An Order for the Christian Worship of God
June 14, 2015
Enter to Worship, Depart to Serve
3rd Sunday after Pentecost Liturgical Color: Green
Welcome and Announcements
The Prelude “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” Bach
*Call to Worship
Leader: Let us gather together all whose faith is in the Lord.
People: But our faith sometimes seems so small and our hearts so weak.
Leader: Even so, take courage. The Lord can use even our small seeds of faith.
People: What can God do with the tiny grains of personal faith we bring?
Leader: Entrusted to God, tiny seeds of faith grown into plants of glory.
People: Entrusted to God, may we grow and become strong and rooted in faith
Leader: so that others might find respite in our branches.
All: Come, now is the time to Worship!
*Processional Hymn “Hymn of Promise” UMH # 707
Passing of the Peace
Time with the Children
(All children under 12 years are invited to the front. Afterwards, during second service only, children ages 3 thru kindergarten are invited to children’s church and will be escorted to room #113. Parents may pick them up there after the service.)
Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
*Hymn of Preparation “The Trees of the Field” FWS # 2279
Scripture Mark 13: 1-9 # 881
*Affirmation of Faith The Apostles’ Creed UMH # 881
*Gloria Patri “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
The Anthem “God So Loved the World” The Chancel Choir
Offertory Prayer The Giving of Our Tithes & Offerings
*The Doxology “Praise God, from who all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ,
whose power up lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!”
*Prayer of Illumination
Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit, that as the Scriptures are read and Your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us this day. Amen.
Scripture Mark 4: 26-32 # 870
Sermon “Miracle Grow” Rev. Wilkes
*Hymn of Commitment “How Great Thou Art” UMH # 77
*The Benediction
*The Recessional “Irish Blessing” (8:30 only)
May the road rise to meet you; May the wind blow at your back;
May the sun shine warmly on your face; May the rain fall softly on your field.
And until we meet again, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen
*The Chiming of the Trinity
*The Postlude
*indicates worshippers are invited to stand, if able.
Invitation: Those desiring to unite with our congregation through Baptism, Profession of Faith or Transfer of Membership are encouraged to signify this on the attendance pads and/or contact one of our Pastors. We are thankful to have newcomers among us.
Salkehatchie 2015: It’s nearing that time of year again! Registration is already open for the 2015 Salkehatchie camps. If you are interested in participating this year visit Many of our members choose to participate in the Bishopville camp with Pastor Tommy, the Shaw camp with Ms. Jeannette Stabler, or the Clover camp with Mrs. Evelyn Cameron. You are free, however, to sign up for whichever camp you are feeling called to. Our missions committee sponsors our campers at $ 100 each so after registering bring $ 130 to Shirley who will then send the entire amount of $ 230 per camper. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Tommy or Brandon about any general Salkehatchie or payment questions. Put FIRST/CLOVER for our Church Information.
Old Devotionals: God’s Kitchen is in need of old devotionals (such as The Upper Room). They tear out a page and put it with each meal they deliver. What a great use for these! There will be a collection
basket in the foyer for these.
Stewardship at FUMC: Most of you give through the Sunday morning offerings but below are some other ways to give if you so choose.
Direct Draft Giving is now available for free: We are now offering the opportunity for automatic draft from your bank to our bank, Clover Community Bank. Please pick up and/or hand in your authorization for Direct Draft form from Shirley in the office, or put in the offering plate. This method has proven to be an effective and timely way to regularly give to the church. "I am an electronic giver" cards are in the pews for your use if you choose to use this method of giving.
Giving On-Line: Giving to FUMC is now available online through our .
Thanks for your support of the mission and ministry of FUMC.
Electronic Debit Giving: The new reader is now available in the lobby. Touch any key to being and then follow the posted directions. Be sure to leave a receipt with your name printed on it in the locked black receptacle. This is the only way your offering can be posted to your contribution records
Contact pastors or Shirley Davis @ 222-3496 or to add to joy and prayer concerns.
Recent Concerns: Linda Currence, William Eleazer, Steve Turley (friend of Scott and Amy Adams), Jimmy Bodie, Beverly Alsobrooks, Louise Walker, Joyce Shores, Mathis Family, Steve Bolin (Naurice Smith’s son-in-law) Margarete Karle (friend of Judy Payne), Estelle Camp, Barbara Hartness (Janet Love’s friend), Rolfe Sukkert; Baron Yerby (great nephew of Bob & Charlotte Dowd), Allen Boyd, Frances Funderburk, Katherine Brumble, Maude Crawford, Dave Jones.
Military: Lt. Col. John E Gossett, III, Maj. Nicholas S. Hare, Senior Chief Martin Johnson, Major Blair Preston, 2nd Lt. Rion Cartin, LCPL Chris Propst, M.Gy. Sgt. Terry Kenneth Lowman, Jr..
We welcome you all to FUMC! We are thankful for new folks among us and we encourage each of you to consider making FUMC your church home. It is always a joy to add new persons to the family of FUMC. Those desiring to join the church family, please signify on the pew pad or contact Rev. Tommy Wilkes in person, by email at or at the church-222-3496, ext.13.
The Food Project Ministry: Next week’s 3rd Sunday donations are: canned fruit – 2 cans; canned vegetables – 2 cans; canned soup – 2 cans Thank you for your continued support! Now that summer is approaching and children will not be in school the need is even greater. Some children’s only meals were the breakfast and lunch they receive at school! Your help is greatly appreciated
The Newsletter deadline is July 25th. Please put your items in the newsletter box or you can email Ann at .
A card shower is being planned for Helen Aberth to honor her 90th birthday on June 20, 2015. Helen and Ed Aberth moved to Clover, South Carolina in 1994, and then they later moved to Virginia in 2004 where she joined the Red Hat Society, Women's Circle, and M & M Club of the Trinity United Methodist Church in Smithfield. She and Ed shared their love of auctions, antiques, linens, and lace at antique shows and through her shop, "Helen's Linen Closet", from which she only just recently retired. She was well known for her collection of old hats and teddy bears. Helen and Ed were married for 64 years before his passing in June of 2012. She enjoys playing cards, doing embroidery, and reading, and her love of flowers and gardening is still evident as she cares for all the flower beds at Magnolia Manor where she currently resides. She would be thrilled to hear from her Clover friends, so please send your written memories and birthday greetings for a scrapbook to:
Helen Aberth, c/o Magnolia Manor, 101 John Rolfe Dr., Apt. 119, Smithfield, VA 23430
Thank you: Thanks to all who worked to make our second annual Festival of Tables a success, from the table decorators and guests to the volunteers in the kitchen. A special thank you to the Methodist men who served and cleaned and to Meg for the wonderful message and entertainment.
Date Night
Friday, June 19th – Potluck dinner and movie night at the church. We will watch Heart of the Country.
Dinner will be at 7:00pm with the movie starting directly after. Please bring a dish to share. Childcare will be provided at the church. RSVP to the Wises at or 803-628-5359.
A2J Youth Ministry – Addicted to Jesus (Jeremiah 20:9)
June 28th – Sr. High Party on the lake. Sign-up at youth room. More infor coming.
Lake Junaluska Retreat still open but closing soon. Parents meet on June 28th after morning service in the missions & fellowship center.
All youth wishing to participate in any youth events need to have a completed permission slip on file.
FUMC Youth Director Tim Gunn, 803-322-1113.
Forever Young and Friends,
Remember, next Saturday we will leave at 9:00am for Newberry to enjoy lunch, window shopping and the “9 to 5” comedy show at the Newberry Opera House. We are eating at The Grille on Main which gets good reviews and is only a 2 minute walk from the Opera House! Thank you to Ken Lowman who will be driving our rental bus (the church bus is in use for Salkehatchie this week) and to all who will be driving their cars to transport this wonderful group of 30 friends!
There is ONE ticket available if anyone would STILL like to join us last minute! Give $20 to Shirley in the office this week! Contact Meg Wilkes for details, .
Dear Friends of Children! We have one position open for a volunteer who will commit one Sunday a month to loving and caring for children attending and visiting First United Methodist Church on Sunday mornings during the late services. This is a 45 minute commitment on the FIRST Sunday of each month to play with and supervise the safety of children ages preschool through 2nd grade in our BIG classroom on the children’s Sunday School wing. There are art supplies, videos, toys, and books to enjoy with them. Many of these children have already attended an hour of Godly Play Sunday School, so our goal for “Children’s Church” is to simply provide a less structured play and creativity time in the loving environment of the Church! (On nice days we frequently enjoy the playground as well.)PLEASE CONTACT REV. MEG WILKES TO PARTNER IN THIS MINISTRY!
803-222-3496 ext. 16 We will gladly help you become safe sanctuary trained!
Acolyte training will be held soon for prospective youth/adults who would like to serve in this area on a rotating basis. Remember, youth must be at least 10 years old to serve in this capacity. Please email if you are interested in being trained or speak with Mary Helen Allen, Becky Lyda, Sherry Adams or Rev. Tommy Wilkes.
INTERESTED IN BECOMING A LAY READER, COMMUNION SERVE OR CRUCIFER IN WORSHIP? Please email or speak with Sherry Adams for Communion Server or Crucifer and Bob Grindle for Lay Reader.
(See the many ways to register below)
July 19 - 23!! REGISTER NOW!
On the web: (Thailand Trek link) or
By phone: 803-222-3496 ext.16
By email:
In Person @ FUMC: Registration forms available in the Church office, and on the lobby -children’s bulletin board.
VBS 2015 Volunteers in Ministry
Thank you for your responses to our wonderful opportunity for fun service as participants in the 2015 VBS ministry! The following people have offered to reach out to our children July 19-23!
Dana Doster (games) Sarah Robinson (registration)
Todd & Kelly Hughes (Thai Treats) Delores Vanhook (assistant))
Jenny Player (crew leader) Christine Payseur (audio/visual some days)
Rebecca Eleazer (Preschool) Tommy Wilkes (audio/visual some days)
Teresa Hurst (crew leader) Bobby & Linda Abernathy (assistance with some meals)
Terri Keller (crew leader) Denise Bono (preparation before VBS)
Jackie Abernathy (Preschool) Aubrey Keller (crew leader)
Eleanor Eakes (assistant) Emily Eakes (crew leader)
Jeannine Wyatt (TBD) Debbie Sherwood (set designer)
Suzanne Robinson (TBD) Ann Grindle (assistant)
Elizabeth Payton (assistant to Bible Story Adventure leader)
THANK YOU! We still have several ways to help and more need for Crew Leaders and Station Leaders. Keep remembering the children and give me a call soon!!
Meg 222-3496 ext. 16