12:07 PM @Mercy Memorial Hospital Chapel
Members of the Purgatorial Society
5:30 PM Patrick Young – Castle family
9:00 AM Charles A. Bergquist – Peggy Bergquist
(Coffee social in Annex after Mass)
9:00 AM Maxine Hoch –
Charles & Georgia Tanner
12:07 PM Margaret K. O’Toole – Father O’Toole
(English Mass)
5:30 PM Louie Remondino – Shirley and family
(Spanish Mass)
7:30 PM For the people of the parish
(English Mass)
10:45 AM For the people of the parish
SATURDAY DECEMBER 18, 2010 5:30 P.M.
Lectors: Charlie Tanner, Jim DeLano (A)
C. Ministers: R.C. & Evelyn Sandvick, Katherine Brodie,
Julie Keys, Pablo Fuego
Acolytes: Zach Pratt, Christine Fuego
Ushers: Portia Fuego, Jim Supan, Larry Neubauer
Offering: Ushers
SUNDAY DECEMBER 19, 2010 10:45 A.M.
Lectors: Ron & Marcia Deyalsingh (A)
C. Ministers: Nancy Porter, Judy Barnes,
Eugene & Joan Riotte, Jose Romo
Master: Demitri Baker
Cross Bearer: Hector Rodriguez
Incense/Boat: Heidi Rivera, Darius Baker
Acolytes: Hillary Rodriguez, Megan Llanas
Ushers: Louisa Baker, Mitchel McCormick,
Don Schroeder
Offering: Ushers
Father Richard Beckman, Laura Hunt, Father Bill Ross, Father John Vrana and those on the December prayer sheet. Additional copies are in the vestibule.
Please keep in your prayers Len Miller, Jim Schumacher’s nephew who passed away 12/7/10.
For Christmas, Ellen Innis is purchasing personal care items for the veterans at Ardmore Veterans Center. If you are interested in helping with this project contact Ellen Innis, at 223-1709.
Upcoming Youth Group Meetings
12-12-10 Advent Party
12-19-10 Movie (Time will be announced)
12-26-10 No Meeting
Tom & Jeanetta Betzen
Loaves & Fishes December Assignment
14-16 oz. Canned Tomatoes
During this season and with the need in our community, please help by adding at least 2-4 cans to your grocery list and then drop it off in the basket located in the vestibule.
A special collection will be taken up on this weekend, December 11th-12th at all Masses for Christmas decorations.
COATS NEEDED: St. Mary Thrift Shop could use winter coats, especially children’s sizes. You may drop them off on Monday, Thursday, or Friday, from 10-2 p.m. Thank you for helping.
The collection for the national appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious, which provides assistance for the care of elderly Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests, will be this weekend, December 11th and 12th.
December 19th at 4:00 p.m. in the Catholic Center
Bring your family and come early to practice. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. We will carol at the Veterans Center and nursing homes. Hope to see you there as we give the gift of song to others!!
Preparation for the celebration of Christmas
This is a fiesta for adults and for children after Mass at 12:00 noon on Sunday, December 19th in the parish hall. Substantial hors d’oeuvres and finger foods will be provided. All parishioners, Hispanic and Anglo, are cordially invited to attend.
Third Sunday of Advent: Each of us has his or her own role to play in the coming of the kingdom of God. John the Baptist was called to be the herald of the Messiah, preparing the way of the Lord. To what is the Lord calling me?
CONFIRMATION CLASS SCHEDULE: Class will not be held on December 15th, 22nd, or 29th. Class will resume on Wednesday, January 5, 2011.
St. Lawrence Guild – November report
(Helped 347 people)
Balance on 10/22/10 $ 645.65
Income all sources $1,640.00
Expenses (all sources) $1,859.54
(Electric, gas, water, rent, operating expense)
Balance on 11/26/10 $426.11
Advent is a time of anticipating and joyful waiting; however, for the needy and poor, waiting frequently means worry and sadness. Please assist Catholic Charities and help those in need who are waiting for the help that your donation can provide. Checks may be made payable to “Catholic Charities Annual Appeal” and mailed to Catholic Charities, 1501 N. Classen Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73106. Donations may also be made online at Your help is greatly appreciated.
If you are going out of town and need to locate time of Mass in other churches, go to the website or
Calendars – compliments of Harvey Douglas Funeral Home will be in the vestibule of the church next weekend.
The “Women of St. Mary” will meet this Wednesday, DECEMBER 15th in the Catholic Center at 6:30 p.m. for their monthly meeting and Christmas ornament exchange. This is a fun and festive gathering. All ladies of the parish are cordially invited. Bring a wrapped ornament to exchange.
MASS SERVERS: To add greater solemnity, all servers are cordially invited to participate at both or one of the Masses on Christmas. Both practices will be held on Friday, December 24th at 10:00 a.m. for the Family Oriented Mass (5:30 p.m.) and 11:00 a.m. for the Midnight Mass (10:45 p.m.). Lunch will be provided and follows right after practice.
Oklahoma Catholic Broadcasting, KTLR, will be airing Christmas programming this year! Tune into 94.1 FM or 890 AM on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to enjoy Catholic programming on Annunciation radio. Listen while your family is celebrating the gift of Jesus this year!
Oklahoma Catholic Broadcasting is currently looking for a patron to sponsor a billboard during this holiday season. For more information log on
Oklahoma Catholic Broadcasting is dedicated to answering the call of Pope John Paul II for a "New Evangelization" by providing positive, wholesome and inspirational programming in the state of Oklahoma.
For her part, the Church has always had great respect for the elderly… God wills a proper respect for the dignity and worth, the health and well-being of the elderly and, through her charitable institutions… the Church seeks to fulfill the Lord’s command to respect life, regardless of age or circumstances.
~Pope Benedict XVI, Address at St. Peter’s Residence, London, 9/18/10
PARISH STAFF CHRISTMAS – (offices closed) Monday, December 13th from 12:00-3:00 p.m.
No. of No. of Weekly Amount AmountDate: 12/4-5/10 Families People Attendance Needed Received
Poor Box / 341 / 688 / Saturday 102
Saturday (Spanish) 83
Sunday 174 / $5,000.00 / $4,274.75 (all)
Phase Two of our Capital Improvement Campaign: Parishioners are asked to contribute according to their means to the $320,000 now being raised for the new rectory.
Status of Building Fund
GOAL #Donors Cash & Pledges Cash Received Money Spent
$450,000.00$320,000- Rectory / 93 / $443,515.69 / $421,378.45 / $131,434.02
***Please place your checks for the “Building Fund” in the second collection. This is kept separate from the regular contributions. You may also use the red-bordered “Building Fund” envelopes in the vestibule or denote on the check. These will be posted to your account.