STATUS (Service Delivery)
1.1To consider arrangements for providing additional parking opportunities in Newfoundland Drive for residents of recent town centre developments that are subject to Travel Plan agreements.
1.2National and local policy ( through Local Transport Plan ) aims to reduce the environmental impact of travel through the provision of sustainable travel options
1.3The Council is in the process of reviewing the current Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) on parking guidelines. It is anticipated that this will provide a more realistic assessment of parking associated with developments
It is recommended that the Portfolio Holder approves:
2.1the release of a new season ticket to allow residentsof new developments in the Town Centre to park in the Newfoundland Drive parking bays at a cost of £400pa, the conditions of which are as shown on Appendix A.
3.1Residents of established town centre properties are eligible to buy resident and visitor permits to park on street within the relevant zones around the Town Centre. The Zones were originally introduced, as part of the overall Transportation Strategy, to discourage peak hour car-borne commuting into the Town Centre by means of a 2 hour time limit for all road users except resident permit holders. Some of the zones have subsequently been amended where there is limited availability of parking together with night time demand by restricting parking to permit holders only after 6pm.
3.2More recently, a number of large developments at Poole Quarter and the Seldown Eco site have been approved with very limited car parking provision and condition that a Travel Plan is agreed so that the units will attract low car owning households. The Travel Plans are intended to limit the traffic generation of these new developments. A fundamental part of the plans is that on-site parking is limited and closely managed. The intention is that these developments will allow higher density use of town centre land and attract low car owning households.
3.3Although the managing agents are responsible for administering the travel plans, it is clear that units are not necessarily being restricted to low car owning households and the Council is being pressed to make more parking opportunities available for residents. Considerable efforts have been made in engaging with the Residents Association, managing agents and other stakeholders in resolving transportation and highway issues. A series of regular meetings have been established where this dialogue takes place.
3.4The Pay and Display spaces on Newfoundland Drive (which are immediately adjacent to Poole Quarter and relatively close to the Seldown Eco-development) are very sparsely used and it would be appropriate to allow residents the opportunity to buy season tickets here.
3.5These are on street charged parking areas and, bearing in mind thatmaking additional cheap parking for residents here would potentially negate the aims of the associated Travel Plans, the charges for these permits should be set at the appropriate level.
3.6While some residents are currently using standard annual Season Tickets (currently £800pa) this provides for all day parking whereas it is recognised that residents here would tend not to be using the permits during the working day.
3.7The current overnight charge is £1.20 (but drivers would also have to pay the hourly charges if they park before 6pm or leave after 8am). An annual charge of £427 (365 x£1.20) would therefore be cheaper and easier than paying the overnight charge every night, particularly if it allowed daytime stays as well.
- Proposed Season Ticket Arrangement
4.1It is suggested that Season Tickets are made available for residents of The Poole Quarter and Seldown Eco Centre developments to buy a season ticket for the pay and display bays ( approximately 33 spaces ) in Newfoundland Drive for £400 per year.
4.2The Season Tickets will be issued on the same basis as the current resident parking permits (i.e. they will be subject to vehicle registration and residency checks, and two registration numbers will be permitted per season ticket). There will be no guarantee that a convenient space will be available, or that the season ticket will continue to be offered in future years
4.3Thecurrent traffic orders allow residents of Baiter to buy £42 p.a. resident permits for the on street bays in Newfoundland Drive, Labrador Drive and Catalina Drive. At the present time there are 5of these that have been issued, who for the most part use Catalina and Labrador Drives only. In this respect it is therefore proposed that the Baiter residents permit be restricted to these roads only, which will provide separation from the new permit holders who will be in Newfoundland Drive.
5.1While the new season tickets would be cheaper than paying the current full rate ( £800pa ) parking charges, it is anticipated that the new permits will lead to overall increased income.
7.1 None.
8.1 None.
9.1 The Travel Plan agreements aim to assist developers to build high density developments for low car ownership households in the town centre. These households would tend to make use of sustainable travel modes rather than buying private cars. Making cheap car parking available for these residents will potentially lead to an increase of car ownership and car use.
10.1 There is pressure for the Council to make more parking space available for Town Centre residents at particular locations. The proposed new permits will offer residents of these developments that do not currently qualify for resident permits to make use of the under-utilised on street spaces in Newfoundland Drive.
Report Author and Contact Officer - Steve Dean (01202) 262071
Appendix A: Recommended Permit Conditions
Appendix B : Poole Quarter plan NDR09 / 088A
Background Papers: None
Recommended Conditions for Newfoundland Drive Season Tickets
- The Season Tickets cost £400 per year.
- Eligibility will be restricted to residents of the Poole Quarter and Seldown developments
- Residents will need to produce proof that the vehicle is registered to an address within the eligibility boundary and proof of residence at the same address.
- Up to two registration numbers will be permitted per season ticket; both vehicles must satisfy the eligibility criteria above.
- The permits will only be valid in the Newfoundland Drive on-street car park.
- There will be no guarantee that a convenient space will be available, or that the permit will continue to be offered in future years
- The permit must be clearly displayed on the windscreen for the driver to be exempt from the charges
- If a season ticket has been altered or tampered with, then a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued to the vehicle displaying the season ticket.
- The council reserves the right to withdraw any permit found to have been improperly issued or used. Photocopying a season ticket is deemed as misuse and will result in your season ticket being revoked.
- If the registration number(s) on the season ticket needs changing, then it should be returned to the Parking Administration Section, for a new season ticket to be issued. A £10 fee will be charged.
- If the season ticket is stolen, then a replacement will be issued on production of a crime number from the Police to confirm the theft of the season ticket or vehicle. If the vehicle is written off and the season ticket lost, then a replacement will be issued on receipt of confirmation of the write-off. Replacements for season tickets lost in other circumstances will not be issued.
- A refund for whole unused months will be issued on return of the season ticket to Parking Administration
- If more than one registration number is shown on the ticket, then it is the resident’s responsibility to ensure that the ticket is clearly shown on the vehicle that is parked in the car park. Any Penalty Charge Notices issued for failing to display the season ticket will not be waived.
Zone President permits will no longer be valid in Newfoundland Drive Pay and Display bays.