Joint PhD degree agreement *
Academy of Wallonia-Europe
* This a framework agreement. Each institution member of the Academy is free to fix specific conditions which will be attached to the present agreement in an annex
Student :
Name et first name :
Joint PhD degree agreement
The University of…, located …………………………………………………..
représented by (name of the University's Rector, title (Rector/President)
The University of Liège,from the Academy Wallonia-Europe
located Place du 20-août, 7-9, 4000 Liège, Belgium
représentedby Prof. Bernard RENTIER, Rector
Considering the legal references for organizing university studies in both countries, i.e.:
For The University of…
For the University of Liège:
- the decree of 31st March 2004 which defines higher education, favours its integration into the European Higher Education Area and which refinances the universities;
- General regulation related to studies, reports, thesis and dissertation leading to the academic degree of PhD, as approved by the Academy Wallonia-Europe (Board of Trustees of the 19th of October 2010)
Willing to contribute to the set up and the development of scientific cooperation between research units from ……. and Belgium, by supporting PhD students' mobility.
The following measures have been agreed upon.
Article 1
The University of…
The University of Liege
named hereinafter "the institutions" decide to organize jointly a joint PhD Thesis for the following student :
NAME and First name : / ………………………………………………….Email/cell phone / ………………………………………………….
Nationality: / ………………………………………………….
research topics : / ………………………………………………….
Subject of the research project : / ………………………………………………….
Chapitre I: Administrative procedures
Article 2
The admission to doctoral studies must follow the rules and regulations in force in both institutions, and after having received a favorable recommendation from the authorities concerned.
Article 3
The student must register in both institutions during the whole period of his/her studies, but will be exempted from tuition fees in one of them, i.e.: …………………………
However, in the University of Liège, member of the Academy Wallonia-Europe, in order to get a PhD degree delivered by the French Community of Belgium, the student will have to pay the registration fees once for the whole duration of her PHD studies, the first year of registration.
Moreover, the student will have to pay fees for the role and insurance each year. Therefore, he/she will benefit from the social insurance due to every regular student, as long as he/she is regularly registered in the partner institution.
During his/her staying in Belgium, the student must subscribe to an individual health insurance[1].
Article 4
The normal duration of a PhD thesis is three year. This duration can be extended after approval of both institutions.
The research activity and the conduct of the thesis will be carried out in both institutions, during alternative successive stay periods in both institutions, determined by both supervisors with the approval of the PhD student.
Chapitre 2: Scientific Terms
Article 5
The research works are carried out under the responsibility of both thesis supervisors, one of them from The University of… and the other from the University of Liege.
The thesis supervisors are :
For The University of… :
(name, first name, function, email)
For the University of Liege :
(name, first name, function, email)
Both supervisors commit themselves to fully exercise their duties as supervisors for the student in accordance to the rules and regulations in each institution.
Article 6
The jury of the thesis will be empanelled by common agreement with the persons responsible for the doctoral education in both institutions, in compliance with all legal measures and regulations applicable in both institutions.
Both thesis supervisors are members of the jury. In compliance with the regulation related tostudies, reports, thesis and dissertation leading to the academic degree of PhDof the Academy Wallonia-Europe, the jury mustbe composed of five members, all of them must either bear the title of doctor, awarded after having defended their PhD thesis, or who can show that they have similar expertise.
Article 7
The thesis is written in French or in English. Under proposition of the thesis supervisors, the thesis can, if its type justifies to, be written in another language, under approval of the PhD student and the authorities.
If the thesis is not written in French, a summary in French must be produced.
The PhD thesis defense is performed in French or in English.Under proposition of the student, the jury can, after approval of the authorities involved, accept that the thesis is performed in another language.
Article 8
The PhD thesis defense will be presented in a unique public session at the University of……………….
In compliance with the regulation in each country, after the thesis defense and under favorable approval of the jury,
the title of Doctor in………….. …………………………will be awarded by The University of…
and thetitle of Doctor in…………..……………………… will be awarded by the University of Liege,
and this preferably by means of a single diploma.
The PhD diploma will explicitly mention, if applicable, the grade awarded by the student in compliance with rules and regulations in force in each country.
A report of the public defensewill be produced in French or in English. Thisreport will mention that the thesis has been prepared in the framework of a joint PhD degree.
Chapitre 3: Final measures
Article 9
The doctoral student will respect all rules concerning doctorate studies that are in force in the institutions. In particular, he/she will comply with all rules concerning the registration, description, and reproduction of the PhD thesis.
The protection of the subject of the thesis as well as the publication, the exploitation and the protection of the results of the research work of the student in both institutions are covered by the legislation in force in each country and institution.
The student commits himself/herself to respect these rules and regulations.
When required, the intellectual property rights can be detailed in specific documents.
Article 10
Both institutions, via the supervisors involved, commit themselves to communicate mutually all information and documentation useful to the settlement of the present joint PhD thesis.
Chapitre 4: Validity
Article 11
The present agreement is valid from the date of signature of the representatives of both institutions and will be valid until the year of the academic year where the thesis defense takes place.
In case where the student wouldn't be registered in one and/or the other institution, or would give up by a written notice, or wouldn't be allowed to pursue the research by virtue of at least one of the two supervisors, both institutions will put an end to the present agreement.
Article 12
The person in charge of the administrative part of the joint PhD thesis is :
For The University of…
Name, first name, function, address, email
For the University of Liege: Mrs Catherine Dassis, General Direction for Education and Training - International relations Office, bât. A1, Place du 20-Août, 4000 Liège, Belgium
Tél.: + 32 4 366 56 77 – Fax: + 32 4 366 57 25 – Email:
Article 13
The present agreement is made in three originals.[to be modified if necessary]
…………………, on the …………………….For The University of…
First name NAME / Liège, on the ……………………….
For the University of Liege
The Rector,
The President of the Doctoral school,
First name NAME / The President of the Doctoral School,
First name NAME
The thesis supervisor
First name NAME / The thesis supervisor
First name NAME
The student :
[1] In Belgium, health insurance is compulsory. Therefore, the student has to subscribe to the health insurance fund of their choise. We highly recommend to students from the European Economic Area (EEA) to take out a mobility insurance policy such as "tous risques". This type of insurance is compulsory to students from a non-EEA country.