Project Title: Devil’s Canyon to Ferris/Seminoe Transplant - 2017
Project Type: Transplant
Waterhole/Transplant/Habitat/Research/Education/Other (Explain)
Affiliate:Wyoming Game and Fish Department
OutfitterOrganization/BLM/Game Fish/ForestService/Other(Explain)
Location ofProject: Wyoming –Devil’s Canyon and Ferris/Seminoe
Description OfProject:
Capture and transplant 40 bighorn sheep from Devils' Canyon and transplantinto the Ferris Mountains / Seminoe Mountains. This projects goals are to reduce sheep numbers in Devil’s Canyon and further augment sheep in the Ferris and Seminoe Mountains. We will use Globalstar satellite tracking collars (20)or VHF radio collars (20) deployed on each bighorn sheep to track daily movements and for disease surveillance purposes for up to 24 months post-release. Ferris and Seminoe Mountains currently provide high quality bighorn habitat following wildfires and prescribed fires that have occurred in the last 6 years.
Collars and data will be utilized to track and locate transplanted sheep per the Department’s transplant protocol in the event of a diseased animal. It will also be used to better define habitat selection of bighorns and monitor movements into habitats (Ferris Mountains) that have been largely unoccupied for a number of years and have undergone major transitions in habitat type due to fires. Collar data may provide justifications for additional habitat treatments (i.e. prescribed fire) in western portions of Ferris Mountains, where other sheep specific habitat components are available. This project is being coordinated with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department - Bighorn Sheep Working Group members and Department personnel from the Cody and Lander Regions.
Problem to be Solved:
Need for removal of bighorns from Devil's Canyon to manage towards objective (200 sheep), maintain this herd's health, and maintain present habitat conditions. Current Devil’s Canyon population estimated at 253 bighorn sheep. Increase Seminoe bighorn herd population thru augmentation to help reach population objective, utilizing thriving herd source from Devil's Canyon in northern Wyoming that is at/or above objective.
Describe HowYouPropose Solving Problem:
We will helicopter capture 40 bighorn sheep in the Devil’s Canyon herd unit and transplant in the Ferris and Seminoe mountains. Through previous sampling / disease surveillance efforts, Devil's Canyon bighorns have been found to be free of known disease pathogens, and are considered "clean", making them eligible for transplant within the state to augment existing herds and potentially fill unoccupied habitats. Prior to release, all source herd bighorns will be tested again for disease pathogens. The bighorns in Devil's Canyon are the best source for in-state trap / transplant efforts at the current time. Previous releases in the Seminoe and Ferris Mountains have included bighorns that were from Devils' Canyon. Globalstar and VHF collars will be utilized for disease surveillance purposes, to track bighorn movements post-transplant, and analyze habitat preferences exhibited by bighorns in recently modified habitats (i.e. wildfire / prescribed fire impacted lands).
It should also be noted this request, for $20,000, is in addition to unused WSF money ($16,400) from previously approved GIAs and is necessary to cover the costs of the trap/transplant and required collars.
Name: Daryl Lutz
Address: 260 Buena Vista Lane, Lander WY 82520
DaytimePhone Number: 307-332-2688
Are you a currentmember ofWY-WSF?XX YesNo
Cost to befundedCost to befunded
by WY-WSF Grantby other cooperators
Equipment...... …..$$17,600
Services...... …….$20,000$1,500
Permanent, full timesalaries will notbe considered
(Native Range helicopter capture)
Publishing...... …$$
Monitoring...... ….$$5,000
Supplies...... ….$$Please itemize then total
(Handheld receiver)
Other (Specify)...... $$16,400** (see below)
** $16,400 (to be used for collar purchase and annual data subscription) is WSF money remaining in WY WSF accounts:
-$14,100 remains in WY WSF account from 2015 WGBGLC contribution
-$2,300 remains in WY WSF account from approved GIA (Grant In Aid) request from 2015
PROJECT(Include any pendingamountsappliedfor.):
WGFD –Trapping, monitoring and project administration.
BLM – Habitat monitoring and improvement projects.
ENDORSEMENT: I hereby agree to abideby the statedrequirementsofa WY-WSFgrant. Ialsounderstand all WY-WSFfunding stipulationsandwillprovide all necessaryreports ifI receiveagrant fromWY-WSF.
Signature ofApplicant
TitleWGFD-Lander Region-Wildlife Mngt. Coord.
MEDIA CONTACTS: Please listoneormoremediasources in your areathat wemaycontactwith detailsofyour project:
1) Wyoming Wildlife Magazine
2) Local Newspapers – Lander, Riverton
3) WGFD website