KEIO SFC JOURNAL Submission Form
(Please fill out this form and submit with your paper.)

Title (in original language)
(Japanese notation)
(English notation)
(Japanese notation)
(English notation)
(Japanese notation)
(English notation)
(Japanese notation)
(English notation)
(will be printed before the body in body in two languages)
If written in Japanese and
English:no more than 250
letters in Japanese, and no
more than 120 words in English
For other languages: no more than 250 letters in Japanese, and no more than 120 words in the language used in the paper
Keywords / (No more than five in the language used in the paper)
Fill out if you are a student / ・Chief advisor and Sub-advisor
Type of paper / 1. □Special Feature Article □Research Article
2. □Submitted Paper □Submitted note
□Book Review Paper □Book Review/Academic trend
For submission, undergraduate
students and graduate
students (master’s course,
doctoral course, and Ph.D.
candidate) must include an
advisor in “CC”. / Affiliation:□Faculty of Policy Management
□Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
□Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care
□Graduate School of Media and Governance
□Graduate School of Health Management
Name of advisor:
The committee member or advisor of the graduate school must double check the manuscript to ensure the paper is written with appropriate words and phrases and is respectable for submission.
If you might obtain a Ph.D. at SFC in the future / Is this paper related to a Ph.D. requirement?
□Research Laboratory / (Home/Other Contact Information)
Address Zip code
Telephone number: Mobile phone number:
Fax number: E-mail address:

*In accordance with Article 5 of the publishing rules, the selected manuscripts will be registered and posted on the Keio SFC Academic Society website as well as websites and databases operated by Keio University.