IEEE IAS Executive Board Agenda
13 February 2006
Downtown Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Agenda1.0 / Welcome & Opening Remarks / Floyd
1.1 / Adoption of the Agenda.
Approved unanimously / Floyd
1.2 / Attendance using roster:
Voting Board Members in Attendance:
Lanny Floyd, Mark Halpin, Tom Nondahl, Bruno Lequesne, Kevin Peterson, Blake Lloyd, Mark Nelms, Andrew Bagley, Terry Hazel, Peter Wung, Carey Cook, Richard Lukaszewski, Peter Magyar, Ahmed Rubaai, Mark Weaver, Adam Skorek
Board Members Absent:
Gerard-Andre Capolino, David Durocher, Uday Deshpande, Mike Hittel, Sunita Kulkarni, Gilbert Li, Clayton Reid, Joe Sottile, Mike Degner, Nick Nagel
Others in Attendance:
Bob Lorenz, Div 2 Director; Fred Trutt, IAS Web Editor; Wanda Reder, PES Liaison / Nondahl
1.3 / Motions approved by e-mail ballot: / Myers
1.3.1 / IAS Executive Board members are asked to vote on approval of a $26,000 advance loan to the 2006 Cement Industry Conference Committee. IAS and the Portland Cement Association have signed an MOU specifying co-sponsorship of the conference.
The conference is an IAS sponsored event and the IAS has approved loans of $26,000 in past years. With a few tardy closings, the Cement Industry Conference has contributed significant surpluses to both IAS and PCA.
Approved on Jan 3, 2006. / Nelms
1.3.2 / Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of The IEE International
Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD'06) to be held in Dublin, Ireland from April 2nd to 4th 2006. The MOU for the
conference has been approved by a representative of the conference
committee as shown in the attached Word document.
Background: PES and IES, IAS and PELs were technical co-sponsors for
the PEMD 2004 conference and a close working relationship exists with
the IEEE IEMDC conference. There is an agreement between the two
conferences to work closer together and there is IEEE IEMDC
representation by correspondence (Ron Harley) on the PEMD conference
organising committee. This process has been ongoing since at least
2003 and there is enthusiasm on both sides to further align the
conferences in the future. / Nelms
1.3.3 / Motion to approve an advance loan of $4,000 for the 2006 I&CPS
conference to be held in Dearborn, MI from April 30 - May 3,
2006. The local IEEE section is providing an advance loan of $2000.
Approved on Jan 23, 2006. / Nelms
1.3.4 / Motion to appoint Carey Cook to fill the position of Chair of the I&CPS Department to complete the remaining term of Prafulla Pillai. Carey Cook was recommended by the I&CPS Nominating Committee and has acknowledged he will have the support of his company. Ms. Pillai has regretfully been forced to resign for health reasons. / Peterson
2.0 / Action Items
2.1 / Action Items from Consent Agenda as detailed in 2.1.1-2.1.4:
Approved unanimously.
2.1.1 / Approval of minutes from Dec. 2005 IAS Board Meeting / Nondahl
2.1.2 / Motion to establish a formal (non-voting) position on the IAS Executive Board for a representative from the Power Engineering Society.
Purpose – Formalize the existing PES/IAS liaison arrangement so the PES liaison to the IAS Executive Board formally appears in the IAS organizational documents and charts. / Halpin
2.1.3 / Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the Ninth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2006) to be held in Nagasaki, Japan from November 20-23, 2006.
Background: The IAS has had in-cooperation status for ICEMS in both 2004 and 2005. A signed MOU is attached. / Nelms
2.1.4 / Motion to approve technical co-sponsorship of the PCIC Europe technical conference to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from June 7-9, 2006.
Background: This is the third PCIC Europe conference. Technical co-sponsorship is recommended by the PCIC, and members of the PCIC will be involved in the organization of this conference. / Nelms
2.2 / Motion to approve a conference loan of $18,700 for the 2007 PCIC conference to be held in September 17-19, 2007 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Approved unanimously / Nelms
3.0 / Committee Reports
3.1 / Nominating
Verbal Report / Peterson
3.2 / Financial Planning / Lequesne
3.3 / Long Range Planning / Nondahl
3.4 / Constitution & Bylaws
Verbal Report and solicitation of changes / Peterson
3.5 / Intersociety Cooperation / Magyar
3.6 / Electronic Communication / Lloyd
3.7 / Ad Hoc Committee 2009 IAS Annual Meeting Planning
Verbal Report / Nondahl
4.0 / Staff Department Reports
4.1 / Awards / Skorek
4.2 / Chapters & Membership
No Report / Kulkarni
4.3 / Education / Sottile
4.4 / Meetings / Nelms
4.5 / Publications / Weaver
4.6 / Standards / Hittel
5.0 / Operating Department Reports
5.1 / Process Industries / Reid
5.2 / Manufacturing Systems Development & Application / Rubaai
5.3 / Industrial & Commercial Power Systems
Verbal Report / Cook
5.4 / Industrial Power Conversion Systems / Lukaszewski
6.0 / Officer’s Reports
6.1 / Division II Director / Lorenz
6.2 / President / Floyd
6.3 / President-Elect / Halpin
6.4 / Vice-President / Nondahl
6.5 / Treasurer / Lequesne
7.0 / Old Business
8.0 / New Business
8.1 /
Motion to approve modification of section 3.63.6 of the IAS Policies and Procedure Manual
3.63.6 Conference Policies
Share in Surplus or Deficit from IAS ConferenceFinancially and operationally participating local IEEE entities may provide 33% or less of the total advance funding for a specific conference. Any surplus after return of the advances will be prorated to the joint sponsors in accordance with the percentage contribution made to the total advance. Should losses occur, making full recovery of the advances by the sponsors impossible, partial recovery will be afforded by prorating the loss against the advances in terms of the percent contribution respective to the total advance. In no case will a local entity be liable for any operational losses exceeding the amount of the advance.
The co-sponsorship agreement between the IEEE Industry Applications Society Conference Chair and the Chair of the IEEE local entity shall follow the Memorandum of Understanding Form contained in the IEEE Technical Meetings Organization Manual, except that the maximum advance allowed from the local entity is33%.
Operationally, but not financially, participating local IEEE entities may receive up to 20% of the surplus for a specific conference. The recommendation for the percentage of the surplus must be made by a representative of the IAS entity sponsoring the specific conference and may not be made by a representative of the local IEEE entity. The IAS Meetings Department Chair and the Society Treasurer must approve the recommendation.
Approved unanimously. / Nelms
9.0 / Closing Remarks / Floyd
10.0 / Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. / Weaver
Final Agenda
Revised Feb 9, 2006