IESCO seeks to invite sealed tenders from the firms / manufacturers who are pre-qualified / registered with the Chief Engineer (Purchase & Disposal) PEPCO (WAPDA), Lahore or with any DISCO for the year 2010-11 for supply of following material on free delivery basis to Regional Store IESCO Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Rajjar & New Wah:-

Tender No. / Description of item / Unit / Qty / Amount of Bid Guarantee
(Rs. in Million) / Date of opening
117 / 100 KVA Pad Mounted T/Fs (with metering) / No. / 60 / 1.000 / Tender will be received on 15/03/2011 at 1030 hours and opened at 1100 hours on the same day
118 / 400 KVA Pad Mounted T/Fs (with metering) / No. / 10 / 0.300
119 / 11 KV Load Break Switch 4-Way / Nos / 50 / 1.000
120 / 11 KV 500 MCM S/Core Cable / Km / 150 / 2.000
121 / 11 KV 4-AWG 3-Core Cable / Km / 80 / 3.000
122 / PVC Cable 25mm2 4-Core (19/.052) / KM / 200 / 0.800
123 / PVC Cable 120mm2 4-Core (37/.083) / KM / 100 / 1.300
124 / St. Joint Kit 500 MCM S/Core / No. / 1200 / 0.250
125 / Termination Kit 4-AWG 1-Core (Outdoor) / Nos / 100 / 0.015
126 / Compression Lugs 19/.052 / Nos / 2500 / 0.005
127 / Astrangular Fuses / Nos / 1000 / 0.050
128 / Lineman Safety Belt / No. / 1000 / 0.025
129 / Screw Driver 8” / Nos / 500 / 0.002
130 / Side Cutting Plier 8” / Nos / 1000 / 0.015
131 / Liver Wire Tester / Nos / 500 / 0.003
Beeper / Nos / 500
132 / Chain Pulley Block 5-Ton / Nos / 50 / 0.015

The tenders will be opened in the presence of participants or their authorized representatives (bearing authority letters) who care to attend IESCO Head Office conference Room G-7/4 Street No. 40, Islamabad. Material shall conform to relevant WAPDA Specifications (amended to date).

Terms & Conditions

1.  The prices should be firm and final on FCS basis without involving any foreign exchange.

2.  Tender must be accompanied by Bank Guarantee for an amount as given above valid for 150 days (one hundred and fifty days) in the form of Bank Guarantee/Call Deposit issued by any schedule bank of Pakistan.

3.  Tender forms including terms and conditions, can be obtained from the office of C.E/ Sr. Manager (MM) against non-refundable amount or Rs. 1000/- per tender on any working day during office hours till a day earlier from the opening of the tender.

4.  The IESCO reserves the right to increase or decrease the tendered quantity at the time of issuance of purchase order or during the currency of the contract. The validity of Tender is also extendable as considered necessary by the Company.

5.  No tender will be issued on the date of opening of tenders.

6.  Copy of renewal of registration / pr-qualification with any DISCO / PEPCO (WAPDA) and registration with sales tax Department should be produced at the time of issuance of tender documents / bid schedule.

7.  Pre-bid Conference will be held on 05/03/2011 at 1030 Hours.

Note: This tender notice is also available at PPRA website

Chief Engineer / Sr, Manager (MM)

IESCO Islamabad.