The Meeting of Bretton Parish Council will be held on Tuesday22nd September 2015starting at 7.30 p.m. at Unit 3, Pyramid Shopping Centre, Bretton,

Public and Press are invited to attend and it is requested they are seated by 19.25 to ensure a prompt start to the meeting

Open Forum
Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies & noting of resignations received.
Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 28th July 2015 (MIN15-03)
Matters to reportrestricted to items not listed elsewhere in the agenda
To Co-opt 4 Councillors for North Bretton and 5 Councillors for South Bretton.
Reports from Committees and Representatives
60.1 / To note the Finance Committee meeting on the 1st September 2015 (Fin 15-01)
60.1.2 / To approve that an Expression of Interest Form is completed in relation to the Pyramid Community Centre once the centre is put out to tender
60.1.3 / To approve the granting of funds to Goldhay Arts
60.2 / To note GP Committee meeting on the 7th September 2015 (GP15-01)
60.2.2 / To consider the report from Chief Inspector Sissons and to approve the use of the funds from the A P F Deceased pot to fund advertising for Special Constables.
60.3 / To note the P&E Committee meetings on the 8th September (P&E 15.03) This meeting did not take place.
60.4 / To note the Festival Committee meeting on the 17th September 2015 (BCF 15-01)
60.5 / To receiveawritten report from any Councillor who has attended a meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.
60.6 / To receive a report from any Working Party.
To receive a report from the North and South Bretton City Councillors
Clerks Report and to note the present income and expenditure report
Appointment of Committee Members:
Festival Committee (3) Finance (1) P&E (3) and GP (4)
Planning applications:
15/01379/HH/FUL – two storey side and single storey front and rear extensions at 75 Dunsberry. Response by 16th September 2015
15/01336/FUL – car park extension, including revised parking layout and landscaping – Revised application at Aldi Superstore, Flaxland, Bretton. Response by 17th September 2015
15/01377/FUL –minor alterations to include new windows, increased size of mansard roof windows and formation of external waste storage compound at Haywood House, Rightwell East. Response by 22nd September 2015.
15/00845/FUL - Extension to form Library at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Primary School Tollgate.
To discuss the state of the road into Bretton Park and what we can do about it.(Cllr Cave)
To discuss the condition of communal car parks within Bretton and what we can do about this (Cllr Bennett)
To consider if any councillor wishes to undertake training in accordance with the Training Policy.
To consider the request for a grant from Middleton Primary School for software they require to operate a lending library.
To consider a request for a grant from Peterborough Chess Club for new equipment.
To consider the latest invoice from Peterborough City Council regarding the Service Charge for 2014-15
To consider how we can explain to residents that the damage caused and rubbish left about is costing them money to put right. (Cllr Liniovas)
To consider what action we can take to become more pro-active in relation to taking on some services from Peterborough City Council/Amey (Cllr Liniovas)
To consider the possible impact on Bretton if Refugees come to live here and what we can do to help then integrate in the community. (Cllr Liniovas)
To consider the use of Anti Climbing Paint or any other method to stop climbing onto the buildings at the Pyramid Centre (Cllr Bennett)
To consider whether or not we wish to enter into a contract to lease a black & white/colour printer, to replace the Samsung printer.
To confirm Expenditure
£294.00 – BusinessWatch UK Fire & Security Ltd (replace damaged rear camera )
£47.33 – DMH Solutions (LCRS Upgrade)
£259.10 – Greenbarnes Ltd (new door and polycarbonate glazing to damaged noticeboard)
£103.97 – Anglian Water (water rates)
£2048.44 – Peterborough City Council (service charge 2014-15)
£1962.38 – B M Champness (salary)
£989.67 – Cambridgeshire County Council (pension contributions)
£100.00 – Zoe Champness (cleaning Units 2 & 3)
£2304.49 – HMRC (PAYE & NI)
£3.58 – B M Champness (cleaning materials)
£34.00 – Jason Merrill (expenses to meetings)
[ ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed
Payments made by Debit Card –
Payments made by Direct Debit - £26.40 – BT (mobile charges)
Any other business – Reminder – by law no decision can be made under this item only information exchanged.
The date of the next meeting – to be held on Tuesday 27th October 2015at 7.30 p.m. at Unit 3, Pyramid Shopping Centre, Bretton, Peterborough.

Cut off time for the meeting is 21.30. Further information can be obtained from the Clerk using the details above

Signed…B M Champness (Clerk) Dated 16th September 2015

Bretton Parish Council Agenda for meeting 15/0422nd September 2015