December 16, 2014

The Mount Calm Independent School District Board of Trustees met in regular session December 16, 2014 in the Mount Calm High School Library at 7:07p.m. The following members were present: Joe Rittenbaugh,Lupe Martinez,Keith McCaghrenand Regina Kraayvanger. Superintendent Barbara Lane, Bookkeeper Kristi Hawkins,Principal Angie Nors and Principal Alison Frarywere also present.

A quorum was established.

A motion was made by Keith McCaghren, with a second by Lupe Martinezto approve the minutes of the November 18, 2014 meeting.

The vote was 4ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Recognition and Hearing of Guests:

No action taken.

Correspondence to the board was passed out to members.

No action taken.

A motion was made byLupe Martinez, with a second by Regina Kraayvanger to approve the bills presented for payment.

The vote was 4 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

Barbara Lane gave the Superintendent's Report

a. Used Bus

b. Ag Truck Ordered (8-10 weeks)

c.Community Thanksgiving Meal

d.Teacher Computers

e. Closet in gym for PE equipment

f.Faculty meal/Chinese Christmas 12/18 @ 4:30

No action taken.

Angie Norsgave her Principal's Report.

a.Improvement Plan update

b.Imagine Learning

c.Math Pull-out in EM/JH

d.School Christmas Program 12/18 @ 6:30

e.EM/JH taking extra cleaning precautions due to Flu confirmations.

No action taken.

Alison Frary gave her Principal's Report

a.Informal teacher/counselor meetings twice per week

b.Math support- Principal tutoring

c.Progress reports

d.Online finals going on this week

e. Spring dual credit classes

f.Spring schedules

g.Final exam schedule done

No action taken.

The Presentation by school counselor, Natalie Timmons was moved to the January Meeting.

No action taken.

There were not any budget amendments.

No action taken.

Discussion was held on the yearly review of Mount Calm Independent School District Child Abuse Policy.

No action taken.

A motion was made by Lupe Martinez, with a second by Regina Kraayvanger to approve the draft of Sex Offender Regulations document.

The vote was 4 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion was made by Regina Kraayvanger, with a second by Keith McCaghren to approve the recommendation of GPA calculation for students enrolled in dual credit, advanced and modified courses.

The vote was 4 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

A motion was made by Lupe Martinez, with a second by Regina Kraayvanger to approve the Resolution to Borrow Funds from Citizens State Bank to be used for an ag pickup, computers, anti-virus software, and projectors for students and teachers. The loan will be backed by CD# 90050. The amount of the loan should be $56,000 or less. The signers of the loan shall include Mrs. Barbara Lane, and one school board officer (Joe Rittenbaugh, Lupe Martinez, or Michelle Barott).

The vote was 4 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

Board PresidentDate

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