Professional Development 09/20/12
Committee Meeting 12:36 p.m. call to order/recording started
Meeting called by:Pat James-Hanz/Irma RamosType of meeting: Monthly
Facilitator: Faith Nobles Note taker:Kass Munoz
Timekeeper:Kass Munoz
Attendees:Administrators: Pat James, Irma Ramos, Micah Orloff Faculty: Anna Stirling, Elias Escamilla, David King Classified: Faith Nobles, Kass Munoz
Please read:Past minutes
Please bring:Agenda and attachments
Agenda item:Approve June Meeting MinutesPresenter: Faith Nobles
Discussion:Meeting minutes will be emailed to members for approval
Action items: Email meeting minutes from 06/06/2012 for electronic approval vote
Person responsible: Faith Nobles
Agenda item:Meeting days and times Presenter: Faith Noble
Discussion: A Doodle poll was submitted to members regarding the best day and time to schedule meetings. The hard copy results of the poll were distributed to members and shared on the CCConfer.
Action items: Item will be brought back to agenda for continued discussion to decide the best day and time that more committee members can attend.
Agenda item: MSJC Academy Presenter: Aurianna Stirling
Discussion: The data collected from the Academy survey can be found at the following link.
A total of 230 attendees participated in the Fall 2012 MSJC Academy. 72 participants completed the survey that was emailed. The survey asked questions regarding workshops, quality of presenters, and ease of registration. The data is valuable and is used in the planning process for the next Academy. Data of participants and workshops attended are kept on a spreadsheet for tracking purpose.
Action items: A call for volunteers to participate in the planning process for the Academy in January 2013
Person responsible: Anna Stirling
Agenda item:Classified Development Day/MSJC Academy Presenter: Kass Munoz
Discussion: A discussion of incorporating the Classified Development Day into the Academy has begun with the Classified Senate and the Professional Development Committee. Combining the two events is an opportunity to bring the classified staff and the faculty together to share in professional development and share event costs.
Action items: Continue discussion to get input from all committee members and get input from the Classified Senate to develop a combined Professional Development event.
Agenda item:Professional Development Summit Update Presenter: Micah Orloff
Discussion: In January of 2011 Micah attended a meeting of the Strategic Planning Success taskforce to discuss the vision for Professional Development statewide. One of the recommendations made was to revitalize Professional Development by offering timely meaningful events that reach across all levels of participants and offer varying degrees of materials in multiple formats for targeted audiences and to also make available to everyone. The development of an online virtual warehouse for storing workshops and materials would encourage access at any time. Task force will meet again in October and Micah will bring back updates at that time. Please email your questions and comments to Micah Orloff
Conclusions: Effective Professional Development contributes to increased Student Success
Action items: Updates of October task force meeting to be brought back
Person responsible: Micah Orloff
Agenda item:Employee Scholarship Program Presenter: Irma Ramos
Discussion: Brandman University MBA Scholarship Information. Brandman University is offering an MBA Scholarship to any faculty and staff member that meet the requirements. The scholarship offers a 50% tuition reduction. The requirements for the scholarship include that employees must be permanent (which includes part-time permanent employees) that have been employed for 12 months or more. A BA will be required and anyone with a MBA is not eligible. The scholarship application must be completed. The application is due to Faith Nobles in Human Resources by October 19, 2012
Action items: E-mail any additional criteria for candidates to Irma Ramos to take back to the scholarship committee
Agenda item:Professional Development Committee Goal Development for 2013 Presenter: Faith Nobles
Discussion: Professional Development has not received funds from the Chancellor’s office in the last three years. A WRAP/PAR should be prepared to ask for funds to help in developing the Professional Development Program.
Action items: Review old goals to assist in developing new committee goals. Item will be brought back to next meeting agenda
Discussion items
Discussion: Committee discussed the need for consensus on how quorum will be met for the Professional Development Committee. Quorum can be met with a vote of 1/3 of the membership or by simple majority. An electronic poll of committee members will be done to reach members that are not present today.
Faith Noble will email members for input on how members would like to meet quorum
Meeting adjourned: 1:45 pm
Agenda items for the next meeting can be sent to Faith Nobles and she will email agenda and next meeting date to members for the October 18, 2012 meeting.