Calloway County Early Childhood


Fall 2010 Training Schedule

Professional Development Standards and the 3 Goals of the Kentucky Board of Education:

1)High Student Performance,

2) High Quality Teaching and Administration and

3)Strong and Supportive Environment for Each School and Every Child.

Core Content Areas and Levels
IECE Standard/CDA Subject Area
KDE Fall Leadership Training
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
This session, approved for six hours of leadership credit, will focus on early childhood updates from KDE and tips for Coordinators. Topics may include preschool finances, certification, assessments, Department of Education directions, special education, research and more. / Program Management & Evaluation and Professional Development &
Levels: IV, V / IECE Standards:
I & VII /

September 24, 2010

ChristianCounty Head Start
Hopkinsville, KY / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

Are You Interested in being Designated as a “Classroom of Excellence”?
This training will provide an overview of the requirements for Classroom of Excellence. There will also be an overview of the required components of the ELLCO and ECERS-R. / Learning Environments & Curriculum and Professional Development & Professionalism
Levels: IV, V / IECE Standards:
I, III, IV & VII / October 1
Eddyville, KY / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

KISSED Module I (Kentucky's Initiative for Social Skills and Emotional Development)
This is the first two days of a seven-day training. Individual teams are selected to participate in this program through an application process.
/ Child Growth & Development, Learning Environments & Curriculum, Child Assessment and Family & Community Partnerships.
Levels: IV and V / IECE Standards: I, II, III, IV, VI & VIII
CDA: 1, 3, 4, 7 & 8 / October 28-29, 2010
MurrayStateUniversity – Hopkinsville Campus
Hopkinsville, KY / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

Autumn Horizons
/ Program Management & Evaluation and Professional Development & Professionalism
Levels: IV, V / IECE Standards:
I & II / November 3-4
Cadiz, KY / West Kentucky Special Education Cooperative
Register at the link below:

Utilizing the Great Outdoors – Everyday Science Discovery
This session will provide an exciting new nature-based early childhood program. The session will incorporate nature learning into the classroom. Specific activities will build on young children’s sense of wonder about nature and invite them to explore wildlife and the world around them. You will explore the wonderful world of science through plant and animal communities. Materials will be provided to all participants.
Presented by: Greg Gierhart / Child Growth/Development, Learning Environments & Curriculum and Child Assessment
Levels: III, IV & V / IECE Standards:
CDA: 2 ,7 &8 / November 5
PennyrileForestState Park
Dawson Springs, KY / Britney Duncan
Calloway CountyRTC

The Technology Integration Wizard: Laying a Foundation for Academic Success
Participants will receive the latest DVD of Software Savvy the 2011 edition with preschool features. Over 75 software programs are included along with numerous preschool fonts, and web links. Each person attending will also learn the latest tools embedded in Windows 7, how to create a Blog, translate web pages, and more.
Presented by: David Daniel / Learning Environments and Curriculum
Levels: III - V / IECE Standards:
CDA: 1, 2, 8 / November 12
Kentucky Dam Village Convention Center Room “C” / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

This session is the third & fourth days in a series of 7 days of training. Individual teams are selected to participate in this project based on an application process. / Learning Environments & Curriculum, Professional Development & Professionalism, Child Assessment and Child Growth & Development
Levels: III, IV and V / IECE Standards: I, II, III, IV, VI, VII & VIII
CDA: 1, 3, 7 and 8 / December 2-3, 2010
MurrayStateUniversity – Hopkinsville Campus
Hopkinsville, KY / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

Looking Ahead . . .
This is the fifth day in the 7 days of training. Individual teams are selected to participate in this project based on an application process. / Learning Environments & Curriculum, Professional Development & Professionalism, Child Assessment and Child Growth & Development
Levels: III, IV and V / IECE Standards: I, II, III, IV, VI, VII & VIII
CDA: 1, 3, 7 and 8 / January 14, 2011
MurrayStateUniversity – Hopkinsville Campus
Hopkinsville, KY / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

This is the sixth and seventh days in the 7 days of training. Individual teams are selected to participate in this project based on an application process / Learning Environments & Curriculum, Professional Development & Professionalism, Child Assessment and Child Growth & Development
Levels: III, IV and V / IECE Standards: I, II, III, IV, VI, VII & VIII
CDA: 1, 3, 7 and 8 / March 4-5, 2010
Four Points Sheraton
LexingtonKY / Britney Duncan
Calloway Co. RTC

*NOTE: All trainings start at 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. unless otherwise specified.



Name (s):E-mail AddressTraining(s)

Ex. Jane Doejane.doe@school district.kyschools.usA, C, G







*Note(E-mail addresses will be used to remind you of the upcoming training and any requirements/materials that may be needed for the training.)

School District:

Phone Number:


Listed below are the available trainings for Fall 2010. Please denote above by LETTER the training(s) each person will be attending.


ASeptember 24KDE Fall Leadership Training

BOctober 1Are You Interested in being Designated as a “Classroom of Excellence”?

COctober 28-29KISSED Module I

DNovember 5Utilizing the Great Outdoors – Everyday Science Discovery

ENovember 12The Technology Wizard: Laying a Foundation for Academic Success

FDecember 2-3KISSED Module II

To register you may mail, e-mail, call, or fax your registration. Please do so as soon as possible so we are prepared for the number of participants. If you have questions, please call.

Calloway Co. RTC

PO Box 1018

Murray, KY 42071


270-809-3084 (fax)
