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Fiction/Nonfiction (Real/Make-Believe)


Student Learner Expectations:

OV.1.K6 - Participate in discussions about a variety of topics, including books and personal experiences.

OV.1.K7 - Use pictures to orally retell a story with a beginning, middle and end, with or without prompts.

OV.2.K1 - Demonstrate active listening behavior.

OV.2.K2 - Listen for a purpose.

OV.2.K4 - Listen to literature presented using a variety of media, including teacher reading, computer, or tape recording.

OV.2.K5 - Listen to a variety of texts from various cultures read aloud.

OV.2.K6 - Listen for specific information.

OV.3.K1 - Listen to and view a variety of media to understand and extend learning.

R.8.K6 - Identify the front and back cover of a book.

R.9.K5 - Ask and answer questions about the text.

R.9.K6 - Ask and answer questions in response to what is heard or read.

R.9.K10 - Retell stories and events using beginning, middle, and end.

R.9.K12 - Use a few details to retell a simple story with beginning, middle, and end.

R.10.K3 - Distinguish different forms of a text, such as story or informational.

R.10.K9 - Read a variety of simple repetitive texts, including poetry and nursery rhymes.

R.10.K10 - Engage in literature (stories, songs, plays, and poems, etc.)

R.10.K12 - Discuss beginning, middle and end from books read aloud.


Fiction/Nonfiction (Real/Make-Believe)


R.10.K15 - Read labels and environmental print.

R.11.K2 - Use story language in discussion and retelling.


·  Easy Fiction and Nonfiction books on same subject of your choice.


1.  Explain definition of fiction and nonfiction books.

2.  Show and read books of each type and let students help explain the differences. (illustrations, parts of a book, human characteristics, etc.)

3.  Have a selection of fiction and nonfiction books on different tables. Child selects book from those tables to check out.


·  Teacher observation of students identifying type of book (fiction or nonfiction) that he has chosen when checking out