Tuesday 2 June 2015

Who was here:

Ian Penfold / Florence Garland (admin)
Alison Cooper / Stuart Vail
Geoff Belsham / Simon Rickard
Janet Chierchia / Mo Rowe
Helga Firth-Bernard / Bernard Pearcey
Nikki Mulligan / Lee Dauscha
Leon Major / Marita Amoros
Marcia Lawman / Cathy Kane
Linzi Holt / Simon Cartland

Apologies: Amanda Kent, Ann Barker, George Hooper, Ian and David Purves, Cathy Wyatt and Stuart Outterside

Notes of the last meeting and matters arising

Mo Rowe was here last time.

Transformation phase 2: letters have been sent to providers and service users. The 31 May “deadline” is not a deadline but an indication.

IPC: still the beginning so we have no more information currently. Janet sits on the project board as a carer. Information should come from Alison Froude or Katherine Flower.

Transition workshop (not employment).
Helga and Ian went.

It is from 14 to end of life. The first of 4 more workshops to be arranged.

It includes people who use services, health, rep for education, physical disability, learning disability, parent carers etc.

We will have more information as and when.

It is a chance for people to have their say.

terms and reference

Marcia and Marita did a lovely job, thank you! A few corrections needed but we are almost there. We will resend it once we have done the corrections and we will add to the website.

Service user representation:

Thanks to Lee and Leon who join the team said Marcia.

Leon and Lee have been talking to Friday network, Happy Club and Circles.

Some points made:

  • Care plans
  • Transport
  • Evenings
  • Advocacy and NHS
  • Work (positive in Basingstoke)

Farnborough and area covered by Marcia

Some issues with Dial-a-Ride in Basingstoke which need to be addressed. Flo has been in touch with Passenger Transport.

Ian and Marcia to deal with it once we know more.

My Day workshop:

Adult services:

Community team at Vertex is good. increased link between health professionals and photos of people who are visiting sent beforehand. good practice.

Praise CLD team in Aldershot.

Communication: Adult services to tell us more what is going on. Would be good to have letters easier to understand for some people (Makaton would be good for some people). Machine can be bought via Makaton Society.

Farnborough SAG (self advocacy group): they don’t seem to know much about their care plan.

Hart & Rushmoor:

Point 2: adult services and health)

Care managers need to listen more to what people want/need.

Problem is that it is not always same manager as managers are now on duty.

Personal budgets: people do not know what money is allocated for direct payment. Marcia says more action is needed.

Adult and children services:

A long way to go. Make the services more joined up.

Where is the learning happening?

How any people going into transition have a joined plan? yr 10 and 11 promises. What about year 8 and 9? Timetable needed. How far are we now?

Stuart said that he was working on a project. There are things happening in transition


Basingstoke hospital – great for one service user

Special care dentistry in Aldershot – very positive

Acute hospitals: what is the support for people with learning disabilities as there seems to be no more liaison nurses?

Dame Fagan unit – brilliant

More communication in hospitals websites please. Make it easy read too.

Links GP/hospital (Basingstoke) – generally good said Linzi


All good

Would be great if consistent staff but advocacy is issue based these days.

Passenger transport:

Some problems with bus companies. Timetables not changed regularly.

Colour coded timetables are great (Reading)

Bus drivers can be rude

Stage Coach never came back with answers to questions to Speakeasy when they came for a meeting. Speakeasy to chase up.

What does Hampshire provide under Passenger transport? this is the link.



App on mobile phone not very useful to people with learning disability

Police pop in to groups is very appropriate

Safer Place scheme – where are we at? (Flo has emailed Jess Hutchinson)

What is the police doing for training police officers? (all relating to LD)

You can register under “101” – flag on the system

Autism ambassadors

L. was bullied and the police was helpful.

Department for Work and Pensions

Two parents/carers were disappointed that emails were not answered in the past.

Please use our current contact if you have any issues:

Other things:

Advocacy workshop consultations are happening on the 4th, 5th and 8th June (Basingstoke, Havant, Romsey)

Dates for your diaries

The next meeting will be on 14th July 2015Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm latest

14 July
15 September
20 October
1st December
Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking