CLASS:: 03


3 Hours

HOMEWORK 2 REVIEW [ Upload to Comm Arts Server ]
:: Upload “GIF Face” assets to Your PSD Folder [ Inside of Folder> Create “Gif Face” Folder ]
:: File Set-Up
:: Intro to Animation [ Frame vs. Video Timeline ]
:: Importance of Layer Names & Order
:: Hide/Show
:: Position
:: Opacity
:: Effects (example: change Color Overlay fx) / :: Transform (Scale/Rotate)
:: Animating Layer Mask
:: Animating Vector Mask
:: Animating Styles (example: change outer glow fx)
:: Exporting/Saving for Web [.gif]
:: Exporting/Rendering Video [.mp4]
:: Setting Quality
:: Testing Animation
:: Size of File
:: Save To Location
:: Preview in Browser
:: Edit for Mega Face (Hide Background)/Save [ .gif, .psd ]
:: DGIM 759 Student Work Page: [480px X 600px]
:: Facebook [ 7seconds, Cropped to Square ]
:: Set-Up Student Folder
  1. Go To Comm Arts Server ( In the Windows Search Bar Type z:, then [ HIT ENTER ])
  2. Open the _DGIM759 Folder
  3. Open Your Student Folder
  4. Open the PSD Folder
  5. Inside the PSD Folder, Create a New Folder: “Gif Face” [ If not previously created ]
  6. Save Your Images or Video into the Gif FaceFolder
    (You should name your images, preferably in numeric order, i.e. face1.jpg, face2.jpg, etc.)

:: Import Images into Photoshop [ FRAME ANIMATION ]
  1. Open Photoshop CC
  2. Go To Menu Bar > FileScriptsLoad Files into Stack…
:: Import Video into Photoshop [ FRAME ANIMATION ]
  1. Open Photoshop CC
  2. Go To Menu Bar > FileImportVideo Frames to Layers…
  3. Choose Options for the Import [Start & End points, Frame options, etc…]
    NOTE:Videos are limited to 500 frames…
:: Import Video into Photoshop [ VIDEO TIMELINE ANIMATION ]
  1. Open Photoshop CC
  2. Go To Menu Bar > FileOpenGif Face Folder yourvideoname.mp4

  1. Go To Menu Bar > FileExportSave For Web (Legacy)…
  2. Choose GIF 128 Dithered From Preset > ClickSaveButton

:: Intro to Animation [ Frame vs. Video Timeline ]
Frame Animation:
Allows you to animate layers frame-by-frame.
Animation by Frame is limited to changing a layer’s Position, Opacity, and Effects (fx, blendmodes)…

Video Timeline:
Allows you to animate layers based on a timeline.
Animation by Video Timeline is limited to changing a layer’s Position, Transformation (Scale, Rotate), Opacity, Layer Mask Position, Vector Mask Position, and Layer Styles (fx, blendmodes, etc.)

:: Importance of Layer Names & Order
Ensure all layers are named and organized into groups when possible.
This will allow you to locate the shape/layer easier in the Layers Panel, and identify which shape/layer is being animated in the Video Timeline Panel

:: Set-Up Frame Animation [Photos and Image Assets]
[Win] / [Mac]
:: Import Images into Photoshop
  1. Open Photoshop CC
  2. Go To Menu Bar > FileScriptsLoad Files into Stack…

  1. Navigate to Your Folder with The Gif Face Images or Video
4. Select The Folder and Options for Your Import:

NOTE: Align Images is good for images that are not the same size
NOTE: Smart Object is Good if You wish to apply smart filters
:: Set-Up Frame Animation [ For Video Clip (500 Frames or Less) ]
  1. Open Photoshop CC
Go To Menu Bar > FileImportVideo Frames to Layers…

  1. Choose Options for the Import [Start & End points, Frame options, etc…]
  1. Click OK

1 / Save Your Photoshop Document (PSD) / FileSave Your Gif-Face Folder
2 / Crop To DGIM 759
Student Page Requirement /
  1. Go To Menu Bar > Image > Canvas Size
  2. Resize the Canvas to 480 x 600

3 / Align/Transform Images To Fit In Frame /
  1. Go To Menu Bar > SelectAll Layers
  2. Go To Menu Bar > EditFree Transform
  3. Hold Shift+Alt+Drag Corner from Center of Images
Free Transform
[ command+T ]
for Mac
4 / Open the Frame Animation Panel /
a. Go to Menu Bar > WindowTimeline

b. In the Timeline Panel > Click Drop Down Arrow >
Choose Create Frame Animation

:: Animate Hide/Show
When you choose or convert your timeline to frame animation a thumbnail will appear displaying the 1st frame.
The thumbnail will display all of the visible layers in your Layers panel.
You may Hide or Show a layer by clicking the Hide/Show icon in your Layers panel. [TRY IT]
You may animate the layer’s visibility by creating a new frame and choosing a visibility that is opposite of the previous frame. (If you change the duration from “Once” to “Forever”, the layer will appear to blink:
[Win] / [Mac]
1 / Resave Your Document / FileSave As… initials_gif-face-frame.psd / Shift
S / Shift
2 / Create a New Frame / a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,

Click Frame 1, then
Click the “Duplicates selected frames” Button
3 /
Hide a Selected Layer /
Your Frame Animation Timeline Panel
should have 2 frames:

a. Go to your Layerspanel, and choose the layer
you wish to hide in the second frame
b. Click the Hide/Show icon to hide the visibility
of the layer:

4 /
Change Looping Options
[to make animation loop
“forever”] /
a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,
click the “Select looping options” button
b. Change the option from “Once” to “Forever”

5 /
Preview Animation / a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,
click the “Play” button / [ spacebar ]
6 /
Change Delay Time of frame(s) /
If the animation is too fast for your liking,
You may change the delay time of a frame or frames.
If you wish to change one frame’s delay time:
a. Go to bottom of Frame Thumbnail >
b. Click “Selects frame delay time” arrow >
c. Choose the newly desired time.
d. Preview the animation
If you wish to change multiple frames’ delay time:
a. Click the “Timeline Options Button”

b. Choose Select All Frames
c. Go to bottom of any Frame Thumbnail >
d. Click “Selects frame delay time” arrow >
e. Choose the newly desired time.
d. Preview the animation
7 /
Save Document / [Ctrl+S] / [cmd+S]


:: Animate Position
You may animate the layer’s position by creating a new frame (or choosing an existing frame) and moving the layer (with the move tool) to a new position.
[Win] / [Mac]
1 /
Move Layer Position /
a. Ensure Frame 2 is selected.

b. Go to your Layerspanel, and choose the layer or
group you wish to move in the second frame.
In the example below, the “IN” door of a deli will be opened. A Group of layers named “IN-DOOR” includes layers for the door shape and signage.

c. Choose the Move Tool
d. To avoid moving other layers, you may
Hold Shift Key + Arrow [nudge key] to move the layer by increments
Alternate option: Lock all of the layers except for the layer you wish to move > In Move TOOL OPTIONS,
ensure Auto-Select is selected w/ the Group option
2 /
Preview Animation / a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,
click the “Play” button / [ spacebar ]
3 /
Add a Tween /
A Tween creates/animates a transition
(between stages), for example:
Position: Movement from one position to another;
Opacity: From opaque to transparent & visa versa
Effects: Transition of one color to another
a. Ensure desired keyframe is selected.

b. Click the “Tweens animation frames” button
c. In the Tween Pop-Up Window:
Tween With: Previous Frame
Frames to Add: Default
(Add more for realism, or less for faster animation)
Layers: Ensure All Layers is selected
(so the others don’t disappear – in future practice)
Parameters: Just change the Position
(Uncheck the others)

d. View the new number of frames, then click each
frame to see the group of layers position by frame

4 /
Preview Animation / a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,
click the “Play” button / [ spacebar ]
5 /
Save Document / [Ctrl+S] / [cmd+S]
:: Animate Opacity
You may animate the layer’s opacity by creating a new frame (or choosing an existing frame),
choosing a layer in the Layers panel, changing the layer’s opacity, then adding a tween
[Win] / [Mac]
1 /
Add a New Frame, or Choose an Existing Frame /
Choose the Frame in which you want a layer to
become transparent.

2 / Choose the Layer you wish to become transparent / Go to your Layerspanel, and choose the layer or
group you wish to become more transparent or
3 /
Reduce the Layer’s Opacity /
At the top of the Layers panel, reduce the opacity
to a % of your choice [16% is in this example]
In this example, the “WINDOWS” group will become dimmer (more transparent/less opaque).
NOTE: A duplicate layer with a black color overlay was added below the WINDOWS group, so darkness could show through the opacity.
In order for this animation to work, the dark layer must exist on both the selected frame and the frame used as a base for the tween. For this example, a new frame (with the dark layer) is added to the timeline…

4 /
Create a Tween to Animate the Opacity /
a. Go to the Frame Animation Timeline panel >
Click the “Tweens animation frames” button
b. In the Tween Pop-Up Window:
Tween With: Previous Frame
Frames to Add: Default
(Add more for realism, or less for faster animation)
Layers: Ensure All Layers is selected
(so the others don’t disappear – in future practice)
Parameters:EnsurePositionand Opacity
(Uncheck Effects if Necessary)

5 /
Preview Animation /
a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,
click the “Play” button
NOTE:Some animations may be affected by others. If you desire a different outcome, consider converting your Timeline from Frame Animation to Video Timeline (for more control). / [ spacebar ]
:: Animate Effects
You may animate the layer’s Effects (Layer Styles, Blendmodes) by creating a new frame (or choosing an existing frame), adding fxor blendmodes to the layer, then adding a tween. You may change the blend mode on your Gif Face Project
[Win] / [Mac]
1 /
Add a New Frame, or Choose the Last Frame /
Create a new Frame, or
Select the last frame in your time line.
2 / Add an fxor blendmode toa Layer / Go to your Layerspanel, and Choose the layer
3 /
To Add a fx
(Color or Gradient Overlay) to the Layer /
a. At the bottom of the Layers panel:
Click the “fx” button
b. Choose Desired Style
NOTE:If you choose a Gradient Overlay fx, it may become distorted when exported as an animated gif.
c. Double-click the “Set color of overlay” button
d. Choose your desired color from the Color Picker

e. Click OK
4 /
Create a Tween to Animate the Effects /
a. Go to the Frame Animation Timeline panel >
Click the “Tweens animation frames” button
b. In the Tween Pop-Up Window:
Tween With: Previous Frame
Frames to Add: Default
(Add more for realism, or less for faster animation)
Layers: Ensure All Layers is selected
(so the others don’t disappear – in future practice)
Parameters:Ensure all Parameters
(Position,Opacity,and Effects)are Checked

5 /
Change Effects /
You may change the effects by:
a. Selecting the Layer with fx
b. If Layer effects are not seen, Click the
“Reveals layer effects in the panel” button

c. Double-Click the fx You chose
(Shown in picture: Color Overlay “Layer effect name”)
d. Change properties of Layer fx
6 /
Edit Frame Animation /
a. In the Frame Animation panel:
Hold Shift > Select the Last Frame AND the
frame you wish the effects animation to begin.
NOTE:Frames should be highlighted

b. Click the “Tweens animation frames” button
7 /
Preview Animation / a. At the bottom of the Frame Animation Panel,
click the “Play” button
NOTE:Some animations may be affected by others. If you desire a different outcome, consider converting your Timeline from Frame Animation to Video Timeline (for more control). / [ spacebar ]
8 /
Save Document / Go to Menu Bar > File > Save / [Ctrl+S]
1 / Convert to Video Timeline / Go To Top Right of Timeline Panel
Click “Timeline Options Button”
Choose Convert to Video Timeline
Go To Bottom Left of Timeline Panel
Click “Convert to video timeline” button

NOTE: Once you choose to convert to Video Timeline, DO NOT convert back to Frame Animation (You will lose functionality & order)

:: Set-Up Video Timeline Animation
[Win] / [Mac]
PREP / :: Open Video into Photoshop
  1. Open Photoshop CC
  2. Go To Menu Bar > FileOpenGif Face Folder yourvideoname.mp4
  3. You May Add New Layers (SHAPES, PICTURES, FILTERS, MASKS, etc) in the Layers Panel
  4. You May Add More Video and Audio Clips to The Timeline Panel, by Clicking +

:: Position, Opacity, Style
The general rule for animating layers in the video timeline is:
1. Place the time indicator (playhead) at the frame you wish to start animating
2. [click stopwatch] Ensure all the layer properties (position, opacity, and style) are to your liking
3. [click keyframe diamond] Place the time indicator (playhead) at the frame (keyframe) you wish
the animation to change/stop
4. Change the layer properties (position, opacity, and style) to the new property values
NOTE: Animating Position in the Video Timeline may be easily accomplished on a simple/single layer.
If you wish to animate the position of a group (instead of individual layers), the group must be Converted to a Smart Layer. SEE Transform (Scale/Rotate)
[Win] / [Mac]
1 / Animate Position
(This may only be done on Simple Layers)
/ 1. Ensure the playhead is at your designated start point (on timeline)
2. In the Timeline Panel, Click the Layer you wish to animate
3. Click the “Show layer properties” button
4. Locate the Position Property

5. Click the stopwatch icon (before Position) to set the initial position of
layer (NOTE: keyframe is activated when diamond icon turns gold)
6. Move the playhead to the desired frame number
7. Move the layer with [Move Tool – Group Option] or[Shift+Nudge Key]
8. Ensure the keyframe diamond icon appears
2 / Animate Opacity / 1. Ensure the playhead is at your designated start point (on timeline)
2. In the Timeline Panel, Click the Layer you wish to animate
3. Click the “Show layer properties” button
4. Locate the Opacity Property
5. Click the Stopwatch icon (before Opacity) to set the initial opacity of layer
(NOTE: keyframe is activated when diamond icon turns gold)
6. Move the playhead to the desired frame number
7. In the Layers panel change the Opacity to desire %
8. Ensure the keyframe diamond icon appears
3 / Animate Style / 1. Ensure the playhead is at your designated start point (on timeline)
2. In the Timeline Panel, Click the Layer you wish to animate
3. Click the “Show layer properties” button
4. Locate the Style Property
5. Click the Stopwatch icon (before Style) to set the initial style of layer
(NOTE: keyframe is activated when diamond icon turns gold)
6. Move the playhead to the desired frame number
7. In the Layers panel change the desired Style (blendmode, fx, etc.)
8. Ensure the keyframe diamond icon appears
:: Transform (Move/Scale/Rotate)
NOTE: To Animate the Transform Properties of a layer or group, the layer/group must be Converted to a Smart Layer.Once converted, the Layer property in the timeline will be named “Transform”
You may animate Transform (Move, Scale, Rotate, Perspective, etc.) using the same order of animation as above…
[Win] / [Mac]
1 /
Animate Transform
[Convert to Smart Layer]
To convert a layer/group:
1. Go to the Layers panel
Select the Layer/Group
Right-ClickConvert to Smart Object
2. Ensure the playhead is at your designated start point (on timeline)
3. In the Timeline Panel, Click the Layer you wish to animate
4. Click the “Show layer properties” button
5. Locate the Transform Property

6. Click the stopwatch icon (before Transform) to set the initial state of
the layer (NOTE: keyframe is activated when diamond icon turns gold)
7. Move the playhead to the desired frame number
8. Move the layer with [Move Tool – Group Option] or[Shift+Nudge Key]
9. Go to Menu Bar > Edit > Transform > Rotate [ or Edit > Free Transform ]
10. Go to Menu Bar > Edit > Transform > Scale [ or Edit > Free Transform ]
Free Transform Instruction:
11. Ensure the keyframe diamond icon appears
:: Animating Masks
NOTE: To Animate the Masks, ensure the layer mask is UNLINKED to the layer.
Once unlinked, the Mask Position may be moved in the Timeline…
[Win] / [Mac]
1 /
Animate Mask
1. In the Timeline Panel, Click the Layer you wish to animate
2. Go to Layers panel
3. Locate the selected layer
4. Click the Link to unlink the layer with the mask
5. In the Timeline, ensure the playhead is at your
designated start point (on timeline)
6. Click the “Show layer properties” button
5. Locate the Vector Mask Position Property

6. Click the stopwatch icon (before Vector Mask Position )
to set the initial position of the mask
(NOTE: keyframe is activated when diamond icon turns gold)
7. Move the playhead to the desired frame number
8. Move the mask with [Move Tool – Group Option] or[Shift+Nudge Key]
9. Ensure the keyframe diamond icon appears

SAVING as PHOTOSHOP DOCUMENT [ Required for Future Editing ]
:: Edit for GifFace:Hide Background Layer & [Export > Save for web .gif AND Save As… .psd ]