February 10, 2014
Present:Mayor Carney / Absent:
Mayor Pro Tem Paul Williams / Councilman Kramer
Councilman Weekes
Councilman Hawver
Councilwoman Hawver
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Administrator Jeff Ranger and attorney Sara Watkins.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Honors & Recognition
Approve Agenda / The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Carney. Mayor Carney welcomed everyone.
All Council members and staff were present with the exception of Councilman Kramer. Mayor Carney led the Council/Audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Councilman Hawver moved to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / Councilman Williams moved to approve the Consent agenda. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
a) Approve Study Minutes of 1/13/2014.
b) Approve minutes of 1/13/2014 Regular Council Meeting.
c) Approve those Claim Checks dated through January 23, 2013 Second Payment check# 16983 through 16990. 3 ACH payments to Dep. Of Revenue, AWB, Pivotal payments. 1 Manual check #5354. Claim check dated February 10,2014 # 16997 through 17024 Total amount of $36,789.40
d) Approve those Payroll Checks dated through January 31, 2014 in the amount of $31,401.86 Check # 16992 through 16996. 3 EFT’s Aflac, DRS & IRS.
Planning Commission/ / No report
Gang Commission/ / No report
Sheriff’s Report/John Duran
Public Hearing
Unfinished Business
New Business
Resolutions & Ordinance
Other Business
Continue Meeting/Adjournment
7:30 p.m.
Rick Carney, Mayor / John Duran was able to attend the Council meeting. Mr. Duran provided the Yakima County Sheriff’s monthly report including bar graphs and contract time patrolling the Town. The report showed 9 calls in the month of January, 2014. Mr. Duran also provided the Spillman report formatted in detail for Council and Staff. Mr. Duran also noted the hours of shift coverage time.
No report.
a) Railroad Avenue Extension: Discussed during Study Session. No further discussion was desired.
b) (DWSRF) Loan projects, Reservoir and Water Valve replacement. Small reimbursements have been made for the design phase.
c) Water Comp Plan staff received a letter from Department of Health asking for 90 days extension.
d) Town of Naches Electronic Mail Policy for appointed and elected public officials. Councilman Hawver asked the Town attorney for a resolution to be made on this subject.
a) Right of Way acquisition: Railroad Street Extension one of the Federal requirements is to have a process of how Right of Way is acquired. Attorney Watkins drafted a Resolution in the packet tonight for discussion.
b) Council approval to advertise for Bids on all 3 projects: Railroad Street Extension, Water Valve Improvement and Reservoir Improvement. Councilman Williams moved to approve advertisement once all the requirements are met. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Williams moved to approve advertising for bids on the Reservoir Improvements once all the requirements are met. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Williams moved to approve advertisement on the Water Valve Improvement project once all requirements are met. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
a) Proposed Resolution No.2014-2 A Resolution declaring policy allowing the Town administrator to oversee real estate appraisal information, determine if an appraisal is necessary, and place appraised values, within limits, into contracts for purchase of property. After discussion Councilman Hawver moved to approve Resolution No. 2014-2 as amended. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
b) Proposed Resolution No. 2014-3 A Resolution authorizing investment of Town of Naches monies in the Local Government Pool. Councilman Hawver moved to approve resolution No. 2014-3. Seconded by Councilman Williams. Motion carried unanimously.
With no other business to discuss before Council. Councilman Williams moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Hawver. Motion carried unanimously.
Elvira Birrueta/ Clerk Treasurer