Botany Project 2010
Your Botany Project for 2010 will consist of 4 parts: (1) 25 Native Wildflower Information Sheets; (2) 25 Mounted specimens of Native Wildflowers; and (3) 25 Mounted specimens of other exotic plants of North Idaho; and (4) Information sheets that go with the exotic specimens. Honors students also must complete a part (5) to the collection.
StarflowerShepherd’s PurseHeartleaf Arnica
False SolomonsealDandelionCutleaf Daisy
Common CamasFilareePussytoes
Dogtooth VioletPhloxCinquefoil
YellowbellBlack MedicSheep Sorrel
Blue VioletRockcressVetch
MissionbellsTumble MustardPlantain
Sticky GeraniumPineappleweedBiscuitroot
Prairie SmokeToadflaxSkunk cabbage
Dwarf WaterleafCharlockCorn Cockle
ClematisPeavine Yarrow
Sagebrush ButtercupFanweedPepperweed Kinnikinnick Miner’s lettuce Tansy Mustard
Spring BeautyBlack Mustard
SpringwhitlowgrassOxeye Daisy
Grass WidowDeath Camas
Shooting StarToadflax
Mountain BluebellChickweed
Arrowleaf Balsamroot
Mountain lover
Wild Ginger
Wood Sorrel
Each sheet must be filled out in black or blue ink (or typed) neatly, with no errors. Don’t forget to prepare an information sheet for each of yourexotic specimens as well as one for each of the the native plants. That would be a total of 50 information sheets. These sheets and the research involved will act as a field guide to help you with identifying your collection. Also, I will give you extra credit for specimens from the Noxious Weed List of Idaho.
The sheets must be contained in a 3-ring binder with a typed table of contents. Any other plant not found in on these lists, or those found in the volumes “Weeds of the West”, “Undesirable Weeds of the Idaho Forest Lands”, “Poisonous Range Plants”, or “Weeds of Eastern Washington” may also be included as a specimen. Check with me.
None of the Orchid Family or any other plant listed in “Rare Plants on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests” may be collected or bothered in any manner.
You may get papers pre-checked before the collection is due. This gives you the opportunity to make changes and make them perfect, improving your chances for an A on this project. Spelling, punctuation, and neatness are considered as grading subjects, as well as correctness. I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to pre-check.
Part 5
Using the PowerPoint Template located on my website, you must capture or take a photo for each Idaho noxious weed named, list its effects, and describe its methods of control/eradication. You may alter the fonts, backgrounds, and colors to suit your taste, but the format and order must remain the same.
Due Dates
Native plant information sheets are due on May 3rd. Specimens and exotic information sheets are due May 28th for Honors Biology and June 4th for General Biology. Honors PowerPoints are due June 4th. This project is worth 50% of your Quarter 4 grade, so don’t even consider not doing it!