Section 1—Activity One: Immigration/Emigration

Purpose: In this section students investigate immigration/emigration using The Library of Congress sit: Immigration the Changing Face of America. Students individually will review the site beforehand and note the important page features, including the featured immigrant groups. This activity includes both individual and group work

Standards Addressed:

For Teacher Candidates:

For Middle School Students: NETS 1, 3-6;

Time: 1-2 days


Internet access, computer, PowerPoint, LCD projector

Part 1: Questions for the individual site investigation for Immigration the Changing Face of America:

  1. Which 11 immigrant groups are included on the site?
  2. Which immigrant groups are missing from the site?
  3. Why do you think they are missing?
  4. What are the site's special features?
  5. What is your favorite feature on the page?
  6. Name one way in which this site might be used with middle grade students studying immigration to the United States or to some other country.

Part 2: Location of United States Immigration Site

Students will then locate and note one other Internet site that provides current immigration data for the United States. They will list three facts about current and past U.S. immigration on note cards and use them for discussion. Students may be assigned question for consideration for group discussion

  1. When and where did the biggest wave of immigration occur in the United States?
  2. Where did particular immigrant groups settle in the U.S.?
  3. How has immigration changed in 100 years?
  4. Which ethnic groups currently constitute the biggest wave of immigrants?
  5. What is your position on illegal immigrants? What is the United States’ position?
  6. How has 9/11 affected immigration?
  7. What requirements does an immigrant to the United need to meet in order to gain citizenship?

Part 3: Connecting the Immigrant Experience to Habibi

Students will then meet collectively to discuss and connect their findings to their reading of Habibi. As a group, students will develop a PowerPoint presentation focused on the universal experience of immigration and connected to their reading pages 1-48 of Habibi. Groups should include four to five students.

  1. The first slide should list the possible reasons for immigration to a new land.
  1. The second slide should list possible difficulties that an immigrant might enounter in a new land.
  2. Slide three should list the Abboud's family's reasons for immigrating to a new land, in this case, Israel/Palestine. (book connection)
  3. Slides four through seven, should list the difficulties each member of the Abboud family encounters as a result of immigration/emigration. (book connection)
  4. The remaining slide(s) should list suggestions for helping immigrants adapt to life in a new land.

Extension activities:

  1. Locate Israel/Palestine on a map.
  2. Why do people immigrate/emigrate there?
  3. Locate a site that contains immigration data for Israel.
  4. Make a list of things that might be done to help an immigrant adjust to life in your particular community.
  5. If you were emigrating to a new land, where would you go and why?

Assessment: Students will be assessed on the basis of their group share during discussions and the final production of a PowerPoint slide show.