Psychology Department Test and Measurements Inventory

Name of Test / Purpose of Test / Publisher / Copyright Date / Edition / Current
Edition? / What is Included

Manual Test Other

/ Location

(Attention Deficit Disorder)


/ ACTeRS is a simple, standardized form that objectively measures four separate factors: Attention, Hyperactivity, Social Skills, and Oppositional Behavior / MeritriTech, Inc. / 1997 / Yes / Yes
(Parent and Teacher) / SSB 140
Actualizing Assessment Battery / 4 instruments integrated, that measure intrapersonal actualizing and interpersonal actualizing / EdITS / 1975 /


/ Yes /

Answer sheet

/ SSB 5

Adolescent Drinking Index

/ Constructed to screen for alcohol abuse / Psychological Assessment Resources / 1985, 1989 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Answer sheet / SSB 140
Adult Coping
Inventory for Stressful Situations CISS / a scale for measuring coping styles / Multi-Health Systems, Inc. / 1999 / 2nd Edition / Yes / Yes / Yes / Psychological Test Library
The Aggression Questionnaire / American Psychological Association / 1992 / Article / SSB 140

Ambivalent Emotional Strivings


/ American Psychological Association Inc. / 1990 / SSB 140
Anxiety Scale
IPAT / Test for level of anxiety / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. / 1976 / 2nd / No, 1985 / Yes / Yes / Answer key and order form / SSB 140
Appraisal of Occupational Aptitudes / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1971 / Out of
Print / Yes / Yes / Scoring
Sheet / SSB 5
Bayley Scales of Infant Development / Bayley Scales of Infant Development / The Psychological Corporation / 1969 / No, 2nd
1993 / Infant behavior, mental and motor scale / SSB 5
Bayley Scales of Infant Development / Bayley Scales of Infant Development / 1993 / 2nd / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Beck Anxiety Inventory / Measures the severity of anxiety in adults and adolescents / Harcourt Brace & Company / 1993 / No, 1996 / Yes / Yes / http//: / SSB 140
The Beck Depression Inventory / assessment of symptoms corresponding to criteria for diagnosing depressive disorders listed in the DSM IV. / Eli Lilly and Company / 1981 / Yes / http//:
1.800.211.8378 / SSB 140
The Beck Depression Inventory-II / assessment of symptoms corresponding to criteria for diagnosing depressive disorders listed in the DSM IV. / Harcourt
Brace & Company / 1996 / 2nd Edition / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function BRIEF / assess impairment of executive function behaviors in the home and school environments. / Psychological Assessment Resources / 2000 / 3rd / Yes / Yes / Yes / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test for Children / measure visual-motor integration skills in children and adults / Western Psychological Services / 1962 / No
2nd / Yes / No / SSB 140
The Blacky Pictures / socio-cultural factors affecting interpersonal relations / The Psychological Corporation / 1950 / Yes / Yes / Picture
cards / SSB 140
Boston Naming Test / assesses cognitive abilities and behavior by evaluating psychomotor activity, gait, speech, attitude, mood, feelings, affect, perception, orientation, thought processes, sensory nerve centers, judgment, insight, and the reliability of the patient's reporting abilities / Lippincott, Wiliams, and Wilkens / 2001 / 2nd
Edition / No / No / Stimulus booklet only / SSB 140
Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales / to elicit cognitive and affective indications of Attention-Deficit Disorder / The Psychological Corporation / 1996 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Adolescent and Adult Diagnostic Forms / SSB 140
California Child
Q-Set / Designed to describe a child's behavior and personality / Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc / 1980 / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
California Multiple Aptitude Tests
(Form A) / California Test Bureau / 1955 / Out of print / Yes / Yes / SSB 5
California Psychological Inventory / Consulting Psychological Press, Inc / 1957 / No / Yes / Yes / Profile sheets and answer sheets / SSB 140
California Psychological Inventory / Consulting Psychological Press, Inc. / 1975 / No / Yes / Overheads / SSB 140
California Psychological Inventory / Consulting Psychological Press, Inc. / 1987 / No, 3rd ed. 1995, Loring McAllister / Yes / Yes / Answer Sheets / SSB 140
California Psychological Inventory (CPI) / Designed to assess personality characteristics and to predict what people will say and do in specified contexts. / Consulting Psychological Press, Inc. / 1996 / 3rd / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
California Test of Mental Maturity / Southern California School Book Depository, Ltd. / 1936 / No / Yes
(Primary & Elementary Series) / Yes / Class record sheet and scoring key / SSB 5
California Test of Mental Maturity / CA Test Bureau / 1938 / No / No / No / Revisions to Manual / SSB 5
California Test of Mental Maturity / California Test Bureau / 1946 / No / Yes / No / SSB 5
California Test of Mental Maturity / California Test Bureau / 1951 / No / Yes / Yes / Elementary and Advanced versions
Class record sheet / SSB 5
California Test of Mental Maturity / California Test Bureau / 1957 / No / Yes / Yes / Class record sheet, scoring key, and summary of evaluations / SSB 5
California Test of Mental Maturity / provides comprehensive measurement of the functional capacities that are basic to learning, problem-solving, and responding to new situations / California Test Bureau / 1963 / Yes / Yes / Level 0, 1,2,and 5 / SSB 5
California Test of Personality / Designed to identify and reveal the status of certain factors in personality and social adjustment. / California Test Bureau / 1942
1953 / No / No / Yes / Secondary, Intermediate, Elementary, and Primary versions / SSB 5
Career Ability Placement Survey / measure abilities as they relate to careers / EdITS / 1992 / Yes / Yes 1976 / Self-interpr. Guide / SSB 140
Career Assessment Inventory / vocational interest assessment tool focusing on careers requiring "various amounts of post-secondary education. / Interpretive Scoring Systems-Division of National Computer Systems, Inc. / 1978 / Yes / No / 1984, vocational version 2nd ed. 800-221-8378
National computer / SSB 5
Career Development Inventory Volume 1 / Measures several affective and cognitive aspects of the earlier stages of career development / Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. / 1981 / Yes / Yes / Answer Key & supplement to Manual / Psychological Test Library
Caring Relationship Inventory / Designed to measure the elements of love or caring in human relationships / EdITS / 1975 / Yes / Yes / Male and Female test versions / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Carlson Psychological Survey CPS / assess and classify offenders quickly and accurately / Sigma Assessment Systems, Inc. / 1982 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Profile Sheet included / SSB 140
Cattell Infant Scale / measure the infant's developmental progress / Psyche Cattell / 1940 / Out of Print / No / Yes / Record Form / SSB 5
Chicago Q Sort SAQS / "Describe people to be sorted out in terms of continuum of applicability about self or others" to obtain a measure of similarity. / Psychometric Affliates / 1956 / Yes / Yes / Yes / 9 copies / SSB 140
Childhood Autism rating Scale (CARS) / Behavioral rating scale to identity children with autism / WPS / 1986 / Yes / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Child Sexual Behavior Inventory / Measure of sexual behavior in children"; used in the identification of sexual abuse. / Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. / 1997 / Yes / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Children’s Apperception Test and Supplement / A projective method of investigating personality by studying the dynamic meaningfulness of the individual differences in perception of standard stimuli. / C.P.S. Co. / 1949 / Yes / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Children’s Apperception Test and Supplement / C.P.S. Co. / 1952 / No / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Children’s Apperception Test and Supplement / C.P.S. Inc. / 1980 / 11th Edition / No / No / No / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Children’s Sex Role
Inventory / American Psychological Association,Inc. / 1991 / N/A / No / No / Article in Develop-mental Psychology 1991 / SSB 140
Classification and Placement Examination
Form B / Harcourt, Brace, and World / 1968 / Yes / Yes / Answer sheet
/ SSB 5
Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Elderly (CAPE) / Designed to assess cognitive and behavioral competence of the elderly / Hodder and Stoughton / 1978 / Yes / No / SSB 140
College Qualification Tests Form C / The Psychological Corporation / 1959 / SSB 5
Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills / Designed to measure achievement in ... most school subjects / CTB/McGraw Hill / 1968/1969 / Yes / Technical report / SSB 140
Concept Mastery
Form T / The Psychological Corporation / 1950 / Out of print / Yes / Yes / Answer key and sheet / SSB 5
Conventional Morality / N/A / No / No / Article in Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 1988 / SSB 140
COPE Scale / American Psychology Association, Inc. / N/A / No / No / Article in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1989 / SSB 140


Performance Ability Test / World Book Company / 1934 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / Picture arrangements and puzzle pieces / SSB 5
Cornell Critical Thinking Tests / Assesses general critical thinking ability including "induction, deduction, evaluation, observation, credibility (of statements made by others), assumption identification, and meaning / Midwest Publications / 1985 / 3rd Edition / No / Yes / Specimen Set / SSB 140
Culture-Free SEI Form AD
(School Expectations Inventory) / A set of self-report inventories used to determine the level of self-esteem in students ages 6-0 through 18-11 / Special Child Publication / 1981 / No / Yes / SSB 140
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System / Comprehensively assess the key components of executive functions believed to be mediated primarily by the frontal lobe / The Psychological Corporation / 2001 / Yes / Yes / Record forms, 2 manuals, stim. Booklet,
Sorting test, tower stimulus / SSB 140
A Rating Scale for Depression / Article / 1960 / N/A / Article in Psychiatric, 1960 / SSB 140
Depression Scale IPAT / Test for level of Depression / Institute for Personality and Ability Testing, Inc. / 1976 / No, 1983 / No / No / Handbook and Answer Key / SSB 140
Detroit Adjustment Inventory / Public School Publishing Company / 1942 / Out of Print / Yes / No / SSB 140
Detroit Adjustment Inventory / Public School Publishing Company / 1954 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / SSB 5
Differential Ability
Scales / measure cognitive abilities and achievement / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. / 1990 / Yes / Handbook / SSB 140
Differential Aptitude Test
DAT / measure students' ability to learn or to succeed in a number of different areas / The Psychological Corporation / 1973 / No, 5th ed. 1990 / Yes / Yes / / SSB 5
Differential Aptitude Test
Form A / The Psychological Corporation / 1947 / Second / No / Yes / Yes / Answer Key / SSB 140
Differential Aptitude
Form L and M / The Psychological Corporation / 1968 / Fourth / No / Yes / Yes / Answer key and sheet / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Differential Aptitude Test
Form S and T / measures the abilities of examinees for the purpose of educational and vocational guidance / 1972 / Fifth / No, 1990 / Yes / Yes / Answer key and sheet / SSB 140
Dementia Rating Scale-2 / measure and track mental status in adults with cognitive impairment / Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc / 2001 / 2nd / No / No / Scoring booklet only / Psychological Test Library
Durrell-Sullivan Reading Capacity and Achievement Tests / to screen for reading problems / World Book Co. / 1937 / No / Yes / Yes / Answer key / SSB 5
Durrell-Sullivan Reading Capacity and Achievement Tests / to screen for reading problems / World Book Co. / 1939 / No / No / Yes / Answer key / SSB 5
Durrell-Sullivan Reading Capacity and Achievement Tests / to screen for reading problems / World Book Co. / 1944 / No / Yes / Yes / Answer
key / SSB 5
Durrell-Sullivan Reading Capacity and Achievement Tests / to screen for reading problems / World Book Co. / 955 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / SSB 5
Eating Disorder Inventory 2 / self-report measure of psychological features commonly associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa / Psychological Assessment Resources,Inc / 1991 / 2nd / Yes / Yes / No / Service call 1.800.331.TEST / SSB 140
Eating Disorder Inventory 3 / self-report measure of psychological features commonly associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa / Psychological Assessment Resources,Inc / 2004 / ? / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Eating Habits Questionnaire / Article / No /


/ Article in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research / SSB 140
Eating-Related Characteristics Questionnaire
(ECQ) / Springer Verlag / No / Yes / SSB 140
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule / Measures a number of
relatively independent normal personality variables / The Psychological Corporation / 1953 / 1959 / Out of Print / Yes / Answer sheet / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Ekwall Reading Inventory / To assess the full range of students' reading abilities / Allyn and Bacon, Inc. / 1979 / No, 1992, Ekwall/ Shanker Reading Inventory, 3rd ed. / Yes / Yes / Forms A-D / SSB 5
Embedded Figures Test / Assesses cognitive style and analytical ability / Consulting Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. / 1971 / Yes / Yes / Inquiry Cards for The Blacky Pictures / SSB 140
Emotional Self-Disclosure Scale / Article / Plenum Publishing Corporation / 1988 / N/A / Sample
? / Article in Sex Roles, 1988 / SSB 140
The Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test / Help evaluate a person's ability to appraise an argument and to formulate in writing an argument in response, thus recognizing a creative dimension in critical thinking ability / Midwest Publications / 1985 / Yes / Yes / Criteria and Scoring Sheet / SSB 140
Exacting Beauty / Theory, Assesment, and Treatment of Body Image Disturbance / American Psychological Association / 1998 and 2002 / SSB 140
Extended Complex Figure Test / Designed to measure both perceptual organization and visual memory in persons with brain injury / Western Psychological Services / 2003 / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Family Environment Scale / assesses family members' perceptions of their social environment / Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. / 1986 / 2nd / No
3rd edition out / Yes / Yes / Form E, I, and R / SSB 140
Firo Awareness Scales / measure behavior that derives from interpersonal needs / Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. / 1986 / 2nd / No
Firo B / Yes / No / Guide to research and Clinical Interpretation / SSB 140
Frostig Program for the Development of Visual Perception / Consulting Psychologists Press / 1963 / 3rd / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / Teacher’s manual / SSB 5
FullRange Picture Vocabulary / Psychological Test Specialist / 1948 / Out of print / Yes / Answer sheets and picture cards / SSB 5
Gates-MacGinite Reading Tests / assess students general level of reading achievement / Teacher’s college, ColumbiaUniversity / 1964 / 1st / No / Yes / SSB 5
Gates-MacGinite Reading Tests / assess students general level of reading achievement / Houghton Mifflin Co. / 1978 / 2nd / No, 3rd ed. 1989 Riverside Publishing Co. / Yes / Level C and D / SSB 5
Geriatric Sentence Completion Form / Designed to assess personality characteristics of older adults / Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. / 1982 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Gesell Development Schedules / Designed to determine in which of the 10 Gesell early development periods a child is presently functioning / The Psychological Corporation / 1949 / No
Now has 3 levels / Yes / Yes / Card Set and Objects / SSB 5
Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test / assess "eight important factors in the personality domain." / World Book Company / 1926 / No / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Goodenough-Harris Drawing Test / assess "eight important factors in the personality domain." / World Book Company / 1963 / No, See “Other” / Yes / Yes / Draw a person: A quantitative Scoring System, 1988 / SSB 140
Gordan Personal Profile and Personal Inventory / assess "eight important factors in the personality domain." / Harcourt, Brace, and World, Inc. / 1963 revisions / No, 1993 NFER, Nelson Publishing Co. / Yes / Yes / Answer Key
http: / SSB 140
Handbook of Tests and Measurement in Education and the Social Sciences / The Scarecrow Press Inc. / 2000 / 2nd / SBB 140
Handedness Scale / Article / Academic Press / 1987 / N/A / Questionnaire / Article in Cognition, 1987 / SSB 140
Hay Aptitude Test
Battery / Helps select applicants with the ability to work quickly and accurately with numerical and alphabetical detail / E. F. Wonderlic Personnel Test, Inc. / 1990 / No
2000 / Jean Kirnan’s Office
The Henmon-Nelson Tests of Mental Ability / to measure those aspects of cognitive ability which are important for success in academic work and in similar endeavors outside the classroom / Houghton Mifflin Company / 1961 / Canadian version now avaialable / Yes / Yes / Form B / SSB 5
Holtzman Inkblot Technique / a projective personality test / The Psychological Corporation / 1961 / No, 1972, Harcourt & Brace / Yes / Yes / Picture Cards / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Homosexuality Attitude Scale / rticle / N/A / No / Sample questions / Article from Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 1986 / SSB 140
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities / to help children who have weakness in various linguistic processes including spoke or written language / University of Illinois Press / 1968 / No
3rd / Yes / Yes / Picture book, information about the development of the test, and visual sequential memory / Psychological Test Library
(book shelf)
SSB 140
Integrated Assessment Program / series of performance tasks that can be used independently or in combination with a norm-referenced achievement test to offer a comprehensive view of student achievement / Riverside 2000 / 1994 / Technical Summary / Iowa Tests of Basic Skills,
Tests of Achievement and Proficiency, Iowa Tests of Educational Development, Cognitive Abilities Test / SSB 140
Internal Control Index / Article / Educational and Psychological Measurement / 1984 / N/A / No / Yes,
? / Article from Educational Measurement / SSB 140
Interpersonal Style Inventory / measure an individual's characteristic ways of relating to other people, also evaluates style of impulse control and characteristic modes of dealing with work and play / Western Psychological Services / 1985 / Yes / No / Yes / SSB 140
The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Forms A and B, Levels 5-14 / provide a comprehensive assessment of student progress in the basic skills / Riverside Publishing / 2003 / Yes / Yes / No / SSB 140
Jenkins Activity Survey / measure Type A behavior / The Psychological Corporation / 1979 / No, 1985 / Yes / Yes / Form C / SSB 140
Jones Irrational Beliefs Handbook / Test Systems International, Ltd. / 1985 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / SSB 5
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children / a clinical instrument for assessing cognitive development / American Guidance Service, Inc. / 1983 / No 2nd edition / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
Kendrick Battery for the Detection of Dementia in the Elderly / to provide an accurate and flexible means of screening for and predicting possible dementia / The NFER Nelson Publishing Co. Ltd. / 1979 / New Edition pending / Yes / No / SSB 140
Kuder Preference Record / Assesses activity preferences to suggest possible satisfying occupations / Science Research Associates / 1948 / 1st / No / Yes / Yes / Form CP and AH / SSB 140
Kuder Preference Record / Assesses activity preferences to suggest possible satisfying occupations / Science Research Associates / 1953 / No / Yes / No / SSB 140
Kuder Preference Record / Assesses activity preferences to suggest possible satisfying occupations / Science Research Associates / 1960 / No / Yes / No / SSB 140
Kuder Preference Record / Assesses activity preferences to suggest possible satisfying occupations / Science Research Associates / 1970 / Now called Kuder Interest Survey / Yes / No / SSB 140
Kuhlman-Anderson Tests / Personnel Press, Inc. / 1952 / 6th / No / Yes / Yes / SSB 5
Kuhlman-Anderson Tests / to provide a measure of an individual's academic potential through assessing cognitive skills related to the learning process / Personnel Press, Inc. / 1965 / 7th / No 8th / Yes / Yes / SSB 5
Life Orientation Test / Article / Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. / 1985 / N/A / Yes,
? / Article in Health Psychology / SSB 140
Life Satisfaction Scale / Psychological Assessment Resources / 1984 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / SSB 140
The Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test / Intelligence Test / Houghton Miffin Co. / 1964 / Out of Print / Yes / Yes / Answer key and sheet / SSB 5