Florida Pharmacy Association

Board of Directors

March 24, 2013

Renaissance Orlando Airport
5445 Forbes Place
Orlando, Florida 32812

10:00am – 3:00pm


Note: This is the third meeting of the 2012-2013 Board of Directors. The next face to face meeting of the FPA Board of Directors is scheduled for Sunday, August 25, 2013 in Orlando at the Renaissance Orlando Airport 5455 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida 32812

1)  Call to Order (Bob Parrado) – The meeting was called to order at 10:08 am

2)  Invocation (Terry Gubbins) – President elect Terry Gubbins did the invocation for the group.

3)  Welcome and Introductions (Bob Parrado) – Board of Directors Chair Bob Parrado welcomed members to the Board meeting and provided an opportunity for brief introductions

4)  Roll Call (Michael Jackson)
Members Present: Eric Alvarez, Goar Alvarez, Raul Correa, Paul Elias, Terry Gubbins, Betty Harris, Constance Hogrefe (via GoToMeeting), Gary Koesten, Preston McDonald, Bob Parrado, Scott Tomerlin, Don Bergemann (as proxy for Eva Sunell) and Humberto Martinez (as proxy for Raul Gallo) and Michael Jackson
Members Unable to Attend: Paul Rohrbaugh, Mike Hebb
Staff Present: Tian Merren, Christopher Heil
Guests Present: Suzanne Kelley, Rizwan Khaliq

5)  Approval of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2012 – It was brought to the attention that the November draft minutes did not reflect approved bylaw changes recommended by the Organizational Affairs Council. Those proposed changes have been published in the notes on the FPA calendar for the November 2012 meeting.
M/S/C to approve the meeting minutes of November 4, 2012 with the above mention corrections.
The Board revisited the bylaw change that describes the process when an awards committee is unable to come to consensus on a nominee. That language to be added to the bylaws directs the Organizational Affairs Council to mediate a selection when the nominee does not receive a unanimous vote from the awards selection committee. The Board felt that this is best established as a policy rather than clarification in the Association’s bylaws.
M/S/C to reconsider the approved bylaw change
M/S/C to remove the proposed bylaw change from consideration by the House of Delegates

6)  Consent Agenda (NOTE: A consent agenda is a practice by which the routine and non-controversial board action items are organized apart from the rest of the agenda and approved as a group. This includes all of the business items that require formal board approval and yet, because they are not controversial, there is no need for board discussion before taking a vote. Items may be on a consent agenda only if all board members agree; if even one member considers a specific item to need discussion, it must be removed and placed on the regular agenda for the board meeting.)

M/S/C to adopt all items under 6). There are no action items on the consent agenda.

a)  Reports

i)  Board of Director’s Chair (Bob Parrado) – No report filed

ii)  President (Goar Alvarez) – Report published on Pharmview.com Board meeting calendar date

iii)  President-Elect (Terry Gubbins) – No report filed

iv)  Treasurer (Betty Harris) – Report provided in agenda items later

v)  Speaker of the House of Delegates (Eric Alvarez) – Speakers report provided in agenda items later

vi)  Vice Speaker of the House of Delegates (Gary Koesten) – No report filed

vii) Regional Directors – Region 4 report provided to Board members by email

viii)  Executive Vice President and CEO (Michael Jackson) – Reports filed in Stat news and also in Florida Pharmacy Today

ix)  Florida Pharmacy Foundation – A financial report of the Foundation has been provided to the FPA and is available upon request.

x)  Florida Society of Health-System Pharmacists (Constance Hogrefe) – No report filed

7)  Approval of the Board of Directors Agenda for March 24, 2013 – M/S/C to approve the Board of Directors Agenda for March 24, 2013

8)  Antitrust Policy Review (Bob Parrado) – Members of the Board of Directors was reminded of the FPA’s antitrust policy.

9)  Code of Ethics Policy (Bob Parrado) – Members of the FPA Board of Directors was reminded of the FPA’s Code of Ethics Policy

10) Conflict of Interest Policy (Bob Parrado) – Members of the Board of Directors was reminded of the FPA’s Conflict of Interest Policy. There were no conflicts of interest declared from items listed in the March 24, 2013 FPA Board of Directors meeting agenda

11) Old Business

a)  Unfinished

i)  Number of FPA Members in Unit Association Needed for FPA Affiliated Status – Tabled from Previous Meeting (Organizational Affairs Council) – This issue brought forward from a previous meeting was discussed in both the Organizational Affairs Council and also the Membership Council. The Organizational Affairs Council has recommended that Article IV Section 1 of the bylaws be revised to require affiliated organizations to have a percentage of FPA members rather than the language stating that each organization have no fewer than 10 FPA members. Board members were reminded that this would take some coordination with the FPA office as the Unit Associations may not be able to have access to that information. Also discussed was the number of seats allowed in the House of Delegates based upon unit association membership.
M/S/C that the FPA Board of Directors recommend that the House of Delegates Board of Directors review Unit Association membership seats.
M/S/C that the Organizational Affairs Council examine Article IV, Section 1 of the FPA bylaws and recommend language that basis affiliated status on the percentage of FPA members rather than the number of FPA members

ii)  Medicaid Managed Care Litigation Outcome (Michael Jackson) – Michael Jackson updated the Board of Directors on the outcome of the FPA’s litigation against the Agency for Health Care Administration on the issue of the closure of Medicaid managed care networks. The Agency has settled with the FPA by providing a letter articulating that Medicaid recipients enrolled in Amerigroup’s Medicaid HMO and residing in areas affected by the pharmacy network reduction may disenroll from Amerigroup and choose to enroll in another managed care plan or MediPass. Florida Medicaid pharmacy providers can assist patients in reaching out to Medicaid Options or Choice Counseling to exercise their options. No action taken by the Board.

iii)  Survey of General Public as Recommended by Public Affairs Council – Tabled from Previous Meeting (Preston McDonald) – Region 1 Director Preston McDonald has asked that this issue be removed from the Board of Director agenda for further consideration. Agenda item removed without objection.

iv)  Review of PSA Videos from Public Affairs Council (Goar Alvarez) – President Alvarez shared with the Board that a competition is underway between the pharmacy schools to produce audio and video PSAs on the value of pharmacy services. Plans are to roll this out at the FPA annual meeting in Orlando this summer. These videos may be released during the student educational tracks. No further action taken by the Board.

v)  Comment Letter on Compounding to Florida Board of Pharmacy (Michael Jackson) – Michael Jackson provided a copy of a comment letter presented to the Board of Pharmacy on the emerging compounding issues. The Board of Pharmacy is closely scrutinizing compounding services in this state given the public issues surrounding the meningitis outbreak from product arriving in Florida from a New England pharmacy. Board members were encouraged to attend Board of Pharmacy meetings to assist with monitoring this issue. No further action taken by the Board.

vi)  Update on Biosimilar Issue (Michael Jackson) – Michael Jackson updated Board members on the issues related to the interchangeability of biosimilar and biological drugs. There are bills on the House and Senate side that define standards on how these drugs can be interchanged. The standards for these drugs would be different from standards related to small molecule products. The FPA has concerns with these bills and has been working with the House and Senate sponsors. The bill is moving in the House however it has not been heard in the Senate yet. No further action taken by the Board.

vii) Status of Cancer Drug Donation Program (Michael Jackson) – Last year the FPA attended a meeting of the Division of Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics to hear discussions on the Cancer Drug Donation program. Of interest to DDC was the Cancer Drug Donation program where Florida laws allow for dispensed medications for cancer patients that are not used to be redispensed through approved facilities. When discussion began there were only about 5 or 6 institutions. There are currently over a dozen hospitals participating in the program. Legislation was being considered by the Department to expand the program however that effort has now been discontinued. No further action taken by the Board.

b)  Recurring

i)  Review and Current Status of FPA Strategic Plan (Goar Alvarez) – Members of the FPA Board of Directors were provided a copy of the FPA’s current strategic plan. This plan was created a number of years ago. FPA staff recommends that it may be time to craft a new strategic plan. The decision was made to consider a new plan at the June leadership retreat. No further action taken by the Board.

ii)  Health Fair at the Capitol Report (Goar Alvarez, Constance Hogrefe) – Over 430 students and pharmacists participated in the Health Fair event at the Florida Capitol. There were over 960 health care interventions by the FPA and FSHP volunteers. The Board recommends that these results be tabulated and published as soon as possible to maximize exposure. Health Fair coordinators Suzanne Kelley and Angela Garcia were instrumental in the programs planning and helped to facilitate training and orientation with the students prior to the program. Administrators at FAMU were very helpful in making available their facilities for training to support this event. EVP Michael Jackson personally thanked Dean Michael Thompson for his allowing us to meet at the school. The Board also thanked the Dade County Pharmacy Association, Broward County Pharmacy Association and the Interamerican Pharmacist Association for their support as well. No further action taken by the Board.

iii)  Florida Pharmacy Legislative Days at the Capitol (Goar Alvarez, Michael Jackson) – The legislative day event included a lot of coordination in cooperation with FSHP and FPA. For next year it may be a good idea to find a way to include the Deans from each pharmacy school in the programming perhaps on a panel or something similar. Director Preston McDonald has volunteered to be the coordinator of the legislative day event. FSHP President Connie Hogrefe suggested that Preston work with an FSHP liaison on this project. No further action taken by the Board.

iv)  APhA Annual Meeting House of Delegates Report (Goar Alvarez) – President Alvarez shared with the Board the focus of the APhA annual meeting in Los Angeles. Much of the meeting sessions were devoted to pharmacists’ provider status. Florida had nine delegates serving in the House. No further action taken by the Board.

v)  FPA Educational Programs and Events (FPA Staff) – The FPA has a full agenda of continuing education program offerings for the year including the April law conference, a 2 day law and consultant conference in May in Jacksonville, the CE at Sea in June with the Annual meeting in Orlando in July. About 30 hours of continuing education credit will be available at convention with the preconvention compounding seminar. In August will be the Annual SE Gatherin, a consultant conference in Fort Lauderdale in September, the Midyear Clinical Conference in October and the annual FPA Law Conference in Sarasota. Michael Jackson informed the Board that there is interest in altering the schedule for the CE at Sea to be offered within the middle of the biennial renewal period rather than at the end. This will mean that a voyage would be planned for 2014. A number of states have expressed interested in partnering with the FPA on the next trip. It was also recommended that the FPA consider exploring the possibility of hosting a young pharmacist leadership conference.
M/S/C to approve a 2014 CE at Sea program.
M/S/C to request that the Educational Affairs Council plan a young pharmacist leadership conference

vi)  Advisory Council on Pharmacy Practice Meeting Report (Terry Gubbins) – As the designated facilitator of the Advisory Council on Pharmacy Practice FPA President Elect Terry Gubbins reported to the Board the meeting held on January 24, 2013 in Orlando. This meeting is a combination of both the Advisory Council on Pharmacy Practice and the Florida Pharmacy Council. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss various issues of interest to pharmacy. While invitations were issued none of the states pharmacy schools were able to send representatives to the meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for the FPA annual meeting on Wednesday, July 10, 2013. We have a commitment that lunch will be sponsored by CVS. No further action taken by the Board.

vii) FPA House of Delegates Resolutions Update (Eric Alvarez) – Speaker Alvarez reviewed with the Board House of Delegates resolutions from 2010 that are about to sunset. These resolutions include the action item to revise language that would allow pharmacy interns to participate in immunization services as part of their training. Also shared with the Board of Directors was a response from the House of Delegates Board of Directors on Resolution 2012-4 related to dispensing practitioners. Clarifying language was provided to Board members.
M/S/C to approve resolution 2012-4 as clarified.