26th to 28th April 2013
We are going back to Big Mose Base Camp this year – having enjoyed ourselves so much last time. Pictures from last years adventure and a link to the NT website can be found on our web page at:- www.woodcraft.org.uk/where/group/cheltenham/kingfisher-elfins
The centre address details are:-
Big Mose Basecamp
WV15 6QR
Grid Ref: 757901
Warden Contact No.: 07982 476779
Payphone No.: 01746 780768
The weekend will cost £30 per person, we are happy to take Elfins without their parent, although parents (and siblings) are also welcome to attend. There will be no charge for children under 6 years of age and leaders will be charged £15 each. We have a financial hardship policy, which means we can support those families who are unable to afford the fee, please contact Duncan (01242 263017) if you require financial assistance.
The centre us about one hour’s drive from Cheltenham. We are unable to provide transport (this would make the price prohibitive) and so we are looking for car shares and parents willing to offer lifts or make at least one journey. We can cover the cost of petrol.
There is a good sized garden and a very pretty wood a short distance away, most activities will be based out of doors, weather permitting. There will be games and songs and the usual Woodcraft Folk types of things to do over the weekend.
The bunkhouse is limited to 20 places, although there is a possibility of hiring an adjacent residential unit with an extra 10 beds, please respond early if you or your child wish to take part so that we can book the extra space if required – there is a strong possibility this will be used by other groups if we leave it too long.
We would very much encourage adults who want to come along to be full Woodcraft Folk members – in this way we can ensure our young members are safeguarded. Please ask for a membership form.
For more information please contact Duncan Siret on 01242 263017, 07794079968 or .
Kit list
Sufficient clothing for three days, to include but NOT limited to: -
Warm coat
Waterproof trousers
Wellington boots or waterproof walking boots
Hat, scarf and gloves
Night clothes
Washing kit, towel
Sleeping bag
Pillow case
Teddy Bears welcome!
Please label all belongings clearly.
Please DO NOT bring valuables, electronic games,
or other items that you don’t want lost or broken.
Please also bring a cake to share!
Big Mose Basecamp Weekend
Health details (strictly confidential) and booking form
Please complete one form for each person attending the weekend and return it,
together with payment ASAP or by end February 2012 at the latest.
Health Details
Name: - …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Age: - …………………………… ( if under 18 ) Woodchip/Elfin/Adult:- ……………………………
Home Address: - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Emergency telephone number:- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Dietary needs:- ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Any other information we should know (Medication requirements; Allergies; Mobility issues; etc…): -
G.P. name and tel. no:- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Payment details and parental consent
Costs :- £30 per person, children under 6 free, leaders £15, (Cheques payable to “Woodcraft Folk” ).
Payment Enclosed:- £ ……………………………………………………………………………
(We want to ensure that no young member is excluded because of cost, if in genuine financial difficulty, please contact Duncan on 01242 263017)
I give permission for my son / daughter to take part in all the usual range of Woodcraft activities on this weekend.
In case of emergency during the weekend, I authorise the leaders to act on my behalf, as they consider appropriate, knowing I shall be informed at the earliest opportunity.
Where medication requirements have been detailed above, I authorise the leaders responsible for health to administer the medical treatment required by my child.
Signed:- ……………………………………………… Print Name:- …………………………………………… Date:- …………………………
Adults:- Please indicate whether you are attending and have spaces in your car …………………………………
Please indicate if you are not attending but are willing to carry people to or from Big Mose Basecamp:- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………