(for footnotes see the end of this form)
(1)Preferred Time of Stay1:
(2)Nature of Planned Research2:
(3)Collaborators & Nature of Collaboration3:
- Please specify the length of time you wish to stay, and your preferred dates. If your preferred dates are correlated with those of other visitors or applicants to visit, please specify who these people are. We assume that these other people will also be submitting an application like this one. If your proposed visit is connected with somebody based in Vancouver, we need a letter from this person or persons as well. If this application is from a student or postdoc, we will also need a letter from the supervisor.
Note that we divide visitors to PITP into 3 categories.
Short-term visitors typically stay for up to a week or so, intermediate-term visitors for up to 8 weeks, and long-term visitors for longer periods. The nature of PITP support for visitors depends on which of these categories they fall into, although the policy here is flexible.
- Please specify here what it is you wish to work on while at PITP. Note that a major aim of PITP is to lend support to long-term research projects, so you should explain whether and how you envisage this work continuing after your stay here, and in what way it is important for this work that you come to PITP. In the case of students and postdocs, the letter from the supervisor should also address these points. If you need to explain the connection with previous work, by all means do so (references to this work would be helpful)
- In many cases the purpose of coming to PITP will be facilitated a research collaboration with other researchers. If this is the case, please explain the nature of this collaboration, and in what way you think that the visit to PITP will help in this.
- In the case of medium-term visitors, PITP typically provides travel and accommodation expenses for the visitor, but not a per diem. In certain cases exceptions can be made. In the case of short-term or long-term visitors, the funding is examined on a case-by-case basis, and PITP cannot necessarily pay both travel and accommodation expenses. If the applicant has other sources of support for his/her visit, or has applied for such, these should be specified.