.J. Reilly seconded by Councillor M. Carrigy, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the Manager’s Report, as circulated, in accordance with Section 179 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 - (Planning and Development Regulations 2001 – 2007 - Part 8) in respect of refurbishment, on a phased basis, of Granard Market House, Main St., Granard as a modern CommunityLibrary/one stop information resource.

Front-Runner Socio Economic Committees - Operating Guidelines and Terms of Reference.

Mr. F. Sheridan referred to the Final Report of the Alignment Steering Group which was approved by Government together with ‘Putting People First’ Action Programme for Effective Local Government in late 2012. These set out a range of reforms aimed at improving the delivery of services for the citizen, achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness and enhancing the role of local government in local and community development. The establishment of the Socio Economic Committees will serve as a joined-up approach to service delivery at local level, replacing the County Development Board.

The responsibility of the Socio Economic Committees will be the co-ordination, governance, planning and oversight of all public funded local and community interventions at local level. There will be a five year county and local and community plans.

The proposed membership of the Socio Economic Committee will be as follows –

·  Local Government & State Agencies = 7 max.

·  Local Community Development, Social, Economic & Community Interests = 8 min.

As a first step in the introduction of SECs, ‘front runner’ SECs will be established in up to ten local authority areas. The purpose of the “front-runners” is to explore and trial approaches to SEC operation over a six-month period and prior to the full roll-out of SECs across the country from late 2013. The learning outputs from the front-runners will be evaluated with best practice and proven approaches from across the range of front-runners informing the development of the final SEC Operating Guidelines and Terms of Reference and the full roll-out of SECs from late 2013. It was noted that Longford was not included in the ten “front runner” SECs.

The Director of Services replied to queries raised by the members on the establishment of the Socio Economic Committees.

Grants to Community and Voluntary Bodies 2013.

On the proposal of Councillor B. Steele seconded by Councillor M. Carrigy, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the schedule of Grants to Community and Voluntary Bodies, as circulated.

Housing Development.

Councillor J. Browne referred to an advertisement in the Longford Leader for planning permission for 250 houses at Abbeycartron in Longford town and expressed his opinion regarding the unsuitability of this proposed development.

Phone Mast in Granard.

Councillor P.J. Reilly proposed and Councillor P. Nolan seconded that a letter be forwarded to the Minister for Justice, Equality & Defence, the Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government and the Minister for Health regarding the construction of a telecommunications mast adjacent to Denniston Park in Granard town and the increase in health issues in the community.


Notices of Motions.

Rural Transport.

Councillor Denis Glennon referred to the following Notice of Motion listed on the Agenda for the Council meeting and acknowledged that this issue has now been resolved -

“With the proposed integration and regionalisation of the rural transport scheme, that Longford County Council writes to the relevant Minister in support of the retention of the current rural transport system as it operates in County Longford, which is seen as a model for other counties to emulate as regards its management, operation, and delivery of a high quality of service to rural users.”

Health Centre at Flancare, Longford.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor M. Sexton and seconded by Councillor D. Glennon -

“That this Council request its members on the HSE forum to get a detailed report and breakdown of the purpose and long-term plan for the Health Centre at Flancare Park. That they also request details of the services being provided – whether these services are an extension of the services available at the Health Centre at St. Josephs or a displacement/duplication of services.

The cost of the provision of the centre and its annual rent/lease should also be requested.”

Following a discussion regarding the Primary Care Centre at Flancare, it was agreed that

Mr. Joseph Ruane, Area Manager, HSE Midlands, be requested to attend a meeting of the Council to update the members on this development.


Circular LG 03/13 dated 28th June 2013 received from the Local Government Policy Section, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government regarding Representational Payment for Councillors - Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act 2013, was noted.

Planning Issue - Development on the N4 – between Longford and Edgeworthstown.

Councillor F. Kilbride referred to a planning issue on the N4, between Longford and Edgeworthstown.

It was agreed that Councillor Kilbride’s queries will be investigated and a reply will be communicated to the members of the Council.


Report from Corporate Policy Group was noted.

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______

Anne Lee,

Meetings Administrator.

Confirmed and adopted at Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council held on the

18th September 2013.

Signed: ______
