Working Group F on Floods

Thematic Workshop on implementation of the Directive 2007/60/EC

Bucharest, 17-19 April 2012


The Ministry of the Environment and Forests (MoEF) of Romania is pleased to invite you, or delegates on your behalf, to the WG F Thematic Workshop on Implementation of the Directive 2007/60/EC “Stakeholder involvement in flood risk management”to be held in Bucharest on 17-18th April, 2012.

Details of the workshop and registration are outlined below. Your attention is drawn to the need to register and reserve accommodation as early as possible.

Workshop Background

As part of a series of workshops looking at the implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks, the ‘Floods’ Directive, Working Group F will organize a two day thematic workshop in Bucharest, Romania during April 2012 on the subject of “Stakeholders involvement in flood risk management”. The event will be hosted by the Romanian Government with support from the ICPDR and Danube Floodrisk Project Management Team and Steering Committee.

The two main aims of WG F are:

a) To support the implementation of the Floods Directive

b) To improve information exchange related to the Floods Directive.

The objectives of WG F are to:

a) Provide the means for the implementation of the Floods Directive

b) Create a platform for coordination with the Water Framework Directive

c) Enable links with other CIS activities

d) Provide a platform for information exchange on:

- Best Practices among Member States

- National and EU flood related research programmes

- Best use of EU funding for flood related activities

- Other flood related EU policies within DG Environment’s remit.

Reaching the WG F objectives, different representative projects are called to bring their experince, and in this case, the Danube Floodrisk Project was invited in co-organizing the event.

About the EU DANUBE Floodrisk project, and its relevance for the proposed workshop

The EU DANUBE Floodrisk Project was launched to support activities implementing the Floods Directive in the region. The project is closely linked to the ICPDR Flood Protection Expert group, providing solutions for method integration and stakeholder involvement at a large transnational basin scale as Danube.

In previous WG F Thematic workshops, the role of stakeholder involvement has been raised on a number of occasions as a topic for which EU level information exchange on good practices needs to be further developed.

The public and stakeholders, through constructive engagement, can help inform the development of the flood maps and FRMPs, as well as benefit from the outcomes. Relevant stakeholders include a wide range of interests, including national, regional and local ministries and authorities, international river commissions, civil protection and emergency response services, land use planners, the insurance industry, the scientific community as well as flood risk managers and the general population.

In relation to flood maps, stakeholders and members of the public can help provide local information to enhance the accuracy of the maps and provide input in relation to the formats to ensure that the maps provide optimum benefit to end-users for purposes such as awareness raising of risk, public and institutional preparedness and planning for flood events (including flash floods), enhanced resilience, and the promotion of sustainable development and land use planning. Similarly, the public and stakeholders have important roles to play in the preparation of the FRMPs, particularly in relation to:

-Setting flood risk management objectives

-Identifying important local issues that should be considered when assessing appropriate measures

-The decision-making process for the selection of measures (MCA, benefits and costs)

-The criteria for prioritisation of measures

When considering public and stakeholder engagement, as well as the dissemination of information, it is important to consider:

-The objectives and target audience of the engagement or dissemination (i.e., who the stakeholders are),

-The most appropriate and effective timing of the consultation for different stakeholders

-The scale and scope of the engagement, taking into account the need for information exchange and / or cooperation between local, regional, national and international authorities

-The mechanism or media by which the engagement or dissemination might be undertaken (e.g., web-based publication or consultation, such as internet-based flood mapping portals, publicity campaigns, public exhibitions, public meetings, community group liaison, workshops, etc.)

-The format, content and tools for implementing the engagement or applying in dissemination

The awareness and understanding of members of the public and stakeholders of the risk of flooding, and how they should respond in the event of a flood is also essential for effective emergency response and community resilience.

The workshop will examine each of the above issues thematically when considering flood maps and FRMPs, with consideration of the differences between public and institutional stakeholder engagement.

Workshop Format

The Stakeholders Workshopwill consist of a two day meeting (17th – 18th April), bringing together experts of the WG F, of projects implemented for flood risk mapping and flood risk management plans, together with representatives of stakeholders and end users. The workshop will be followed by a one day meeting for WG F 11 on 19th April 2012. The event will be held in the Parliament House of Romania, Nicolae Balcescu Conference Hall.

The Workshop is organized in sessions chaired by designated officials, and following with introductory presentations and panel discussions on the respective topic. The panellists will present brief initial thoughts and then lead discussion sessions so that participants can gain greater depth in one or other of the topics.

A brief questionnaire and call for papers is distributed together with this invitation.

The full documents of the workshop are available on the folowing sites: and as well as from the Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee.

Workshop Program


SESSION 2: Flood mapping - Input from and dissemination to the public and stakeholders

Key presentations

Panel discussions

1. How to ensure local knowledge is taken on board in the production of local/national flood risk and hazard maps. Good practice methods and experience sought.

2. Planning web-sites for national mapping information dissemination (best practice examples) - Tools for delivering flood mapping information at local /national level.

3. Guidelines for the general public on information use and interpretation

SESSION 3: PreparING and implementing FRMPs – involvement of the public and local stakeholders

Key presentations

Panel discussions

1. How best to involve interested parties at local, regional and national levels in the development of flood risk management plans, including in objective setting and identification and prioritsation of measures. Good practice stories and lessons learnt.

2. The use of Multi Criteria Analysis for setting objectives and selecting measures should be considered in the preparation of FRMPs, involving relevant stakeholders with the results from these methods being presented in a transparent and understandable way for the public and politicians .

This should include information on the effectiveness, cost-benefit and prioritisation of the proposed measures.

3. How to secure broad-based support for the successful implementation of revitalisation measures in FRMP - education, communication and citizen involvement

SESSION 4: Working with institutional stakeholders and other sectors, in particular on land use

Key presentations

Round table 1[1]: Best practice on how to involve other sectors in flood risk management (e.g. spatial planning, energy sector, finance possibilities).

Round table 2[2]*: Developing land use planning for better flood risk management -by involving landowners and other interested parties

SESSION 5: Awareness - the role of public and stakeholder involvement for preparedness and emergency response

Key presentations

Breakout sessions with two discussion topics

  1. Flood emergency situations management plans preparation and further use -– stakeholders involvement and public participation

2. Emergency response plans – stakeholders involvement and public participation


Key presentations provided by ICPDR and other international river commissions


Plenary discussions

Call for Abstract / Paper

The papers should focus on addressing issues and problems relevant to Stakeholder Consultation in the different phases of Flood Directive implementation, and should describe new methods or approaches that have been (or are being) developed, present ideas and possible solutions, or outline examples / case studies of approaches taken to address these issues and problems. Papers on specific stakeholders consultation methodologies / research or questions / problems that could be of interest of other countries to deal with in an early stadium would also be welcomed, even if the issues are not yet solved in your country.

You, or delegates on your behalf, are requested to submit (in the English language) abstracts

of papers proposed for presentation. The abstracts should:

− be no more than 300 words,

− outline the key objectives, content and findings or the paper,

− clearly identify which session the paper is proposed to be presented under, and,

− identify name, organization and country of author / presenter

Abstracts should be submitted using the Danube Floodrisk Project site or by email to Dr. Mary-Jeanne Adler and Dr. Rodica Mic, no later than 24thMarch 2012. ( and ).

Depending on the number of abstracts received, it may not be possible to accept all papers for presentation. Following review of abstracts, authors whose papers have been accepted for presentation will be notified by 30th March 2012. All authors are requested to submit full papers (no more than 8 pages in length) no later than 6th April 2012.

Papers accepted for presentation (and others that could not be presented, but that have been submitted as full papers) will be printed within the workshop report.

Other out-puts of the workshop will be a Strategy Document for good practice used in stakeholder involvement, to be prepared under the EU Danube Floodrisk Project and a Good practice Guideline for stakeholders involvement in flood risk management.


A workshop questionnaire is disseminated with this invitation, and outcomes of analysis of the proposed questionnaire and examples of good practice in public and stakeholder engagement will be one of the outputs of this workshop. We would be very grateful if you could fill in and transmit back the questionnaire by 30th March, 2012 and send the proposed documents to be included in theStrategy Document, one week before the workshop, at the latest (6th April, 2012).


The number of delegates that may attend the workshop is limited to 120-150. As such, it is recommended that delegates register at their earliest convenience. To ensure as wide a representation as possible at the workshop, the number of delegates that may be registered will initially be limited to three from each Member State and to one delegate from other organization represented at WG F (international river commissions, NGOs representatives, Emergency Situations Services representatives, local government representatives from the high risk areas, companies/institutes with high interest for flood risk studies and research, implementing projects in the international context, assurance companies representatives etc.). Delegates invited by partners of the Danube Floodrisk and the technical staff involved in the project are invited as well. However, after 30thMarch 2012, any remaining vacant places will be made available on a first come – first served basis, including to additional delegates from MemberStates or other organizations above the initial limits noted above.

To register, please complete the attached registration form on line ( or fill it and submit by email to , or just send your card to ; .

Workshop Costs

There will be no attendance fee for the workshop, although delegates are responsible for making their own travel and hotel accommodation arrangements and for meeting the costs of these. A reduced number of grants offered by the Danube Floodrisk Project will be available for Workshop attendance for participants providing key papers/communications and for participants providing an important involvement for round tables coordination/organization.


Delegates are required to make and pay for their own hotel reservations using the special

booking reference code Ministry of Environment event, before 31.03.2012, please:

Hotel Ibis Izvor, site: cost: 55 euro/night, single room

Hotel Best Western Parliament, site: , cost: 80 euro/night

Hotel Marriott, site: cost 100 euro/night, single room

The rooms will be made available on a first come – first served basis, and so delegates are encouraged to make their reservations at their earliest convenience.

All hotels are within 10 min distance from the Workshop Center (see the Bucharest map and hotels details).

Queries / Contact Details

If you have any queries related to the workshop, please feel free to contact Ms. Mary-Jeanne Adler e-mail: , telephone: +40 722 66 11 30

or Ms. Silvia Neamtu: e-mail: , telephone: +40 21. 316. 21.05, fax: +40 21 316.02.82

Social events

During the evenings the following social programme has been organized:

First evening:

-Parliament House visit tour, Official dinner

Second evening:

-Thematic City tour, Social Dinner

For participants remaining during the weekend, we could organize (under request) a one day trip on the Prahova Valley, visiting Peles Castel at Sinaia and/or Brasov City.

Please mention on the Registration forms your intention for participating in the social events.


[1] * Participants will share in two groups, which will participate in the two round tables sessions.