Eberly - 1
187 St. Botolph Street
Boston, MA02115
Telephone: (617) 266-0127 E-mail:
Born: November 20, 1947
Education: Brandeis University, 1965-1967
What Has Been Lost. Boston: Good Gay Poets Press, 1982.
With Luck. Unpublished manuscript, 1996, 2003.
“I Do Not Have Nightmares,” “Dark of the Moon,” “Short Letter,” “From ‘The Delsarte
Method.’” Angels of the Lyre. Winston Leyland, ed. San Francisco: Gay
Sunshine Press, 1975.
“Myth.” Night Blooming. Salvatore Farinella. Boston: Good Gay Poets Press, 1976.
“Surviving Summer.” Orgasms of Light. Ed. Winston Leyland. San Francisco:
Gay Sunshine Press, 1977.
“Ghosts,” “In Duration.” The Peregrine Anthology. Ed. Richard C. Shaner and
George C. Murphy, Jr. GreenHarbor: Wampeter Press, 1978.
“Dark of the Moon.” Gay Roots: Twenty Years of Gay Sunshine. San Francisco:
Gay Sunshine Press, 1991.
“Phone Sex.” The Badboy Book of Erotic Poetry. Ed. David Laurents. New York:
Badboy, 1995.
“Last Call.” At the Old Place: A Gay and Lesbian Bar Anthology. Forthcoming, 2007.
“Neal.” Sebastian Quill 2, 1971.
“Dark of the Moon,” When Envy,” “I Do Not Have Nightmares.” Fag Rag 3, 1972,
“1st Political Poem.” Gay Sunshine 16, Jan.-Feb.,1973, 11.
“Short Letter.” Fag Rag 5, 1973, 10.
“Lovely Is a Word,” “Gnome in the Grotto,” “The Visit,” “Jai Poem.” Hanging Loose 20,
Summer-Fall, 1973, 8-11.
“Beacon St. Back,” “Love, B.” Morning Glory Vol. 1, No. 6, October, 1973, 4.
“Herring Cove.” Fag Rag 6, Fall-Winter, 1973, 6.
“Listening to Mark.” Hanging Loose 22, Winter, 1974, 8.
“Surviving Summer.” Fag Rag/ Gay Sunshine, Summer, 1974, 45.
“2nd Attempt.” Fag Rag 10, Fall, 1974, 5.
“In GriffithPark.” Mouth of the Dragon IV, March, 1975, 257.
“From ‘The Delsarte Method,” “Letter.” Fag Rag 12, Spring, 1975, 5.
“Myth.” Fag Rag13, Summer, 1975, 18.
“These Men.” Fag Rag, 14, June-July, 1976, 7.
“In March.” Fag Rag 16/17, June-July, 28.
“First Sight,” “Shiva,” Gay Community News, Vol. 15, No. 4, October 8, 1977, 8-9.
“What Has Been Lost,” Gargolye 6, Fall-winter, 1977, 8.
“Ghosts,” Hanging Loose 31, Fall, 1977, 35.
“To My Sister,” Dark Horse 14, Winter, 1978, 11.
“Fragment,” Dark Horse 16, Fall, 17.
“Dawn,” Gay Community News, Vol. 16, No. 23, Jan. 6, 1979, 9.
“Mangaka.” Mouth of the Dragon. Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb. 1979, 6.
“Last Call.” Hanging Loose 38, Fall, 1980, 18.
“Renewal.” Kayak 57, 26.
“To Weldon Kees,” “Carriere’s Verlaine.” Hanging Loose 41, Winter 1981- 82, 28-29.
“The Heron.” Bay Windows. Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 1983, 7.
“Obit.” Bay Windows, Vol. 3, No. 40, Dec. 12- Dec. 18, 1985, 19.
“Late Letter to William Carlos Williams.” James White Review, Vol. 3, No. 3,
Spring, 1986, 4.
“My Holiness.” The Spirit’s Voice, Vol. 2, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1987, 5.
“Names.” Bay Windows, Vol. 6, No. 24, June 16-23, 1988.
“How.” Amethyst, 3, 15.
“This Spring.” Bay Windows, Vol. 9, No. 12, March 21-27, 1991.
“Safe Sex.” Bay Windows, Vol. 9, No. 22, May 30-June 5, 1991.
“Phone Sex.” Bay Windows, Vol. 9, No. 51, Dec. 19-25, 1991.
“People, Places and Things.” Art & Understanding Vol. 1, No. 4, July-Aug, 1992, 10.
“My Desk.” Holy Titclamps, No. 12, Summer, 1993.
“Over Again.” Bay Windows, Vol. 14, No. 17, April 18-24, 1996, 35.
“Hades.” Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, Vol. 1, No.3, July, 1996, 261.
“Reading Frank O’Hara.” The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review, Vol. 5. No. 3,
Summer, 1998, 32.
“Diagnosed.” Bay Windows, Vol. 19, No. 23, May 24-30, 2001, 13.
“Two Spirit.” International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, Vol. 6 , No. 3,
July, 2001, 221.
“Listening.” Bay Windows Vol. 19, No. 39, September 13-19, 2001, 35.
“At Last.” Bay Windows, Vol. 20, No. 7, January 31-February 6, 2002, 29.
“Hades.” Bay Windows, Vol. 20, No. 44, October 17-23, 2002, 28.
“Reading Chao Jan.” Bay Windows, Vol. 20, No. 48, November 14-20, 2002, 29.
“Markets.” Spare Change. December 12-December 25, 2002. Reprinted Spare Change
Annual Poetry Issue, May 1-May 14, 2003.
“In Parenthesis.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany No. 69, Spring-Summer, 2006.
Virginia Woolf and Trauma: Embodied Texts. Co-edited with Suzette Henke.
New York: PaceUniversity Press. Forthcoming, March, 2007.
“Homophobia, Censorship, and the Arts.” Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price.
Warren J. Blumenfeld, ed. Boston: Beacon Press, 1992. 205-216.
“A Serpent in the Grass: Reading Walt Whitman and Frank O’Hara.” The Continuing
Presence of Walt Whitman: The Life After the Life. Robert K. Martin, ed.
Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1993. 128-134.
Reprinted in enotes.com. “Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the
Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets in World Literature.”
David Galens, project ed. Gale, 2003.
“Talking It All Out: Homosexual Disclosure in Virginia Woolf.” Virginia Woolf:
Themes and Variations. Selected Papers from the Second Annual Conference
on Virginia Woolf. New York: PaceUniversity Press, 1993. 128-143.
“Incest, Erasure, and The Years.” Virginia Woolf: Emerging Perspectives. Mark Hussey
and Vara Neverow, eds. Selected Papers from the Third Annual Conference on
Virginia Woolf. New York: PaceUniversity Press, 1994. 147-151.
“Housebroken: The Domesticated Relations of Flush.” Virginia Woolf: Texts and
Contexts. Selected Papers from the Fifth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Beth Rigel Doherty and Eileen Barret, eds. New York:PaceUniversity Press, 1996. 21-25.
“Semi-colons and Safety Pins.” Virginia Woolf: Turning the Centuries. Selected Papers
from the Ninth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ann Ardis and Bonnie
Kime Scott, eds. New York: PaceUniversity Press, 2000. 134-139.
“On ReadingIll, Medical Narrative in Virginia Woolf.” Seventh Annual Conference on
Virginia Woolf, PlymouthState College, 1997.
“The Name of the Face: Marital Trauma in the Work of Virginia Woolf.” Fifteenth
International Conference on Virginia Woolf, Lewis & ClarkCollege, 2005.
“The Averted Face: The Trauma of Gender in Mrs. Dalloway. Thirty-Fourth Twentieth
and Twenty-First Century Literature and Culture Conference, University of Louisville, 2006.
“Behind the Curtain: Virginia Woolf, Walter Sickert, and the Narrative of Trauma.”
Seventeenth Annual International Virginia Woolf Conference, University
of Miami (Ohio). Proposed, 2007.
Chair, “Virginia Woolf and the Narratives of Trauma,” Thirty-Second Twentieth and
Twenty-First Century Literature and Culture Conference, University of
Louisville, 2004.
Chair, “Mrs. Dalloway and Trauma: New Directions in Reading.” Thirty-Fourth Annual
Twentieth and Twenty-First Literature and Culture Conference, University of
Louisville, 2006.
Chair, “Rereading Trauma in Virginia Woolf’s Fiction En(Corps).” Modern Language
Association Conference, 2006.
“Ron Schreiber’s Poetry.” Boston Gay Review 1, Fall 1976, 11.
“Model Torsos of Apollo.” Boston Gay Review 2, Spring, 1977, 6.
“The Houghton Mifflin Poetry Series.” New Boston Review, Vol. III, No. 1,
Summer, 1977, 14-15, 18.
“Delta of Venus.” Review of Delta of Venus by Anais Nin. Gay Community News,
Vol. 5, No. 5, July 30, 1977.
“Mitzel’s Witty But Double-Edged Vengeance.” Review of Some Short Stories About
Nasty People I Don’t Like by John Mitzel. Gay Community News, Vol. 5,
No. 12, September 24, 1977, 12.
“Ploughshares 3/3.” New Boston Review, Vol. III, No. 2, Fall, 1977, 11-12.
“Thieves to Flesh.” Review of Thieves to Flesh by Salvatore Farinella. Dark Horse,
No. 4, Winter, 1978.
“Instead of Squirming Out Of.” Review of Wrestling with Angels by Stan Persky.
Boston Gay Review, Fall 1978.
“Among the Cauliflowers in the Moonlight.” Dark Horse, No. 16, Fall, 1978, 24.
“A Whole Lifetime.” Review of Carnivorous Saint by Harold Norse. Boston Gay
Review, Fall, 1979, 4-5.
“Gay Views: Strum and Drang.” Stony Hills, No. 5, 4.
“The Original America.” Review of Only So Far as Brooklyn by Maurice Kenny. Gay
Community News. Vol. 17, No. 43, May 24, 1980, 5-6.
“Some Notes Toward Unmaking ‘The Homosexual Tradition.’” Boston Gay Review,
No. 7-8, Spring-Summer, 5.
“Paragraph: A Quarterly of Gay Fiction.” Boston Gay Review, 7-8, Summer, 1980.
“Getting It Right.” Review of Monday, Monday by David Trinidad and Waiting for the
Virgin by Gavin Dillard. Bay Windows, Vol. 4, No. 14, April 3-9, 1986, 16.
“Community Losses.” Review of Epitaphs for the Plague Dead by Robert Boucheron.
Bay Windows, Vol. 4, No. 14, April 3-9, 1986, 17-18.
“Loves of a Gay Poet.” Interview of Charley Shively.Bay Windows, Vol. 5, No. 19,
May 14-20, 1987, 1, 14-15.
“The Poet and Me.” Review of Poems of Hart Crane, ed. Mark Simon. Bay Windows,
Vol. 6, No. 8, February 25-March 2, 1988.
“Found Poems.” Review of Not Love Alone by Martin Humphries and Blues & Roots/
Rue & Bluets by Jonathan Williams. Bay Windows, Vol. 6, No. 13, March 31-
April 6, 1988.
“Oh a Best Friend.” Review of Love Alone: Eighteen Elegies for Rog by Paul Monette.
Bay Windows, Vol. 16, No. 30, July 28-August 3, 1988.
“Keys to Bliss.” Review of White Shroud by Allen Ginsberg. Bay Windows, Vol. 6,
No. 40, October 6-12, 1988.
“Our Book” and “Life Studies.” Review of Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life by Warren
Blumenfeld and Diane Raymond. Interview with Warren Blumenfeld.
Bay Windows, Vol. 6, No. 47, November 24-30, 1988, 17, 26.
“Taking Care of John” and “Chaos Control.” Review of John by Ron Schreiber.
Interview of Ron Schreiber. Bay Windows, Vol. 17, No. 14,
April 6-12, 1989, 16, 23.
“Telling Them How We Think.” Review of the English Institute. Bay Windows,
Vol. 7, No. 35, August 31-September 6, 1989, 14, 19.
“Dancefloors.” Review of These Waves of Dying Friends by Michael Lynch.
Bay Windows, Vol. 7, No. 37, September 14-20, 1989, 16.
“Dead Friends.” Review of Poets for Life ed. by Michael Klein. Bay Windows, Vol. 8,
No. 45, November 9-15, 1989, 16.
“Ruling Passions.” Review of Presences of Mind by Jack Sharpless. Bay Windows,
Vol. 8, No. 16, April 19-25, 1990, 23.
“Profile of the Survivor.” Review of selected AIDS books. American Book Review,
Vol. 12, No. 2, May-June 1990.
“Sheer Gravy.” Review of Frank O’Hara performance by The Poets’ Theatre.
Bay Windows, Vol. 8, No. 20, May 17-28, 1990, 19, 27.
“Specimen Daze.” Review of These People by Lloyd Schwartz. Bay Windows,
Vol. 8,No. 22, May31-June 6, 1990, 20, 28.
“The Wider Circle.” Review of Quitting Time by Jack Veasey. Bay Windows
Vol. 9. No. 22, July 11-17, 1991.
“Cafeteria.” Bay Windows, Vol. 10., No. 14, April 2-8, 1992.
“Kick Starting It.” Review of Decade Dance by Michael Lassell. Bay Windows,
Vol. 10, No. 43, October 22-28, 1992.
“Whitman’s Bed.” Review of Comrades and Lovers by Jonathan Katz. Bay Windows,
Vol. 11, No. 1, December 23-January 6, 1993.
“Love and Fuck in the Same Breath.” Review of Becoming a Man by Paul Monette.
Empathy, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1992/1993, 96.
“Mother Courage.” Review of Vox Angelica by Timothy Liu. Bay Windows,
Vol. 11, No. 10, March 4-10, 1993.
“Our Nightingale.” Review of The Man with Night Sweats by Thom Gunn.
Bay Windows, Vol. 11, No. 18, April 29-May 5, 1993, 21-22.
“Poetry Says We Are Each Our Own Hamlet.” Review of Period Pieces by Rudy Kikel.
South End News, Vol. 18, No. 49, January 8, 1998, p. 12, 16.
“Forbidden Longings.” Review of Desire by Frank Bidart. Bay Windows, Vol. 16.
No. 29, July 9-15, 1998, 24.
Untitled. Review of The Pleasure Principle by Michael Bronski. Journal of Gay,
Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity. Vol. 4, No. 3, July 1999, 271-274.
Untitled. Review of My Madness Saved Me: The Madness and Marriage of Virginia
Woolf by Thomas Szasz. The Virginia Woolf Miscellany. Forthcoming, 2007.
The Shadow Dance. Directed by Mary McGowan. Boston, 1980. Winner, Eighth
Annual Student Film Award, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,
New England Region, 1981.
Group Gallery, Provinvcetown, March 30, 1973. With Miriam Goodman.
Cambridge Street Artist Co-Op, April, 1973. With Kenneth Pitchford.
Charles Street Meeting House, July 1973.
Book Affair, BostonUniversity, April 25, 1975. Good Gay Poets.
WBUR, “Gay Ways,” May 20, 1975. Group.
UMass Boston, March 5, 1976. With Ron Schreiber.
100 Flowers, May 18, 1977. With John Hildenbidle.
First Night, 1977.
“Simple and Sublime: Lorine Niedecker’s Poems,” UMass Boston, May, 1978.
Peregrine Bookstore, June 4, 1978. With Thadious Davis.
BostonCity Hall, June, 1978. Group.
Newbury Street Bookstore, October 28, 1978. Dark Horse poets.
First Night, 1978.
Small Press Book Fair, Cambridge, April 21, 1979.
First Night, 1979.
Glad Day Bookstore, February 21, 1980. With Darryl Schram,, Jane Barnes, and
Linda Reddy.
BostonUniversity, November 24, 1980. Elizabeth Galloway class.
Victor Hugo Bookstore, March 28, 1981. Good Gay Poets.
UMass Boston, April 7, 1981. Group.
Covenant for Racial Harmony, May 13, 1981.
MIT, July 29, 1981. With Kathryn Eberly.
Mills Gallery, BostonCenter for the Arts, December 2, 1981. With Miriam Levine.
Glad Day Bookstore, April 2, 1982. With Gerrit Lansing.
First Night, 1986.
Gay Pride, Boston Public Library, June 8, 1988, Group.
CambridgeAdultEducationCenter, March 8, 1989. Warren Blumenfeld class with
Nora Mitchell.
CambridgeAdultEducationCenter, May, 1989. Warren Blumenfeld class with
Nora Mitchell.
Grolier Poetry Series, October 2, 1990. With Robin Becker.
Boston Public Library, October 17, 1990. Group.
Poets Respond to AIDS, Boylston Hall, Harvard, December 12, 1991. With Roy
Gonsalves, Miriam Howe, and Michael Klein.
Agape, FirstCommunityChurch, Boston, July 21, 1992.
Chapter & Verse, October 6, 2000. With Steven Riel and Randi Schalet.
Wordsworth Summer Poetry Festival, July 28, 2002.
MassachusettsCollege of Art, November 8, 2002. Elizabeth Galloway class.
Chapter & Verse, April 5, 2006, With Elizabeth McKim.
Director, Ellen LaForge Memorial Poetry Foundation, 1988-1992, 1994-1996
Editorial Board, Virginia Woolf Studies Annual, 1995-1998
Founding Editor, Boston Gay Review, 1976-1982
Editorial Board, International Journal of Sexuality and Gender Studies, 1996-2001
Member, International Virginia Woolf Society, 1993-
Member, Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, 2001-
Member, Modern Language Association, 2001-
Current Position
Director of Prospect Development, 2003-
Children’s Hospital Boston Trust
Past Positions
Director of Resource Development, 2000-2003
JohnF.KennedySchool of Government, HarvardUniversity
Director of Development Operations and Faculty Initiatives
Joslin Diabetes Clinic, 1999-2000
Director of Development Operations, 1996-1999
JohnF.KennedySchool of Government, HarvardUniversity
Independent Consultant, 1992-1995
As consultant, clients included: BethIsraelHospital, BrownUniversity, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Emerson College, Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Rhode Island School of Design, and the Traumatic Brain Injury Association (CT), among others.
Director of Development Services
Harvard Medical School, 1985-1992
Director of Development Research, 1982-1985
Prospect Researcher, 1980-1982
Selected Papers and Presentations –1994-
“Privacy, Policy, and Public Relations,” National Society of Fundraising Execs., 1994.
“Principles of Organizing a Prospect Research Operation,” Association of Professional
Researchers for Advancement (APRA), 1996.
“Hiring, Training, and Ret(r)aining the Development Researcher, APRA, 1999.
“Philanthropic Data in the State of Massachusetts.” Giving Massachusetts, 2000.
“Researching Private Companies.” New England Development Research Association
(NEDRA), 2001.
“Prospect Strategy: What Is It? Who Creates It? Why Is It Important?” APRA, 2002.
“Peer-to-Peer Screening: Higher Education, Arts, and Health Care. Panel, APRA, 2004.
“Finding and Developing Major Gift Prospects from Volunteer Boards.” APRA, 2005
“Assessing Your Ethical Environment.” Council for the Advancement and Support
Of Education (CASE), February, 2006.
Ann Castle Award, New England Development Research Award, 2004
New England Development Research Association- Member1986-
- Director1989-1995
- President1990-1992
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement- Member1987-
- Director2006-
Who’s Who of Online Professionals, 1st ed.
Who’s Who in the East, 23rd ed.