July 19, 2004
Statement from one of the adult children of a Gentle Wind “instrument keeper” in Arizona. The family is concerned about their mother’s donations and involvement with Gentle Wind Project. They are in touch with Linda, also in AZ, who is concerned about this woman and gave the information about GWP to her children.
Hi -
Yes I did talk to Mom about the group - I wanted to have another
conversation with her about it before I reported back, because her response
was not what I had hoped for.
I fibbed and told her that I had heard info about the group on a consumer
reports TV show and that they were being investigated for fraud. That they
might be a cult and that John Miller had sex w/ many of the female "top
ranking" members. That the report stemmed from a family member's concern that a relative had spent over $2000.00on a piece of plastic w/ seemingly no redeeming value.
She [Mother] first said that she didn't care, that the product helped people and that that was what was important. Then she thought about it for a second and with no prompting, amended what she said -- something like: Of course I care, I mean that's horrible. However, I have friends who have felt the healing power of the instrument that I have.
At that point I got interrupted w/ a work phone call and have been
playing phone tag w/ mom ever since.
I didn't get the feeling that she has much to do w/ them other than
foolishly giving them her money. However, I also did not get the feeling
that she was swayed in any way regarding the group and their healing claims
based on what I said. I want to try to talk to her again about it.