Bang College of Business (BCB)
Fall semester, 2013
Course Syllabus for
FIN 4211Financial Modeling
(1) Basic Information
Course Code and Title: FIN4211Financial Modeling.
Course Meeting Time and Place:
Code / | Title / | Section / | Time / | HallTuesday, Thursday
FIN4211 / Financial Modeling / 1 / 11:30-12:45 / #301 N/B
Course Credit: Three (3) credits.
Instructor’ Information:
Instructor:Gulnara B.Moldasheva, Ph.D
Office: Room #344/DostykBuilding.
Phone: # 2704440 ext.2134
E-mail: .
(2) Instructor Availability
Office Hours: 14:00 –16:00 Monday, Wednesday
Additional hours will be available by appointments.
(3) Course Overview
This course will involve using spreadsheets to model financial transactions, perform valuations, and solve complex financial problems from all areas of finance - equity, debt, and their derivatives. By means of spreadsheet functions, Add-ins technology in Excel we will analyze many financial problems and use the models as decision-making aids. Intermediate knowledge of any electronic spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel)required.
(4) Learning Objectives
- Improve Spreadsheet building skills
- Learn how to incorporate excel tools such as Solver, Data Tables and etc.
- Learn implementation of financial models discussed in other courses Including Capital Budgeting, Portfolio optimization, Securities valuation, Value At Risk, Option Pricing
(5) Relationship of Course and Program
Pre-requisites: FIN 3220- Investments
(6) Teaching Methodology
In a typical session, the professor will lecture on the topics/materials first, followed by questions and/or class discussions. Students are expected to learn the class contents by reading assigned text first and solving, if possible, assigned problems before each lecture. In addition to lecturing, class discussions are strongly encouraged.
Special projects and chapter assignments are required. Please note that students may choose to do class and home assignments individually or by a group of 3students who will receive the same (group) score for the same assignment.
(7) Assessment Scheme
A student learning outcomes and final grades will be assessed according to his/her performance in the following areas:
(1)You should read assigned chapters and do selected exercises before the class. Most sessions will start with short discussion about the day's topic. The assignments should bedone in groups or individually. Lecture and Practice classes will held in computer labs.
Class and Home assignments will be delivered on tutorial classes, and cost for 20% points: Each student or a group of 3students should complete at least 10 chapters assignments (or problems). Each assignment/problem will be for about 1% points, but may vary in according with the number of problems assigned. No late assignments will be accepted. Chapter assignments/problems should be fulfilled in Excel spreadsheets, steps or sequence in solutions must be logically demonstrated, and final answer should be underlined. Each assignment/problem must be handed in at the beginning of a class.
(2)Two mid-term examinations for 15% points. No make-up mid-term tests will beallowed except in extreme circumstances.
(3) Class attendance and active participation for 10%(points): The10% class points will be reduced by 1% if a student misses one entire class, and reduced by 1% for late coming or earlier leaving of a class.
(4) The final examination will be for 40% (points): The final examination will be comprehensive, and willbe conducted during the final examination session. Midterms and final exams consist of financial problems that must be solved using Excel models. No make-up exam will be given.
(8)Suggestions for Work:
I strongly recommend your complete the readings before class. Group work on problem sets is allowed and encouraged. However, it is important that each person in a group achieves an understanding of the material. Each person within a group must submit their own homework, and please indicate the names of your colleagues on the assignment with whom you have collaborated.
The sum of the above assessment should equal to 100% or 100 class points, and a student’s total points will determine his/her final class grade, see the following table:
Activities / Class points / Percent to the total assessment / Student hours required to complete the tasksContinuous assessment or
Assessment during the term (60%)
Mid-term Examinations / 2 x 15 / 30% / 20
Class and Home Assignments and/or problems / 10 / 20% / 60
Class attendance and participation / 10 / 10% / 3
Subtotal / 60 / 60% / 60 hours
Final Assessment (40%)
Final Exam / 40 / 40% / 30 hours
Total / 100 / 100% / 90 hours
(8) Grading Scale
Letter grades for the course will follow the same standards as specified in the 2007 – 2008 Catalog. See the following table for grading scale:
Grade quality
/ Numerical scaleOr percentile
A+ / 90 - 100
A / 85 - 89
A- / 80 - 84
B+ / 77 - 79
B / 73 - 76
B- / 70 - 72
C+ / 67 - 69
C / 63 - 66
C- / 60 - 62
D+ / 57 - 59
D / 53 - 56
D- / 50 - 52
F / Below 50
(9) Course Policies and Instructor’s Expectations of Students
The instructor has the following course policies and expectations. First, KIMEP strives for excellence and therefore, the instructor’s expectation of students in this course is very high but is realistic and attainable. It isexpected that students should observe the honor codes in this class.
Secondly, students are required to attend and to be on time for all classes. Mobile phones and other electronic devices that could disrupt class must be turned off upon entering the classroom. Finally, academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense and is forbidden.
For feedback, problems, or to report dead links please e-mail
(10) Tentative Schedule
Sessions Activity Schedule: The following teaching schedule and key dates are presented:
Sessions( by weeks) / Class activities, key dates, etc. / Chapter & assignments / Estimated student’s time*Part 1. Corporate Finance Models
Sessions 1-4 / Basic financial calculations: Present value, Future value, NPV and IRR, Short Cuts, Loan amortization Tables, Excel Functions: FV, PV, IRR, NPV, PMT / Reading: BMA8e: Ch:2-5;
SB3e: Ch.. 1, Problems 1-14 / 12 hours
Session 5 / Calculating the cost of capital:
Valuation the Cost of equity
Valuation the cost of Debt
CAPM / Reading: SB3e: Ch. 2, Problems 1-10, Appendixes1,2 / 6 hours
Session 6 /
Financial Statement Modeling:
Building a pro forma model in Excel.
Doing a discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation using a pro forma model / Reading: SB3e: Ch.3, Problems 1-10 / 6 hoursSessions 7-8 / Using Financial Statement Models for Valuation :
Valuing the Firm as an unlevered Entity
The Effect of Leverage on the Valuation
Sensitivity Analysis. / Reading: SB3e: Ch. 3, Problems 1-6 / 12 hours
Mid-term Examination 1*: topics to be tested include Chapters 1, 2, 3 / MT-Exam 1 preparation-4 hours
Session 9 / Building a Financial model: The Case of KMG Corporation / Reading: SB3e: Ch. 4, Problems 1-3 / 6 hours
Sessions 10-13 / Financial Analysis of Leasing The Financial Analysis of Leveraged Leases. Leasing and Firm Financing: The Equivalent -Loan Method The lessor's Problem: Calculating the Highest Acceptable Lease Rental / Reading: SB3e: Ch.6, Problems 1-4;
Ch.7, Problems 1-2 / 12 hours
50 hours
Sessions 14-16 / Portfolio models: introduction
Mean, variance, covariance: all with appropriate Excel functions and real-world examples.A simple Two-Asset example calculating portfolio. / Reading: SB3e: Ch.8, Problems 1-11 / 6 hours
Sessions 17-18 / Calculating Efficient Portfolios: Portfolio returns and the efficient frontier.The capital market line (CML) and the security market line (SML). / Reading: SB3e:
Ch .9, Problems 1-4, Appendix / 6hours
Sessions 19-20 / Calculating the Variance-Covariance Matrix : The single-Index model Homework 4 due. / Reading: SB3e:
Ch 10, Problems 1-5 / 6 hours
Sessions 21-22 / Estimating Betas and the Security Market Line: CAPM, Calculating beta, diversifiable versus idiosyncratic risk, investment performance evaluation.Efficient Portfolios with Short Sale Restrictions:A Numerical example. / Reading: SB3e:
Ch .11, Problems 1-2
Reading: SB3e:
Ch .12, Problem 1. / 6 hours
24 hours
Mid-term Examination 2*: topics to be tested include Chapters 6, 8,9, 10, 11,12 / MT-Exam 2- preparation 4 hours
Part 3. Option Pricing Models
Sessions 23-24 / Basic Option Definitions and terminology: Option Payoff and Profit Patterns Option Strategies: Payoffs from portfolios of Options and Stocks Binomial model for option pricing / Reading: SB3e:
Ch .16, Problems 1-11 / 6 hours
Sessions 25-26 / The Binomial model:Basic binomial model. Valuing American options with early exercise / Reading: SB3e: Ch .17, Problems 1-14. / 6 hours
Sessions 27-28 / The Black-Scholes Model :
Introduction. The Black- Scholes Model Calculating the Implied Volatility. A Macro to Find the Implied Variance / Reading: SB2e:
Ch .19, Problems 1-12. / 4 hours
16 hours
Final examination*. Topics include chapters 6,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 16,17,19 / Preparing for final examination - 20 hours
Total hours required by students in studying, preparing, and completing assignments / 28 hours / 90 hours
*For each classroom hour, students are expected to spend two additional hours in out-of-class work or study.
(11) Instructional Resources
Required textbook:
Financial Modeling, Simon Benninga, The MIT Press, Copyright: 2008, 3nd edition,
ISBN 978 0-262 -022628-4
( in tentative class schedule is noted as SB3e)
Additional Readings:
1. Excel Modeling in the Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,Craig W. Holden, Prentice Hall,Copyright: 2005,ISBN-10: 0131513435
Additional reference materials can be obtained from
2. Финансовое моделирование в Excel, Дмитрий Жаров, Альпина Бизнес Букс,2008
3. Financial modeling in practice. A concise Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Level, Michael Pees,Wiley,2009, ISBN 978-0-470-99744-4
4. Advanced modeling in finance, using Excel and VBA, Mary Jackson, Mike Staunton, Copyright: 2001,ISBN-0-471-49922-6
5.Corporate Finance,
Richard A. Brealey,Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen; 8th -International edition, McGraw-Hill, IRWIN, 2006, ISBN-13:978-0-07-111551-3
( in tentative class schedule is noted as BMA8e)
6.Investments,Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J Marcus, McGraw-Hill, IRWIN, 5th edition, 2005
ISBN: 0072861789, Copyright year: 2005
General Rules for Exams:
1. Place your bags and clothes on the designated area – available desk.
2. Come to Exam Room on time. If you come 10 minutes late – 0 point for the exam.
3. Switch off mobile phones, car alarms.
4. Use own calculator, not mobile phone.
5. The exam is closed book, closed-notes.
6. Don’t talk, look at others’ paper (-10%.)
7. Raise your hand if you have a question.
8. You must not to leave classroom until exam ends.