

Secretariat:ANSI (Administered by API)

Chairman:Austin Freeman ()


2601 Beltline Road

Carrollton, Texas 75006


Tel: + 1 972 418-3982

Fax: + 1 972 418-3728


Secretary:Ed Baniak ()

American Petroleum Institute
1220 L Street NW
Washington, DC 20005

Tel: + 1 202 682-8135
Fax: + 1 202 962-4797

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of ISO/TC 67/SC 4 is as follows:


WG 1Drilling equipment ANSI (Mr. D. Lewis)

WG 2Drilling well control equipment ANSI (Mr. M. Grépinet)

WG 3Wellhead and Christmas tree equipmentNEN (Mr. R. Langereis)

WG 4Production equipmentNEN (Mr. E. Dijkhuis)

WG 6Subsea equipmentNSF (Mr. J.H. Neuenkirchen)


ISO TC67/SC4 Report

Annex: Work Program – Currently Active and PublishedISO/TC 67/SC 4

Document / Year / Title (Includes “Petroleum and natural gas industries…) / Related Docs|Cen Info / Dates/Comments / Project Leader

Workgroup 1 – Drilling Equipment David Lewis, convenor ()

10407 / 1993 / Drilling and production equipment - Drill stem design and operating limits / API RP 7G | CEN/TC 12 WI 4
10407-1 / 1993 / Rotary drilling equipment - Part 1: Drill stem design and operating limits / API RP 7G | CEN/TC 12 WI 92 / CD comment period opens 2005-01-10, terminated 2005-04-11. DIS in preparation. Will use OGP for editing. SC4 Resolution 20 (Delft, 2009).
ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Chairman to follow up with the WG1 convenor to action the three ISO standards that are currently on the ISO warning list: ISO DIS 13534, ISO DIS 13535 and ISO NP 10407-1. / Chris North
10407-2 / 2008 / Rotary drilling equipment - Part 2: Inspection and classification of drill stem elements / API RP 7G-2 | CEN/TC 12 WI 93
10424-1 / 2004 / Rotary drilling equipment - Part 1: Rotary drill stem elements / API Spec 7-1 | CEN/TC 12 WI 121
10424-2 / 2007 / Rotary drilling equipment - Part 2: Threading and gauging of rotary shouldered threaded connections / API Spec 7-2 | CEN/TC 12 WI 122
13534 / 2000 / Drilling and production equipment -Inspection, maintenance, repair and remanufacture of hoisting equipment / API RP 8B | CEN/TC 12 WI 35 / DIS ballot circulated 2008-02-28, closed 2008-07-23 SC4 Resolution 20 (Delft, 2009). ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Chairman to follow up with the WG1 convenor to action the three ISO standards that are currently on the ISO warning list: ISO DIS 13534, ISO DIS 13535 and ISO NP 10407-1. / Alf Aker

13535 / 2000 / Drilling and production equipment - Hoisting equipment / API Spec 8C | CEN/TC 12 WI 36 / DIS Ballot circulated 2008-02-24, closed 2008-07-23 SC4 Resolution 20 (Delft, 2009). ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Chairman to follow up with the WG1 convenor to action the three ISO standards that are currently on the ISO warning list: ISO DIS 13534, ISO DIS 13535 and ISO NP 10407-1. / Alf Aker

13626 / 2003 / Drilling and production equipment - Specification for drilling and well-servicing structures / API Spec 4F | CEN/TC 12 WI 51
14693 / 2003 / Drilling and well-servicing equipment / API Spec 7K | CEN/TC 12 WI 100

Workgroup 2 – Drilling Well Control Equipment Michel Grépinet, Convenor ()

13533 / 2001 / Drilling and production equipment - Drill through equipment / API Spec 16A | CEN/TC 12 WI 39
TECH CORR 1 / 2005 / Drilling and production equipment - Drill-through equipment - Technical Corrigendum 1
13624-1 / Drilling well control systems - Design and operation of marine drilling riser systems / API RP 16Q | CEN/TC 12 WI 49 / DIS ballot terminated 2007-10-24. FDIS accepted for processing on 2008-09-05 / Paul Stanton

TR 13624-2 / Drilling well control systems - Part 2: Applications of marine drilling riser system analysis / API RP 16Q / CDTR ballot terminated. Document approved for DTR on 2008-08-18 / Paul Stanton

13625 / 2002 / Drilling and production equipment - Marine drilling riser couplings / API Spec 16R | CEN/TC 12 WI 50 / See 13628-12 Below / Paul Stanton

22830 / Drilling and production equipment – Control systems for drilling well control equipment and diverter systems / API Spec 16D / NWI (N414) closed 2009-03-18 to reinstate project as CD. N435 Summary issued 2009-06-12 Publication target date 2010-12 / Frank Gallander

NEW / NEW / Drilling and production equipment – Shallow gas diverter equipment / API RP 64 / NWI (N417) closed on 2009-04-30 N438 Issued 2009-06-12 Publication target date 2010-12 / Bill Carbaugh

Workgroup 3 – Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment Ries Langereis, Convenor ()

10423 / 2003 / Drilling and production equipment -Wellhead and Christmas tree equipment / API Spec 6A | CEN/TC 12 WI 158 / DIS ballot circulated 2008-04-11, closed 2008-09-11. FDIS in preparation. Submitted for FDIS ballot 2009-July / Ries Langereis

Workgroup 4 – Production Equipment Bert Dijkhuis, Convenor ()

10417 / 2004 / Subsurface safety valve systems - Design, installation, operation and redress / API RP 14B | CEN/TC 12 WI 6
10428 / 1993 / Sucker rods (pony rods, polished rods, couplings and sub-couplings) - Specification / API Spec 11B | CEN/TC 12 WI 15 / DIS ballot circulated 2007-10-17, terminated 2008-03-18. FDIS in preparation. Project leader has advised he is stopping work on the item. Proposed DIS in 2007 and FDIS in 2008. Document withdrawn as ISO project (SC4 report, Delft, 2009-05-19).
SC4 Resolution 10 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that ISO CS allow ISO 10428 document to remain active and extend the current timeline by 1 year due to the global business needs for these products. / Benny Williams

10431 / 1993 / Pumping units - Specification / API Spec 11E | CEN/TC 12 WI 16 / DIS ballot initiated 2006-10-26, terminated 2007-03-26. FDIS completed but lacks correct metric units. API Spec 11E issued based on FDIS without metric units. Proposed FDIS 2007. Document withdrawn as ISO project(SC4 report, Delft, 2009-05-19).
SC4 Resolution 11 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that the 10431 project be reinstated with 1 year remaining timeline to finish up the calculations for the gear box chapter and move to publication [for parallel action, see Resolution 21].
SC4 Resolution 21 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 supports the NWIP submitted by China concerning double circular arc gear reducers; work on the implementation of the introduction of the new Annex associate with this NWIP shall proceed in parallel with the publication of ISO 10431 [see Resolution 11]. / David Doyle

10432 / 2004 / Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety valve equipment / API Spec 14A | CEN/TC 12 WI 139
14310 / 2008 / Downhole equipment - Packers and bridge plugs / API 11D1 | CEN/TC 12 WI 95
15136-1 / 2001 / Progressing cavity pump systems for artificial lift -- Part 1: Pumps / API 11D2 (prop’d) | CEN/TC 12 WI 80 / DIS ballot circulated, terminates 2008-11-28. FDIS was sent to ISO/CS on 2009-06-02 / Shauna Noonan
15136-2 / 2006 / Progressing cavity pumps systems for artificial lift - Part 2: Surface drive systems / API 11D3 | CEN/TC 12 WI 109
16070 / 2005 / Downhole equipment - Lock mandrels and landing nipples / API 14L | CEN/TC 12 WI 162
17078-1 / 2004 / Drilling and production equipment - Part 1: Side-pocket mandrels / API Spec 11VI | CEN/TC 12 WI 117
17078-2 / 2007 / Drilling and production equipment – Part 2: Flow control devices for side-pocket mandrels / API Spec 11VI | CEN/TC 12 WI 118
17078-3 / NEW / Drilling and production equipment – Part 3: Latches and related tools for side-pocket mandrels / CEN/TC 12 119 / Document approved for publication 2009-03-25 / Wayne Mabry

17078-4 / NEW / Drilling and production equipment -Part 4: Practices for side-pocket mandrels and related equipment / DIS ballot circulated 2008-03-20, terminated 2008-08-22. FDIS in preparation. FDIS should be at the end of June 2009 (2009 NC meeting, Denver). / Wayne Mabry

17824 / NEW / Downhole equipment - Sand control screens / DIS ballot circulated 2008-06-01, terminated 2008-10-30. Accepted for FDIS processing on 2009-02-23. Two week review on 2009-04-07 / George Gillespie

28781 / NEW / Downhole equipment - Subsurface tubing mounted formation barrier valves and related equipment / CD ballot circulated 2008-02-26, closed 2008-05-26. Accepted for DIS processing on 2009-03-13. DIS Ballot issued on 2009-03-26 / David McCalvin

Workgroup 6 – Subsea Equipment Jen-Henrik Neuenkirchen, convenor ()

13628-1 / 2005 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 1: General requirements and recommendations / API Spec 17A | CEN/TC 12 WI 141 / NWI (N421) for document revisions submitted 2009-03-27 and closes 2009-06-27 / André Maerli

AMENDMENT 1 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 1: General requirements and recommendations- Amendment 1 / API Spec 17A | CEN/TC 12 WI 141 / For Revision to Clause 6 - Draft Amendment 1 sent to ballot 2007-10-28, terminated 2008-04-01. Drafting of ISO 21457 has rendered much of this amendment possibly obsolete. Once 21457 passed the DIS phase, this document will be re-visited. New DIS Ballot closed 2009-04-01 / André Maerli

AMENDMENT 2 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 1: General requirements and recommendations- Amendment 2 / API Spec 17A | CEN/TC 12 WI 141 / Revision to Annex L - Draft Amendment 2 sent to ballot 2007-10-28. terminated 2008-04-01. Drafting of ISO 21457 may impact this document. Assessment currently underway. New DIS Ballot closed 2009-04-01 / André Maerli

13628-2 / 2006 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 2: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications / API Spec 17J | CEN/TC 12 WI 159
TECH CORR 1 / 2009 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 2: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine applications
13628-3 / 2000 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 3: Through flow line (TFL) systems / API RP 17C | CEN/TC 12 WI 40
13628-4 / 1999 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 4: subsea wellhead and tree equipment / API Spec 17D | CEN/TC 12 WI 160 / 2nd DIS Ballot Closed 2009-02-06. In comment resolution phase now. Comments resolved. FDIS proposed for 2009-July. / G. Ross Frazer

13628-5 / 2002 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 5: Subsea Umbilicals / API 17E / Approved for FDIS on 2008-11-28. FDIS in preparation. / Ron Dee

13628-6 / 2006 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 6: Subsea production control systems / API Spec 17F | CEN/TC 12 WI 145 / NWI (N422) submitted for revision of document on 2009-03-27 and closes on 2009-06-27 / Roald Loug Hansen

13628-7 / 2005 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 7: Workover/Completion riser systems / API RP 17G / NWI (N416) Submitted for next revision closed 2009-04-29. Will consider intervention control issues in next revision. N437 Summary issued 2009-06-12. Publication Target Date 2010-12
NWI for Tech Corrigendum to be issued / Anthony Muff

13628-8 / 2002 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 8: Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) interfaces on subsea production systems / API RP 17H / NOTE:
TECH CORR 1 / 2005 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 8: Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) interfaces on subsea production systems / API RP 17H / NOTE:
13628-9 / 2000 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 9: Remotely operated tool (ROT) intervention system / API RP 17M, NORSOK U-CR-007 / NOTE:
13628-10 / 2005 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 10: Specification for bonded flexible pipe / API 17K | CEN/TC 12 WI 165
13628-11 / 2007 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 11: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine riser applications / API RP 17B | CEN/TC 12 WI 166 (VA)
TECH CORR 1 / 2008 / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 11: Flexible pipe systems for subsea and marine riser applications
13628-12 / NEW / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 12: Dynamic production risers / API RP 2RD, 1st, June 1998 / Related to 13625 (WG2) above. New Project Approved 2007-09-12. SC4 Resolution 12 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests WG6 submit 13628-12 directly to DIS.
SC4 Resolution 16 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that ISO CS extend the current timeline by 1 year for 13628-12 and 13628-13 due to the global business needs for these products. / Paul Stanton

13628-13 / NEW / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 13: Remotely operated tools and interfaces on subsea production systems / API RP 17H (Prop’s) Note: 17H number to be retained for this doc / Will replace 13628-8 and 13628-9 when published New Project Approved 2007-05-10.
SC4 Resolution 13 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests WG6 submit 13628-13 directly to DIS.
6) SC4 Resolution 14 (Delft, 2009): ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that ISO CS extend the current timeline by 1 year for 13628-12 and 13628-13 due to the global business needs for these products. / Eric Luzi

13628-15 / Design and operation or subsea production systems - Part 15: Subsea structures and manifolds / API RP 17P (Prop’d) / API Contract (2006-102560) source of work. Document completed. DIS Document Vote (N415) closed on 2009-04-14 N436 DIS summary issued 2009-06-12. / Olla Melland
Ross Frazer

13628-16 / NEW / Design and operation of subsea production systems – Part 16: Specification for flexible pipe ancillary equipment / API Spec 17L1 (Prop’d) / CD Vote (N419) closed 2009-01-09 / Krassimir Doynov

13628-17 / NEW / Design and operation of subsea production systems - Part 17: Recommended practice for flexible pipe ancillary equipment / API RP 17L2 (Prop’d) / CD Vote (N420) closed 2009-01-09 / Krassimir Doynov


ISO TC67/SC4 Report