Participant Information Form for those exploring entrance into the Catholic Faith.

Welcome to our community of Faith! Whether you are simply curious about the Catholic Faith or are already predisposed to entering the Faith, we are so looking forward to working with you. The program we provide for those exploring the Catholic Faith is Called “RCIA” or the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.” In order to better serve you, please fill out this information form as best as you can. Please do not be afraid to ask any questions you may have concerning this document.

Today’s Date: enter a date.

Your Name: When we create official documents for you, we will use your full, legal name. Please write out your full name (Including and name change history) in the space below.

First name (Birth Name): enter first name Middle Name: enter middle nameSurname (Last) Name: enter last name2nd Surname (Spanish) enter 2nd surnameMaiden name:enter maiden namePreferred Name:enter preferred name

Please write out your full name as commonly used:enter full name

Date of Birth: enter a date.Age: enter number Occupation: enter occupation

Contact Information so we can stay in touch and keep you updated:

E-mail: enter emailCell Phone #: enter cell phone #Other Phone #: enter alternate phone #

Address: enter mailing addressCity: enter cityState: enter stateZip Code: enter zip code

Sacramental History: helps us know your formal religious history so that we can assist you better. Fill out what you know and we can fill out what remains as we go.


Are you Baptized? Choose an item.

In what Christian denomination were you Baptized? (Catholic, Episcopalian, Mormon, etc.)enter denomination

If you were baptized as a Catholic, check those sacraments you have already received:

☐Reconciliation (Confession) ☐Eucharist (First Communion) ☐Confirmation

Father’s name: enter full name Mother’s Maiden Name: enter full name

Place of Birth (City, State, Country): enter text

Please note that, if applicable, we will be asking for a record of Baptism. Let us know if there is difficulty obtaining this record.


☐I have never been married.

☐I am a widow and not remarried.

☐I am divorced and I have not remarried.

☐I am married, but separated from my spouse.

☐I am engaged to be married.

What is your fiance’s name? enter full name

What is your fiance’s religious affiliation? enter denomination

Have you ever been married before? Choose an item.

Has your fiancé ever been married before? Choose an item.

☐I am Married.

Your Spouse’s Name: enter full name

Your Spouse’s Religious affiliation: enter denomination

Date of Marriage:enter a date.

Were you married by: ☐A non-Catholic minister? ☐A civil official?☐A Catholic Minister?

Is this your first marriage? Choose an item.

Is this your spouse’s first marriage? Choose an item.


Do you have children? Choose an item.

Are you looking to have them enter the faith as well? Choose an item.

  1. Child’s Name enter name Child’s Age enter number
  2. Child’s Name enter name Child’s Age enter number
  3. Child’s Name enter name Child’s Age enter number
  4. Child’s Name enter name Child’s Age enter number
  5. Child’s Name enter name Child’s Age enter number

General Information

Briefly elaborate on your past religious experience.

enter text

Tell us briefly about what has led you to inquire about the Catholic Faith.

enter text

What sort of questions about the Catholic Faith are of greatest interest to you?

enter text

Are there any practical, immediate questions that you have for us at this time?

enter text

How would you describe your desire to enter the Catholic Church?

☐I need much more information about the Catholic Church before I would consider joining.

☐I am considering joining, but I am still unsure about it.

☐I am fairly sure that I would like to join, but I still need some time to study and pray about it.

☐I am fairly sure that I want to join the Catholic Church.

Photo: Help us put a face to the name by giving us a general photo of you when you send this form in.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. We are so looking forward to sharing with you our Faith and getting to know you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at any time.

Laura Hughes: , 512.328.3220 x117