Supervisor’s Report ofInjury or Illness

1. Name of employer: / 2. Name of supervisor: / 3. Department:
3. Employee’s name: / 4. Job title or position :
4. Date and time of event: / 5. Location or address where event occurred: / 5a. On employer property?
 Yes  No
6. Date of knowledge of the event: / 7. Name and title of person to whom the event was reported:
7. If the event was not reported immediately, why not?
8. Was employee given a claim form (DWC-1)?
 Yes (date:______)  No / 9. Did employee sign and return the claim form (DWC-1)?
 Yes (date:______)  No
10. Type of medical treatment required:
 No treatment needed  Medical treatment refused
 Paramedics or EMT  First aid
 Emergency room  Clinic
 Hospitalized overnight / 11. Medical treatment provider:
(include name and address of facility)
 Check if this is pre-designated provider
12. What was the employee doing at the time of the event? (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
13. Describe how the event occurred: (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
14. Type of Injury:
Bite, sting
Cardiovascular, internal
Contusion, bruise
Cumulative trauma
Dermatitis, rash
Disease, blood-borne pathogen
Foreign body
Mental disorder
Other: ______/ 15. Cause of Injury:
Absorption, inhalation, ingestion
Animal, insect, plant
Assault, pursuit, criminal act
Burn, scald, temperature extreme
Caught in, between, under
Cut, puncture or scrape
Electrical current
Equipment, tools, machinery
Flying or falling object
Foreign body
Object being lifted, handled, carried
Pushing, pulling, twisting, reaching
Repetitive motion, cumulative trauma
Slip, trip, fall
Struck by, against
Vehicle use, collision, upset
Other: ______/ 16. Mark affected area(s) on diagram:

17. Did employee lose time from work?  No  Yes – First day of lost time: ______
18. Has employee returned to work?  No  Yes – Date returned: ______
 Full duty
 Modified duty – Describe: ______

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Supervisor’s ReportEmployee’s Name: ______

19. Was the event witnessed?  No  Yes – List witnesses (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
Name: ______Name: ______
Address: ______Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______City, State, Zip: ______
Telephone: ______Telephone: ______
20. Check all conditions or actions that apply:
Defective machine
Machine guards not in place
Machine guards missing – need to be installed
Improper tools
Defective tools
Improper protective equipment
Defective protective equipment
Inadequate protective equipment
Other: ______
Arrangement of equipment, work flow, tools
Poor housekeeping – cleanliness and organization
Inadequate lighting
Inadequate ventilation
Signs – inadequate signs or other forms of warning
Walking surface
Other: ______/ PROCEDURE
Unsafe procedures
Procedures missing
Procedures inadequate
Other: ______
Associate(s) lacks training
Associate(s) needs retraining
Other: ______
Procedures not enforced
Use of protective equipment not enforced
Use of machine guards not enforced
Other: ______
Horseplay, unsafe behavior
Short cuts, carelessness
Distracted, inattentive
Other: ______
21. Describe the steps recommended or taken to prevent a recurrence:
22. List any employer property that was damaged and describe the damage:
23. Was the event caused by, or involve, a third party?  No  Yes – complete below:
 Auto accident  Rented or leased equipment  Off-site activity  Conference or seminar  Construction area
Name and address of third party: ______
Description of involvement: ______
24. Other information:
Photographs taken?  No  Yes – by whom: ______
Police or fire called to event?  No  Yes – Agency: ______
Cal/OSHA contacted?  No  Yes – by whom: ______
Evidence preserved (contact Risk Management for guidance)?  No  Yes – by whom: ______
25. Comments: (Attach separate sheet if necessary)
Completed by (print name): ______Date: ______
Signature: ______Phone #: ______

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Rev.Julyl 2010