Chaper 12: Classical Greece
Lesson 1 The Golden Age of Greece
Government Democracy expanded under the leadership of Pericles.
Economics Pericles expanded the wealth and power of Athens through
the Delian League.
Culture Pericles launched a program to make Athens beautiful.
Pericles Leads Athens
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What democratic changes did Pericles bring?
Pericles’ Three Goals
• ______led Athens after Persian Wars
- was strongest leader from 460 B.C. until death 31 years later
• Three goals: ______democracy, ______empire, ______Athens
Pericles Strengthens Democracy
• Pericles wanted to change balance of power between rich and poor
• He expanded the role of ______citizens in government.
______Public Officials
• Citizen had to be free male, over 18, son of Athenian-born parents
Expanding the Empire
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did Athens become more powerful?
Delian League
• To ______themselves, Greek city-states formed ______
-Had treasury (money) on island of Delos
- Pericles used League money to build navy of at least 300 warships
Athens Dominates the Delian League
• Athens had a ______navy, ______of Delian League
- moved League treasury to Athens in 454 B.C.
- this move strengthened Athens
• Other city-states eventually became part of Athenian empire
Beautifying Athens
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How did Pericles beautify Athens?
Rebuilding Athens
• In 480 B.C., Athens was in ______from the ______Wars
• Pericles ______, beautified city with funds from ______
- other city-states were ______he did not ask permission to use funds
• Pericles spent money on sculptures, buildings, expensive materials
Such as gold, ivory, and marble
The Acropolis
• Athens rebuilt Acropolis—“high city” that included ______
- Parthenon housed statue of goddess ______, city’s protector
- Parthenon architecture had graceful proportions, harmony, order
• Other Acropolis temple dedicated to Athena Nike, goddess of ______
Lesson Summary
• Pericles strengthened democracy in Athens by paying public officials.
• Pericles expanded the empire by building a strong naval fleet.
• Pericles rebuilt and beautified Athens.
Lesson 2 Peloponnesian War
Government Athens and Sparta and their allies fought a war over Athens’
growing power.
Government Athens lost the Peloponnesian War.
Government More than 25 years of war weakened all of the Greek citystates.
The Outbreak of War
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What led Athens and Sparta to fight a war?
Causes of the War
• Many differences between ______and ______
- Athens had ______, Sparta had military-led government
• Three main reasons for war
- some city-states feared and ______Athens’ grab for power, prestige
- under Pericles, Athens built a naval empire
- some Athenian settlers moved into other city-states’ lands
Athens Disliked
• Other city-states resented Athens spending Delian League money
- some tried to ______from Athens control
- Pericles’ ______city-states that resisted Athens
• Sparta headed ______that opposed the Delian League
• Sparta declared war on Athens in 431 B.C.; began Peloponnesian War
The War Rages
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What happened during the Peloponnesian War?
Strategies of War
• Sparta had better ______forces and city was safe from sea attack
• Athens had better ______, could attack Sparta’s allies from sea
• Sparta captured land around Athens, destroyed ______, food supply
• Athens’ strategy was to avoid land battles, rely on _____ power
- Pericles persuaded Athens to let Sparta destroy crops
- brought people inside city walls, brought food in by sea
Disaster Strikes Athens
• Under Pericles’ plan, Athens became ______
• In second year of war, a ______broke out in Athens
- disease that spread easily, often led to death
- city lost up to ______of its people and army, including Pericles
• In 421 B.C., Athens signed ______—agreement to stop fighting
- Athens surrendered to Sparta in 404 B.C.
Consequences of the War
ESSENTIAL QUESTION What was the result of the Peloponnesian War?
The Aftermath
• Peloponnesian War lasted over _____ years
• Cities, crops were destroyed; thousands of Greeks died
• ______the Greek city-states suffered economic, military losses
• King Philip II of Macedon came to power in 359 B.C.
- Macedon was kingdom north of Greek city-states and looked to attack ______Greece.
Lesson Summary
• The wealth, prestige, policies, and power of Athens caused resentment among
other city-states.
• A plague that killed many Athenians helped Sparta defeat Athens.
• The Peloponnesian War weakened all of the Greek city-states for 50 years.