6th Grade Glimpse
September 5 – September 9
*No School Monday, September 4*
Science: This week we will continue our Inquiry unit by continuing to review basic Inquiry vocabulary. Students will be identifying variables, problem statements, hypothesis and constants. Students will begin working on establishing trends and developing conclusions and practicing scenario’s. We will also begin to review for our first test over inquiry that will occur the following week.. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Logan Plan Time: G2 and B1
Reading: We are beginning Unit 1: Fiction and Nonfiction this week. Our focus will be on identifying the literary elements (mainly the theme) of the selections that we read in this unit. Reading Log #1 is due this week (Gold day: September 8th and Blue day: September 9th). Blue day classes visit the library on Blue Wednesdays and Gold day classes visit the library on Gold Wednesdays, in order to take AR tests and check out/renew books. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns and have a great week!
Mrs. Meyers, , Conf. times: Gold Day 8:00-9:24 AM, Blue Day 1:36-3:00 PM
6th Grade Math (Mrs. Gillilan): Next week, students will learn how to how to apply the order of operations when solving multi-step problems. Students will also learn about the Commutative, Associative, and Distributive properties. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Please be sure to sign up for the “Remind” program to receive texts or e-mails of homework assignments. Visit my website for further information: https://sites.google.com/site/huskersbill/home Have a great week!
Mrs. Conference time - Gold: 8:00-9:24 and Blue: 9:28- 10:52.
Communication Arts: We will continue with the nouns chapter this week and working on the writing process. There will be no spelling due to the Labor Day holiday. Reminder: All homework assignments that receive a grade below a C may be redone for grade improvement. Assignments must be asked for that day and are due the next class time. Encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity if needed.
Mrs. Snapp / Conference Times: Gold 1 (8:00-9:24) and Blue 2 (9:28-10:52)
Ms. Lettau - Since it is a short week, we will not have spelling, but we will continue working with nouns – plurals – and possibly have a test on Thursday. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at . If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 11:30-1:30 and on Blue days from 8:00-9:30.
Social Studies: This week students will be learning about the Paleolithic and Neolithic time periods. This will help give us an idea of how life was before humans developed civilizations. If you have any questions my email is . My plan time is 9:28 to 10:52 on both Blue and 11:40 to 1:32 on Gold Days.
FACS: The students are learning to cook and proper kitchen safety. We will be practicing following a recipe by getting in the kitchen and cooking. The students will prep, cook, and clean during their lab along with working with others and sharing responsibility. They are graded on all areas. They need to turn in their $7 sewing fee ASAP so that I can get their locker caddy kits ordered.
------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
Student Signature: ______September 2, 2016
Parent/Caregiver Signature: ______Date: ______
For Extra Credit, both signatures must be present and the glimpse needs to be returned to Mrs. Logan no later than
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 by 3:15
Keyboarding: We are continuing to work on correct touch-typing technique. New letters next week are
W, Comma (,) and G. Students are encouraged to practice their keyboarding skills outside of class time through online keyboarding websites.
Mrs. Figg Conference: G1 & B2
Art: Our next project will be a self-portrait based on the work of Gustave Klimt. Students will be introduced to facial proportions using the grid method and DaVinci method, as well as review value, tints and shades with paint mixing. Students should bring a shirt for painting in and a hair tie. We will work from a photo that will be taken in class by the teacher.
Materials Needed this week: Pencil, Eraser, Rubber cement, fun colored pens and black sharpie.
Terra Littleton Conference: Gold 5/Blue 5 1:36pm-3:00pm
Vocal: Students have been singing songs from our Pete Seeger folk books. They have also been working to read 2-part music. The composer of the week was Guillame DuFay, a medieval composer.
Band: If your student needs any supplies for their instrument, or an Essential Elements book, you can visitwww.palenmusic.com/higginsvilleto order these from our school store. Items will be delivered on Monday during school. Also, I still have open tutoring spots open before and after school. If you would like to sign up, please send an email to .
RISE: We will be reading Adventure III in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “A Case of Identity”. We will also begin our Crime Scene Detective: Theft Unit which promotes using science and critical thinking to solve crimes. The first lesson focuses on the basics of criminal investigations.
Mrs. Bell ,
Health and Physical Education: Next week students in Mrs. Briney's class will continue their Tennis unit, while students in Mr. Hawthorne's class will continue their soccer unit. These units will last 2 weeks and will be completed on September 9th. We will be going outside some, so if needed, pack some sunscreen. Please help remind students to pack clothes to change into for class, as well as tennis shoes that tie. Health notes are to be kept organized in a folder or binder to help them study for quizzes and for folder checks at the end of each quarter. Their first quiz will be over their fitness notes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Hawthorne or Mrs. Briney. Coach Hawthornes's plan is Gold 1 or Blue 5 and Mrs. Briney's plan is Gold 1 and Blue 4
Health Enrichment: Students have finished Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 in chapter 14. We are discussing Tobacco use. Students have been involved in some great discussions and have already presented some awesome summaries from a video they watched. Next week, students will be moving onto lesson 3 covering alcohol use. Please ask them about what we are talking about in class. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Briney. Mrs. Briney’s plan is Gold 1 and Blue 4
Counselor’s Corner: Student Council campaigns & elections will be September 6th-9th. Students should submit their completed petition to Ms. Barnes in the counseling office by 3:00pm on September 7th. Students may hang posters up in the hallways but, should not do giveaways including candy, gum, pencils, etc. Two females and two males will be chosen to represent their class this year. Speeches will take place on Friday September 9th at 11:00pm in the following locations:
· 6th grade- MS Gym
· 7th grade- Mrs. Cook’s
· 8th grade- West Gym
Parents are welcomed to come and watch!
All results will be read on Friday the 11th
Reminder: All posters must be removed by the end of the day on Friday, September 9th.