Louisiana Environmental Education Commission
Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2011
Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries
Baton Rouge Office, Louisiana Room
1:00 PM
- Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Louisiana Environmental Education Commission was called to order by Alex Appeaning, Chair of Commission, at 1:10 PM.
- Roll Call/Sign-in
All members present signed in on the sign-in sheet provided.
Standing in Aimee Roberts is Jordan Smith.
Standing in for Charlotte Bihm is Brenda Nixon.
Members present:
Jordan Smith for Aimee RobertDianne Lindstedt
Ann WilsonHeidi Hitter
Alex AppeaningMurphy McMillin
Dinah MaygardenBrenda Nixon for Charlotte Bihm
Allyn RodriguezDavid Boldt
Connie Conner
Others present:
Venise Ortego, Coordinator
Juliet Raffray, Assistant Coordinator
- Minutes
Minutes were tabled because quorum was not met
- Financial Report: Venise Ortego
Venise went over the financial report which was included in each member’s folder and noted that $40,000 was set aside for grants. She announced that Governor Jindal issued a no spending freeze except for emergency spending for the remainder of the year.
- Coordination’s Report,Venise Ortego
- Report on the symposium was submitted to and presented at BTNEP’s Action plan meeting.
- Venise and Juliet participated in Louisiana Earth Day with “Degrees of Debris” which is a art exhibit made of debris collected on Grand Isle and created by students at Nichols State. Attendance was very good with about 1,000 visitors at the exhibit.
- Venise attended the State 4H Conference
- Venise and Juliet participated in Envirothon—2012 theme will be nonpoint source pollution.
- It is a statewide competition.
- Venise encouraged Commission members to become involved in Envirothon and was asked to take over the program.
- Old Business
- 2011 Symposium Report, Venise Ortego
Financial report of symposium resulted in a $1,201.73 rollover from the EES 2011.
For 2011 we had a $5,000K commitment from Shell and they expressed an interest in participating again next year.
BTNEP made a $5,000 commitment in 2011 and has not yet committed for 2012.
- State Environmental Literacy Plan, Ann Wilson
- Sections of the ELP have been revised and Venise would like to hire a writer to complete the task. Amy Clipp has been mentioned as a possibility.
- Venise plus four Commission members Nancy Rabalais (not present), Dinah Maygarden and Susan Bergeron and Ann Wilson visited E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center in Freeport, Florida, a model environmental education facility, onMay 12-13, 2011. The founder, M.C. Davis, invited them to tour this new environmental education facility in hopes that they could bring ideas home to Louisiana students and consider the possibilities of building a similar facility in Louisiana.
- EE Grants and Sustainability Grant Awards, Venise Ortego
- Venise summarized the list of recipients of the mini grants for research. The information was included in the Commission packet.
- Venise reported that we had three applications for sustainability grants and two were from north Louisiana. It is likely we will fund only one.
- Environmental Awareness Art and Language Art Contest Winner Announcements, Juliet Raffray
- Juliette reviewed the results of the contest, had the winning entries for Commission members to view and reported that we had 1,313 entries, up from last year. She thanked the judges. We had some new parishes participate, including Ascension, more home schools, and more EBR parish participation. Reception for the winners at the Governor’s mansion is June 22.
- Venise reported that the judges suggested that we add an Honorable Mention category for the winners.
- New Business
- 2012 Symposium
- Venise discussed the facility options for the 2012 Symposium in Alexandria and reminded members that a one day event was being planned for this coming year.
- There was a discussion on the sites and some ideas on how to make it an outdoor education theme with effective field experiences at the symposium.
- Ann suggested short courses to be offsite.
- Venise indicated that in the past not many participants have been interested in the zoo as a field trip.
- There was concern from some members about attendance at the Alexandria location.
- Brenda Nixon reported that LSTA tried Alexandria one year and had a poor turnout. Discussion & committee formation followed.
Action: Alex assembled a committee for the Alexandria symposium and asked Ann Wilson, Allyn Rodriguez, Heidi Hitter, Connie Conner, Murphy McMillan, Dianne Lindstedt and Susan Bergeron to serve on that committee.
The committee was charged with planning a one day symposium with a breakdown of how the day will look with field trip options for the day before. The deadline set was to report progress before the August meeting.
- House Bill 292
- HB 292 was passed unanimously through the house and on to the funds into one allotment to continue litter abatement, enforcement and the Environmental Education Commission.
- Opposition—against taxpayer money for nonprofit use
- An amendment was added to the bill that moved litter fine funding to LDWF
- Announcements
- The next symposium is March 3, 2012 in Alexandria
- Ann Wilson announced that the superintendent stepping down.
- Next Meeting Dates
August 9, 2011, November 8, 2011 Election Day (possible reschedule) and February 14, 2012 (up for discussion)
- Adjourn
Motion: Ann Wilson made a motion to adjourn.
Heidi Hitter seconded.
Vote: Passed unopposed. Meeting adjourned 2:30 PM.
DML revised 7.18.11
EEC Meeting MINUTES 7-18-2011 DML