Year 5 Term 3 2016 - Planning Summary
Wk / English / Maths / Inquiry / Other Information1
11/7 / Reading
Writing / Informative Text: Understanding the language and text structure, purpose and audience.
Informative Text: recount of holidays presented as a postcard. / Multiplication: involving multiplication of large numbers by one or two digit numbers.
Problem solving skill:Make a table or list. / C&C: Defining a ‘Good citizen’
H:Reasons for colonization.
Sc: Revision of Physics.
ICT:Powerpoint / Monday – Pupil Free Day
18/7 / Reading
Writing / Informative text: How the text is organized – chapters, headings, subheadings, home pages, hyperlinking, chronological order, topic and so on.
Informative Text: Working on the structure and features of informative texts. / Division: involving division by a one digit number, including those that result in a remainder.
Problem solving skill: Look for a pattern. / C&C:Define Multiculturism.
H:Growing up in colonial times.
Sc:Earth and Space. Comparing the distances of planets from the sun.
ICT:Powerpoint / Wednesday – School Athletics Day for years 3 to 6 at Landy Field, Geelong (House Shirts)
25/7 / Reading
Writing / Informative text: How the language features meet the purpose of the text. How metalanguage is used in informative texts.
Informative Text: Planning and drafting imaginative text. Selection of best vocabulary – precise, specific to the topic. / Fractions: Compare fractions and represent them on a number line.
Addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator.
Problem solving skill: Draw a picture. / C&C:Research immigration to Australia and reasons for.
H:Continued from W2.
Sc: Physically modelling the relative size of the solar system.
1/8 / Reading
Writing / Comparing the organization and effect of images in printed texts with hyperlinking on digital text and the effects on the viewer’s interpretations.
Informative Text: Planning, drafting and publishing informative texts. Focus on text cohesion.
Discussion text where both points of view are presented. / Place Value – Decimals
Problem solving skill: Make a model. / C&C: Impact of immigration on Australia.
H:Impact of Colonial presence.
Sc:History of space exploration.
ICT:Powerpoint / Monday – Mini Olympics Opening Ceremony
Thursday – Mini Olympics Activity Day (all year groups)
8/5 / Reading
Writing / Social, cultural and historical information conveyed through text. Navigating texts for a specific purpose.
Informative Text: Plan, draft, publish an informative text based on the intended audience. / Create simple financial plans.
Problem solving skill: Act it out. / C&C:Cont from W4,
H: How the colony was governed.
Sc: Current space exploration and Australia’s involvement.
ICT:Excel / Tuesday – School Council Meeting
15/8 / Reading
Writing / Literacy Circles : Using comprehension strategies to analyse, integrate, and link ideas from a variety of sources. Working in small groups with a common text.
Informative Text: Plan, draft, publish informative text. Use the class project as a basis for topic. / Measurement - length, area, volume, capacity and mass. Perimeter and area.
Problem solving skill: Guess and check / C&C:Identifying a local issue for debate.
H:Governor Macquarie
Sc:Impact of space exploration on our knowledge.
22/8 / Reading
Writing / Literacy Circles : Using comprehension strategies to analyse, integrate, and link ideas from a variety of sources. Working in small groups with a common text.
Informative Text: Plan, draft, publish informative text. Use the class project as a basis for topic. / Connect three dimensional objects with their nets and other two dimensional representations.
Use a grid reference system to describe locations.
Problem solving skill: Break into smaller parts / C&C:Refining research for debate.
H:Eureka Stockade
Sc:The sun as a provider of energy.
ICT:Excel / Book Week
Wednesday – District Athletics at Landy Field
Thursday - Life Education Van arrives to Sept 6th
29/8 / Reading
Writing / Literacy Circles : Using comprehension strategies to analyse, integrate, and link ideas from a variety of sources. Working in small groups with a common text.
Informative Text: Plan, draft, publish informative text. Use the class project as a basis for topic.
Revisit Persuasive: Create a poster promoting the concert. / Describe translations, reflections and rotations of 2D shapes.
Geometry - Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor.
Problem solving skill: Solve a simpler problem – think. / C&C: Presentation of arguments.
H:Investigate and research a major event in Colonial Australia.
Sc:How space exploration has altered our lives.
ICT:Excel / Monday – Kids Matter Assembly (House Shirts)
Monday and Tuesday – Parent Teacher Interviews
Thursday – Fathers Day Stall
5/8 / Reading
Writing / Literacy Circles : Using comprehension strategies to analyse, integrate, and link ideas from a variety of sources. Working in small groups with a common text.
Informative Text: Plan, draft, publish informative text. Use the class project as a basis for topic. / Statistics and Data
Gathering data, representing data and interpreting data.
Problem solving skill:
Work backwards. / C&C: Create a promotion for school or concert.
H: Cont from W8.
Sc:Inventions of space research used today.
12/8 / Reading
Writing / Literacy Circles : Using comprehension strategies to analyse, integrate, and link ideas from a variety of sources. Working in small groups with a common text.
Informative Text: Plan, draft, publish informative text. Use the class project as a basis for topic. / Construct displays, appropriate for data type, with and without the use of digital technologies. / C&C:Concert week.
H: Cont from W8.
Sc: Research completion
ICT:Cybersafety / Concert Thursday – Matinee and Evening
Friday – Sports Colours Day
End of Term at 2.30