Humber Valley Village JMS
Principal: Mrs. R. Barone-PaceSchool Office: 416.394.7860
Trustee: Mr. C. Glover, Superintendent: Ms. S. Winter
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Principal’s Message
The arrival of October marks a new season. Our students have settled nicely into their classroom and school routines.
We continue to work alongside our schoolcommunity to build partnerships that will focus on nurturing our school community, improve student learning and achievement, as well as build capacity to lead and learn. As we work together to ensure our children’s success, we enjoy a shared purpose of helping our children grow intellectually, emotionally and socially. By working as a team with your support and co-operation we can accomplish the goals we set out for your children.
October will be yet another busy month here at HVV.
I would like to begin by acknowledging the committed and caring staff at HVV. October 5th is Teacher Appreciation Day……and we appreciate them every day.
Good luck to our Cross Country team at the cross-country meet on October 13th.Our junior and senior slo-pitch baseball teams will participate in tournaments this month. New to HVV is our Touch Football team. We look forward to hosting our first tournament on October 24th.Thank you to all the staff for their commitment to coaching and to all parent volunteers. Go Grizzlies!
October is also a time to be thankful and celebrate our blessings. On behalf of the staff of Humber Valley,we wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Have an enjoyable celebration with family and friends. Please note that the school will be closed on Monday, October 10th for Thanksgiving Monday.
Mrs. Barone-Pace
Photo Day –Wednesday, OCTOBER 5TH
Our photographer will be here on October 5th to take all class and individual student photographs. Mark your calendars with this important date. Once the proofs arrive back at the school, we will send them home.
Let’s Explore Mathematics
One of our focus areas this year will continue to be developing numeracy skills and and understanding. Please see below for some wonderful websites that support your child’s learning.
Encourage your child to explore Mathematics by visiting Mathies at . This site is designed for Ontario K-12 students and parents. It has a variety of games, learning tools, activities, additional supports and parent information. Let’s all have fun playing with numbers!
Some additional useful parent sites are:
Terry Fox Run/Walk
Our Terry Fox Walk, held on Friday, September 30th, was a great success! The students and staff enjoyed walking and running around our schoolyard. Thank you to Mrs. Santin, Mrs. Marzoccoand Mrs. Sikorski for organizing this veryimportant annual charitable fundraiser. We are so proud of the work our students and staff have done to support such a worthy cause in memory of one of our Canadian Heroes.
Orange Shirt Day
Phyllis Webstad, a member of the Stswecem'c Xgat'tem First Nation in British Columbia, was forced to attend St. Joseph's Mission Residential School, as her relatives before her. She entered the school in 1973 wearing a brand new orange shirt which was immediately confiscated by the staff and replaced with a uniform. She never saw the shirt again, and began to associate the colour with the traumatic experiences in the school and the loss of language and cultural identity she suffered.
In 2013, Webstad transformed her negative experiences into something positive by creating a Nationally recognized Orange Shirt Day. Celebrated annually on September 30th, this day acknowledges the residential school system in Canada, honours those who survived, and remembers those who didnot. It is a day to demonstrate, by wearing orange, that all students matter.
Ultimately, wearing orange shirts on 30 Septemberis a visual reminder of our shared past as Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada, and provides an opportunity for dialogue between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in shaping our shared future
Student of the Month
The character trait recognized for September was Respect: Respect helps us build positive relationships, succeed in school and in life and understand that we are all connected. Congratulations to our recipients.
The trait for October: Responsibility
HVV Web Site
Please visit our web site and stay connected with what is going on at our school at:
Me to We
On Wednesday, October 19tha group of our students will be participating in ME TO WE DAY. We look forward to a day full of inspiration and hope. Our Me to We committee looks forward to working together, alongside our school community to help make both local and global change. Together “we can change the world.”
Grade 8 Info Night
Information Night for grade 8 parents will be on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 6:30 p.m. Details of items for discussion will follow at a later date.
Safe Arrival Program
If your child will be absent from school for any reason, please call the Safe Arrival line at 416-394-7866 before 8:30 a.m. of the day of absence. Please leave details of the absence on the voicemail. This will reassure the school that your child is safe. If a student is absent, an automated call-out system will contact a parent if we have not been notified.
ANAPHYLAXIS ALERT: Allergen-Aware Environment
Please take special note that we have children in our school who have serious, life-threatening allergies to tree nuts, peanuts, all nut/peanut products, seafood products and dairy. Students should not bring any food items to school containing these allergens.
Walking to and from School
Please review basic safety rules with your child. Following safe traffic rules, walking in groups with other children and calling parents upon arrival at home or at a friend’s house are all important reminders.
Virtual Library…from Ms. Schaub
The TDSB's Virtual Library is an online goldmine of resources. Your child will be getting a list of passwords that will give your family access to thousands of dollarsworth of encyclopaedias, databases, magazines, films and homework help. While at school your child does not require the passwords but at home he/she will need both user names and passwords to access these fabulous resources.
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Parent Council Update
2016/2017 Parent Council Elected
Thank you to those parents who participated in our elections meeting on September 20th. It was great to meet the new parents.
Congratulations to the following parents who are voting members of the new council: Marisa DiBattista, Sandy Dietrich, Jennifer Federman, Mahitha Gokulanchandra, Kris Gordon, Victoria Heppell, Ted Kular, Karon (Ronnie) Leesui, Alison Lesiak, Iryna Lohazyak, Anika Mahmud, Karin Miskovsky, Paul Nusca, Karen Proctor, Rachel Shalit, Larry Toste, Ilona Umanets, Carolyn White.
The following council members will serve as the executive for the current school year: Co-Chairs: Victoria Heppell and Larry Toste; Treasurer: Karin Miskovsky; Secretary: Kris Gordon.
2016/2017 Parent Reps and Volunteers
Thank you to the following parents who have volunteered their time to be the parent reps for this school year:
Mrs. Ferguson (JK/SK): Kelly Bruneau
Mrs. O’Leary (JK/SK): Xiaozhu Chen, Rosemary Hatnay
Mrs. Malik (JK/SK): Marisa DiBattista
Mrs. Zaph (Grade 1): Shelley Toste
Mrs. Resendes (Grade 1/2): Erin Feasby
Mrs. Jayanetti (Grade 2/3): Elena Pankoff
Mrs. Santin (grade 2/3): Katerina Muchnik
Mr. Krupa (Grade 3/4): Alison Lesiak, Jenn Federman
Mrs. Venczel (Grade 4): Alex Coventry
Mr. Lekas (Grade 5): Sandy Dietrich, Lisa Falconer
Ms. Hallett (Grade 6A): Christine Munro, Michelle Lima
Ms. Legault (Grade 6B): Megan Harvey
Ms. Higgins (Grade 7): Michelle Lima
Ms. Schaub/Mr. Byun (Grade 7/8): Tammy Wiebeck, Ingrid McGaughey
Mr. Thompson (Grade 8): Christine Munro
Parent Council Meetings
Parent council meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm in the school library. We invite all parents to attend, as it is a great way to find out what is happening in the school. Our first parent council meeting will be October 5th. Babysitting will be available for this first meeting if requested by end of day Monday October 3rd. Please email to request babysitting. Subsequent meetings for this year will be on November 2ndand December 7th.
Pizza and Subway Lunches
Thank you to Lisa Falconer and Cheryl Thomas who have kindly agreed to coordinate the pizza lunches and subway lunches for both the Junior and Middle School Students again this year. Please remember to place your child’s lunch orders online using
Many parents have completed their orders for several months at a time (ie. October to December) and even for the entire school year! Lunchbox Orders is available to answer all your questions. If you prefer not to place your orders online, you may call Lunchbox Orders at 1 (877) 426-6860 and they will gladly place your order for you.
Please note that the cut-off time for placing or making changes to orders is 12:00pm (noon) on the Sunday prior to the pizza or subway lunch day.
Kidssentials Catering Service for Kids
Tired of making lunches, but still want your child to receive a fresh, nutritious, delicious, and affordable home-style meal? Take a break from packing lunch by ordering Kidssentials.Kidssentials catering is now serving lunch to the students and staff in our school every Tuesday. Kidssentials serves food fresh onsite with no pre-packaging of items that will get soggy or mushy. They mix and serve the hot food the same as you would at home.
- Meals contain only the highest quality ingredients and freshest produce
- 100% Nut Free facilities and products - menus include allergen-free entrées (gluten, soy, egg, sesame, seafood, and dairy free)
- Earth friendly - compostable & recyclable packaging and cutlery, and online/paperless ordering
- 5 entrée options per lunch date, including Halal, vegetarian and vegan options
- Healthy snacks and beverages are also available to order
To view the menu and to place your lunch order, go to Please note that meals are available by pre-order only. For more information about Kidssentials meals and any allergy related inquiries please contact Kidssentials directly. 905.855.1914, ,
QSP Magazine Subscriptions
The 2016 QSP Magazine Drive will kick off on Tuesday October 4th and will run until Wednesday October 19th.This is one of our biggest fundraising initiatives for the year, raising over $6000 last year! HVV earns an average of $10 profit from every item ordered.
There are many new items available for purchase this year in addition to your favourite magazine subscriptions. E-books, gifts, wrap, plants, jewellery and more! Go online to to see the complete selection and to place an order. Students must register on the site with their new teacher's name before they start soliciting orders.Our school ID # is 3721800 or just type in "Humber Valley Village School”.
We have some great prizes this year to reward our sellers! For every 2 items sold (magazines or gifts) the seller will receive a fun and functional Snifty Pencil. Available in a variety of different scents, each pencil comes with a chance to win an additional Mystery Bag prize. Golden Tickets have been included inside the tubes of select pencils indicating an “Instant Win”. The more items sold, the more pencils received and the greater your chance of winning a mystery prize! The top selling class will win an ice cream party for the class and the top selling family will be awarded Front Row Seating at either our Spring Middle School Concert or Winter Holiday Concert! If you have any questions about the QSP campaign, please contact Kris Gordon at .
Art In Action Pay-Per-Service Program
Do you want to make your own great works of art? JoinArt in Actionfor a brandnewfall program!
Art in Action believes that children have a natural artistic expression to be discovered and developed.We are focused on sparking that creativity through inspiring visual art projects.
Register now begin Wednesday October 5th and the cost is $135.00 for an 8-week session.
Classes will be held from 3:30-4:30 at Humber Valley School for grades 1-8. Students will create their own works of art with a new project each week. Please contact us ith any questions.
Chess Club
Chess Club session are designed for students in grades 1-8 and run from 3:30-4:30pm Thursdays beginning on Thursday October 6th until December 8th. The cost of the program is $130 for 10 weeks.
Register online at Contact the Chess institute if you have any questions.
HVV Pumpkin Patch
The Grade 8s are having a pumpkin patch fundraiser on Thursday, October 20th from 3:15-6:00 p.m. at HVV in conjunction with our Fall Fair. Please come support our graduating Grade 8 students and buy your Halloween pumpkins at HVV! Pumpkins will be sold by donation for HVV’s Class of 2017 (the suggested minimum donation is $5-10/pumpkin, cash only please). This event is made possible through the generous support of Paul Nusca, Royal Lepage.
HVV Fall Fair
We are planning a Fall Fair for all HVV students, families and friends on Thursday October 20th from 4:00pm-6:30pm. There will be some old-fashioned games, races and team competitions, a cake walk and a BBQ but we need YOUR help to make it happen. This is a great way to kick off the school year by getting together as a community for some fun in the outdoors before the cold sets in! If we do not get enough volunteers however, we may have to cancel. So please donate your time for this fun, after-school event! Please email if you can help organize the event and/or help out during the event.
HVV Jr School Halloween Dance
Our first school dance for JK-Grade 5 will be held on Friday October 28th from 6:00-8:30pm. Pizza will be served at 6:00pm, pre-ordering required. Details to follow.
Do you have a passion for music? We are looking for a parent, or maybe a high school student or neighbour with a large music collection appropriate for a junior school dance who would be willing to put together a playlist that the kids can dance to all night long. If you are able to help, please contact Natasa () or Shelley ().
Winter Clothing Drive
Our annual winter clothing drive will take place during the week of October 24th-28th. As you start to sort through your winter clothing items, please put aside gently used winter coats, boots and accessories that will help families in need of warm essentials.A drop-off location will be set up inside the main school doors. If you would like to volunteer to assist with the clothing drive please email us at .
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