Portola Middle School

Room 104


Ms. Jennifer Geidel

Phone: (818) 654-3300

Class Website:

Course Objective:

Students will be taught according to the 6th Grade Mathematics California Content Standards. The website is:

Classroom Expectations:

  1. The student is expected to be in his/her seat by the time the tardy bell rings in order to be on time. Tardies will affect the cooperation grade.
  2. The student is expected to copy the classwork and homework into their agenda book as soon as class begins. There will be random agenda checks during homeroom. We will be checking for parent signatures AND that every agenda was written every day for every period.
  3. The student is expected to bring all necessary supplies to class everyday. This will affect the work habits grade.
  4. The student is expected to be respectful and responsible during class. This will affect the cooperation and work habits grade.
  5. The student is expected not to cheat. Do not copy anyone’s work or let someone copy your work. This is considered cheating and will result in both students receiving a zero, a parent letter sent home, a referral to the counselor, possible class suspension, and multiple days of lunch detention.
  6. When absent the student is expected to see what they missed by calling at least three study buddies and checking the Portola website before asking the teacher.
  7. When absent the student is expected to make-up the classwork, homework, notes, or any other information they missed. Please write ABSENT at the top of the paper when you turn it into the teacher. Absences do not excuse missed work. If it is an excused absence, the student will have the number of days they were absent to make up the work they missed. If the absence is not excused the student will receive a zero for all work they missed.The student is expected to make up any tests or quizzes when they come back to school. DO NOT attach a late slip if the assignment is turned in due to an excused absence within the allotted time. If the allotted time has passed, the assignment is late (please refer to the late policy).
  8. Late work is accepted but will only be given ¾ credit (75%) for the assignment if turned in ONE day late. Please write LATE at the top of the paper and staple a late slip signed by a parent to the front if it is only ONE day late. Anything more than a day late will be given a zero. Please write MORE THAN ONE DAY LATE at the top of the paper and attach a late slip signed by a parent. By turning in a paper more than one day late it will get rid of the "missing assignment" in my grade book and improve your work habits grade. NEVER turn in absent / late work into a substitute. You may not turn in a late assignment if the assignment has been graded and passed back to the class.
  9. Any paper turned into the teacher without the ABSENT and/or LATE note at the top will be considered a zero. All “no name” papers will be considered a missing assignment and a zero.
  10. The student is expected to write neatly. Illegible or sloppy work will not be graded.

Recommended Materials:

  • A PURPLEcomposition notebook (for your math notes)
  • A PURPLEpocket folder (for graded papers ONLY)
  • A Math Homework pocket folder (any color – for homework ONLY)
  • Pencil pouch/box
  • White loose-leaf notebook paper
  • 2 pencils (mechanical pencils need lead refills)
  • A good big eraser
  • 2 red pens for grading
  • 2 black and/or blue pens
  • Tape white-out (NO liquid white-out allowed on campus)
  • Mini stapler with staples

Grades:Grading Scale:

A = 90.0% or aboveTests and Quizzes = 70% of Grade

B = 80.0% - 89.9%Homework = 10% of Grade

C = 70.0% - 79.9%Classwork = 20% of Grade

D = 60.0% - 69.9%

Fail = 59.9% or below

Work Habits:

E = Excellent / S = Satisfactory / U = Unsatisfactory
Homework / Student turned in all homework / Student has turned in most homework / Student has turned in very little homework
Classwork / Student turned in all classwork / Student has turned in most classwork / Student has turned in very little classwork
Supplies / Student comes everyday with all necessary supplies / Student comes most of the time with the necessary supplies / Student hardly ever comes with the necessary supplies


E = Excellent / S = Satisfactory / U = Unsatisfactory
Absences / Student has all absences excused / Student has only 1 or 2 absences not excused / Student has more than 2 absences not excused
Tardies / Student has been tardy 0-1 time / Student has been tardy 2 times / Student has been tardy 3 times
Behavior / Student shows Excellent behavior (i.e. raises hand to speak, starts assignments readily, eager to learn) / Student shows Satisfactory behavior (i.e. sometimes talks, sometimes ready to learn) / Student shows Unsatisfactory behavior (i.e. talks too much, gets out of seat without permission, disruptive)

Syllabus for Math

Please tear off this last page and return it to Ms. Geidel.

The STUDENT should have the first page with them at all times for their reference.

By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the guidelines in this syllabus.

Student Name (printed) ______Period ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

(Only one parent signature is required but both are appreciated!)