Review for Common Assessment and for Tone/Mood Test

19 multiple choice

1 Short Answer paragraph

Based on objectives, all of your questions should be reading questions.

  1. Take your time.
  2. Use a dictionary to look up any words you don’t know, either in the passages or in the questions.
  3. Tips for the SA question:
  • First sentence- include the author’s name, the title of the piece, and answer the question. The answer to the question will be an opinion.
  • Second sentence- Provide a piece of text evidence (quotation). Before you write the quote, include a signal phrase such as The narrator claims,The author writes, Joe argues, etc.
  • Third + sentence(s)- Provide commentary. The commentary should explain the connection between your quote and your opinion. How does the quotation prove that your opinion is correct?
  • Don’t use first person.
  • Look over your dialectical journal directions. That’s a great way to write a SA response.
  1. Mood/Tone
  • You won’t be allowed to use your list of tone/mood words, but you are able to look up the meaning s of your multiple choice answers in the dictionary.
  • Be prepared to justify WHY you are selecting that mood/tone. What words/phrases create the mood/tone?

Ex. What is the author’s tone toward the cat?

The Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore:

When you let him in, then he wants to be out;

He’s always on the wrong side of every door,

And as soon as he’s at home, then he’s like to get about.

He likes to lie in the bureau drawer,

But he makes such a fuss if he can’t get out.

Yes the Rum Tum Tugger is a curious cat-

And it isn’t any use for you to doubt it:

For he will do

As he will do

And there’s no doing anything about it!


What words and phrases help you identify the tone?

Ex. What is the mood in the following excerpt?

As I reached for the porch to steady myself, there was a sense of quiet movement in the darkness. The moon slid from its dark covers, cloaking the earth in a shadowy white light, and I could see Mr. Morrison clearly, moving silently, like a jungle cat, from the side of the house to the road, a shotgun in his hand.

-Mildred D. Taylor, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

What words and phrases helped you identify the mood?

You will have a mood/tone test on Thursday. You don’t need to memorize. You will be allowed to use your tone/mood notes. You will have questions similar to those above.