Chair’s introduction
Martin Charter
Director, The Centre for Sustainable Design, University for the Creative Arts
Plenary sessions (am)
Current sustainable design initiatives
- What sustainable design initiatives are there?
- What are their aims?
- How will they help?
- What future initiatives are needed?
Chris Sherwin
Head of Innovation, Forum for the Future
How standards can help you implement sustainable design
- How standards can help you now
- New initiatives in standards for design and innovation
- Priorities for the future
Dan Palmer
Head of Market Development – Manufacturing and Services, BSI British Standards
What is sustainable design? Terminology and metrics
- What is sustainable design?
- Does it mean different things to different people?
- When does a product or service stop being sustainable?
- Is there a need for common terminology? - What can be done to improve the sustainability of products and services?
- Can we apply certain principles or techniques during the design process. - What metrics can we use to indicate levels of sustainability?
- Footprinting and life cycle assessment
- But what about the social aspects and how do we decide upon the trade-offs between social, economic and environmental?
Simon Cordingley
Director, Compass Professional Development
Changing consumer behaviour through design
- Is designing sustainably enough? Do we need to go further?
- How can we design sustainable behaviour?
Dr Tracy Bhamra
Reader in Sustainable Design & Research Coordinator, Department of Design & Technology, Loughborough University
The importance of a life cycle approach to design – how the changing climate, economy, new business models and stakeholder’s concerns affect design
- The need for a life-cycle approach to design
- Climate change
- Resource availability and energy supply
- Economic constraints
- Stakeholder pressures
- Turning challenges into opportunities for design
Leigh Holloway
Co-founder and Director, Eco³
Discussion session: Educating and training designers, what needs to be done?
- How can existing designers be educated in sustainable design?
- What about future generations?
- Where are the jobs for sustainable designers?
Additional panellists include:
Lesley Morris,
Head of Design Skills, Design Council
Jenni Rosser,
Head of Cleaner Design, Envirowise
Product design / Stream 2: Packaging design / Stream 3:
Service design / Stream 4: Communication design
Case study – Implementing BS 8887Design for remanufacture and reuse
- Introduction to BS 8887
- Key principles for the design process
- Case study:Meos G2 design for remanufactureproject
Casper Gray
Director, Wax RDC
David Parker
Head of Manufacturing, Centre for Remanufacturing and Reuse
Case study – No green bull. How Orangebox have implemented sustainability into their design process
- Experiences of embedding sustainable design in a medium sized company
- Taking responsibility and creating agents for change
- The importance of transparent internal and external communication
- Closing the loop through sustainable design, cradle to cradle thinking and applying end-of-life strategies
- The environmental agenda is the business agenda and sustainable design is good design
Dr Frank O’connor
Director, Ecodesign Centre
Luke Palmer
Product Designer, Orangebox / Packaging’s contribution to sustainability
- What needs to be done to improve the packaging supply chain?
- What needs to happen to improve recovery of materials and energy from used packaging?
- How manufacturers and retailers can help consumers live more sustainably
Jane Bickerstaffe
Director, INCPEN (Industry Council for Packaging & the Environment)
Case study – HowBoots is implementing sustainability into the design of their packaging
- Product journeys - understanding the role packaging plays in product sustainability
- Embedding sustainability into your NPD process - a journey of learning
- Balancing life cycle considerations with brand values
- Linking packaging and product design to deliver more sustainable products
- The next step of the journey - challenges for the future
Andrew Jenkins
Sustainable Development Manager - Products, Boots UK Limited / The future of sustainable services
- Services, behviour change and low carbon living
-Low carbonservice innovation - some current and concept case studies
-Using future scenarios as a service design tool
- How can we get to a low carbon world?
Fiona Bennie
Seniorsustainability advisor, Forum for the Future
Case study - BS 8901 best practice at One Wimpole Street
- Why we chose BS 8901 (Sustainable event
management system)
- The process of implementation
-What we gained
- Hindsight and review
Craig Wallace
Conference and Events Manager, One Wimpole Street / Discussion session: The need for appropriate guidelines in communication design
- What do designers need?
- Where can this guidance come from?
- Is there currently guidance out there?
- How do you embed sustainability in your practice?
How do you embed sustainability in your practice?
- Get your house in order/ greening up the design studio
- Outputs: print
- The environmental impacts (energy,
waste, water, chemicals, ink etc)
- Outputs: paper
- Environmental impacts of paper
- What you can do about it
- Is digital more green?
- Environmental impacts of the digital
output of design
- ‘Cradle to cradle’ thinking in the design process
Sophie Thomas
Co-founder, Three Trees Don’t Make A Forest
Nat Hunter
Co-founder, Three Trees Don’t Make A Forest
Caroline Clark
Co-founder, Three Trees Don’t Make A Forest
Plenary sessions
Discussion session: How can different sectors work together to improve sustainable design?
- What are the common issues?
- What guidance/standards do graphic designers need?
Sustainable design in brief: Embedding sustainability in the design brief and how can you persuade clients of the need for sustainable design and win business in a recession
- Context
- Designer’s must persuade themselves
- When should you persuade?
- How to persuade the client?
- Elements to include in the brief
- Common pitfalls
Casper Gray
Director, Wax RDC